Preserved Sheet Anerian Thulun

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Sep 4, 2021
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Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information

Full Name: Anerian Thulun
Age: 19.
Gender: Agender(female)
Race: Sihndar.
Sexuality: Bisexual

Inventory Information
  • An ornate copper-like pocket watch with a chrome key chain from their father.
  • A small shiv and lockpick.
  • Some worthless foreign currency used in their homeland.
  • A hip satchel containing some rope and wrapping tape.
  • Basic hiking gear.
Skill Information
Total point pool: 50 + 10 hobby points

  • Sword combat [+15+5 racial bonus]
  • Dagger Combat [+10]
  • light Ranged combat [+10]
  • Perception training [+10]

BUY-POINT. Roguery: ability [Rogue gift 4]

Hobby point: Drawing art[3 points], hunting art[5] cooking art[2].

Physical stat: 30
Body shape: Androgeonous build
low body fat.

  • Common.
  • Sihndar Altalar

    Special traits/mutations
Embrace of the spider queen [passive trait]
Embrace of Tainting [racial spell]
Dryder form [racial shift]

Chosen Lording of demand.
Lording of Ovolh [racial spell]

Visual information

Anerian is a youthful Sihndar standing at fairly short (for a Sihndar) of 5'6. Wearing all black hiking gear, they are typically seen with a crossbow and long sword, along with a hip satchel containing various survival equipment.

Eyes: Aqua blue.
Height: 5'6.
age: 19
Hair colour/style: Long white hair that drops a bit past their upper back with two thick locks framing their face. Typically Anerian holds their hair in a ponytail.

View attachment 176322
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
Anerian tends to have restrained but notable displays of happiness, through slight smiles, nods and in some cases audible humming. Only in the company of a close friend does Anerian express laughter or excessive gesticulations with their whole body.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Anerian would typically attempt to keep a stern front, but should fear ever overwhelm them they would likely shrink back, hide, run away to try and find a crowded to disappear into (primal safety in numbers instinct) or curl up into a ball to look less threatening. Even with probable cause Anerian would look back on such an event with great shame. What sort of Sihndar cowers in fear?!
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Anerian would attempt to remove themselves from that situation through productivity. e.g hunting, studying. Telltale signs of stress for Anerian would be, an inattentiveness to conversation, a disinterest in any sort of small talk or casual interaction with their friends and most notably, an excessive amount of writing into their ledger fro long periods. Typically an attempt to reflect on their current emotions.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Laws are what make society possible, even as one with a fairly liberal view on individual liberty a society with no oversight is anarchy, and anarchy invites corruption.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • The Sihndar could learn to be less rigid in the sort of lifestyles permitted. However by and large Anerian still believes the Sinhdar way of life is vastly more suited to combat inequality, misinfromation and violence. They often wonder why human kingdoms struggle so much with ensuring a trained and intelligent population. No doubt because their leaders are weak.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Anerian doesn't know how they feel towards their faith and the culture. Still only in their twenties, they of course have many less mature opinions but they try to have an open mind.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • If they can be used to help people and remove evil. It should be used
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Family is incredibly important to Anerian, though they don't always see eye to eye with their parents and adopted sibling they are fiercely protective and loving towards their immediate kin.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • With no doubt, their creativity and wit. Even from a young Age Anerian was far more predisposed towards understanding the body language of others than many of their peers. From careful yet efficient observation they can identify all the valuables in a room, as well as quickly come up with a plan and exit. Even if they would never actually resort to thievery.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Their Sihndar pride, their ancestors accomplished many great things. They shall as well (hopefully)
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Anerian, despite their collected exterior, is perhaps surprisingly not very thick skinned. A naturally introverted demeanor making it hard for them to really form strong bonds with others their age from childhood though this has become less of an issue as they grew older and more exposed. Not at all helping, this is their very rough and cursive handwriting caused by light form of dislexia that plagued them throughout most of their childhood. Being one who cares a great deal for how those within their community percieve them (specifically their immediate friends and family). Anerian constanly hides their journal within their pocket.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Being overlooked. Both of Anerian's parents are heavily respected for their bravery and service to the community from thier youth. The idea of not being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with those achievemnts at the same pace has bred something of a complex. Not at all helped by their cultures fairly reserved inexpressive nature.
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Neutral, without guiding principles society falls apart.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Logistician: Very solution-oriented and practical in their approach to issues. Don't hit it from the big picture, instead break it up into separate manageable chunk and build from there.
      Choose your Character's Religion
    • Anerian is a mostly a faithful believer in the teachings of the Spider queen.

Life story

Anerian was born and raised as a Sihndar of the Ma'ella tribe to parents who were as typical as you'd expect from Sihndar raised diplomatic heart and centre of Drowda. Both parents took an active part in their education, their father a tall, yet lanky fellow with a straight-faced yet sarcastic demeanor that wasn't beyond occasionally pranking them with false tests and occasional wild goose chases to find creatures that didn't exist. still they played an important role in schooling them in survivalism, athleticism and rudimentary but dependable forms of trail marking. Quite specifically schooling them in the art of beast hunting and tracking through the use of a limited sent of hunter tools of which the standard bow was the only weapon they were allowed to carry.

Their mother was a respected, educator and martial instructor with a strict no-nonsense attitude. She in large part instilled in Anerian a strong sense of discipline and time management. She would largely home school Anerian, ensuring they understood the Sihndar dialect and text on a very intimate level as well as all the subtleties that made it unique. Most importantly they trained Anerian in armed and unarmed combat.

As an Adult, Anerian traveled to the Regalian empire to find independence and share the good name of Thulun with the rest of the world.


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