Preserved Sheet Andrew O'neil Kirk

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I am crime man
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
We'll just say that they're insane.

Basic Information

Full Name: Andrew O'neil Kirk

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Alior (New Regalian)

Main Ambition: Continuing his job as a courier for the Kestrel Shipping Company



Skill Information

Proficiency Points: Total 24 (-10 School of Turall)

- +20 Sword (+10 School of Turall, +10 Points)

- + 14 Acrobatics (+10 School of Turall, + 4 Points)

- + 10 Dagger (+10 School of Turall)

- + 10 Unarmed Fighting (+10 Points)

Culture Points: Total 34

- +10 Ship Sailing

- +10 Instrumental Music

- +5 Cuisine Cooking

- +5 Tailoring

- +4 Drawing


Visual Information

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Curly and Messy, with a ponytail tied in the back. With short beard.

Skin Color: White

Clothing: Light Jackets and Boots, or Heavy Coats.

Height: 5' 11''

Body Build: Ripped

Weapon of Choice: A saber and short dagger


Personality and Abilities
First Paragraph: Both cunning and quick like a fox, but reserved whenever at work or social manners. You could see Andrew being an audacious host looking as he was bred to be royalty. But when stepped upon or out of business you can tell he changes into a witty and deviating person who is glad to get messy in any situation. If a guest or person where to see him they would perceive Andrew as a person of self-control or discipline. If a good friend of Andrew's were to talk about him, they would say one of the three words. Reckless, Quick, Excessive. You could compare it to salt water, It may look like fresh water but as you go to drink it you realize it's the complete opposite.

Second Paragraph: Andrew has high-spirits and is glad to be around. He has confidence in people and his friends and in himself is greater than usual. Andrew pushes his anxieties back to make effort for that extra confidence, if someone doesn't like it then we'll try harder the next time. Andrew won't take shit from anyone if they force it against him, ordering him as work is different, but letting someone walk on him is completely different. He has a great amount of self-respect and cares for himself. He sees himself as aged wine, every year we gain taste and flavor, every year we gain something we didn't the last year, either a rise in age or a rise in wealth it's more or less for him.

Third Paragraph: Andrew's family is his crew on the ship, they're like brothers and sisters to him. He's loose and calm around the group making him feel warm whenever he hears the hearty laugh of another shipmate. He's empathetic of their losses and virtues, becoming a helpful figure. Around strangers or unknown people, Andrew tries to get a dot on who they are before making his move. Andrew, mostly he bases a lot of reasoning on how the unknown person perceives other people, and how they look at their ethics or ethos and logos. He more comfortable with someone who is calm and relaxed and not outright in his face.

Fourth Paragraph: Morality for Andrew is in a neutral mix, a mix of sweet and bitter if you may, On one side, Andrew is grateful to help another person out, but is wary about who the person he is helping out, saying he'll take a certified cut of his own (Stealing) from the person Andrew doesn't like his work from. He likes seeing people succeed but would rather see himself succeed more.

Fifth Paragraph: Andrew has no care if Nobles have more than him, it's none of his business and he would rather focus on other problems than rallying to say that some people shouldn't be privileged. Focused on religion, Andrew has a mild opinion on it, he does believe in the afterlife and that there is a god but is lose about the rules following it and focuses and doesn't zone in on it. Andrew looks at his privilege in the world as blood and sweat, that he worked for it, that he broke bone and skin for it.


Frail Right Arm: After years of working Andrew's right arm has become weaker, the arm get aches and pains easily and is hard to handle on some occasions. Andrew's aliment starting during his later years on the Kestrel, A box had fallen onto him crushing his right arm mainly. The arm healed finely back when, but the troubles continued with the years.



Life Story

Age: 0-7

  • Andrew is born and raised in a small fishing town near Arvost His parents are shopkeepers.
  • He finds himself working on his skill with fishing, learning basic cleaning methods of nets and sometimes spears.
  • It is around this time he realizes he wants to explore the world, rather than stay in the small village.
  • Most of his memories are short happy ones, though he does not remember most of his life in the small town, It's mainly just a single sign with two fish hooks.
Age: 7-16
  • Andrew sees and hauls boxes off a small traveling ship, the ship comes every few months and has a dark red flag hoisted above the sails. there's a small black hawk designed onto the flag.
  • During the time between these years Andrew works on his fishing skills even more, training base spears and nets.
  • His father gifts Andrew with a small dagger. He is giving a few lessons on how to defend himself with practical movements and basic techniques.
  • After years of hauling boxes of this one memorable ship Andrew is asked by the Captain if he would like to join her crew on the Kestrel. Andrew being to excited to not decline the offer is locked into an contract for 17 years, not even realizing it.
  • Andrew departs from the small town, giving his parents his goodbyes and regards. Though they will meet thought the months when the ship comes back to the cost.
  • During his first year voyaging Andrew is taught how to play the fiddle, minor at first he catches on quick throughout the year.
  • At a small feast the crew had one week, Andrew became friends with the cook of the boat, After a few months of talking Andrew was offered the chance to learn some cooking methods, and that he would be taught any time the cook wasn't working. Andrew politely agreed to the offer an started his journey of culinary arts.
  • After tearing a large hole in his shirt, Andrew was greeted with a kind face, the man offered to teach Andrew how to sew to fix up his torn clothing.
  • During his trips in the ocean Andrew started to love the sea, and the many places he visited. He even started to get closer to the crew members, treating them like friends rather than complete strangers. It was like a new family to him, and he soon forgot he even had a contract.
Age: 16-27
  • Andrew becoming 16, it was the year where he would be taught ways of combat and defense. The captain got order from higher ups that they would be dropping off the new recruits in Angalia to train in the school of Turrall. They would be staying at the school for the next 10 years to become proficient at quick and elegant combat at sea.
  • At arrival, Andrew was greeted with an older man who carried a large sword on his back. The man had a large and fluffy white beard and was much taller than Andrew. His name was Leroy Heartkeep
  • The training was tough, Heartkeep was a brutal teacher, but was somehow fair in a manner. Andrew was taught how to wield a one handed sword and how to train with one. His mastery gained each month as the old man showed ways of defense and offense.
  • Andrew's time of fishing and cooking didn't stop during his time of training at Turral, he still got to work on that as well. During his time not training, Andrew got to practice on different fish and learned new recipes and new ways of fishing from locals and self training.
  • After his 10 year stay, Heartkeep and the school's time was done, when he left Andrew had become the warrior Heartkeep sought him out to be, He was agile with his sword and focused on his blade.
  • Reaching the age of 26 Andrew had mastered fishing, his technique and self control when catching one grew, the aim of his spear was point on as well.
  • Andrew came to found his parents died of sickness, both his mother and father, he came to understand, but he didn't rely on being sad, he remembered the joyous times he had with them, rather then mope around.
Age: 27-34
  • During the ages of 27 to 29 Andrew had been sent on voyages across the world, working on different jobs and viewing the world as a whole, it was his life, it was his dream come true.
  • At the age of 32 Andrew's contract had been broken, he severed his 17 years on the ship fully, and he loved it. He loved the people on that ship, he loved the ocean the places he visited everything. He couldn't just leave it. So he made another deal with the captain, he could still work with the Kestrel trading company, but for him to have scheduled times on work, such as monthly shifts.
  • Andrew, now living in the middle class of regalia, goes on monthly voyages with the Kestrel Trading company. When not working at sea, Andrew sees himself having free time, or working courier jobs at the Kestrel Post.
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Here's my review -
  • Talents
    • Include the fact that he is a 'Warrior' in Turall Bladesmanship as a talent.
  • Weaknesses
    • I don't believe that being afraid of snakes is something that will actually affect your roleplay, so I want you to find something else to balance out his strengths. That said, the general balance of strengths/weaknesses is good so try to keep that in mind when doing this.
  • Life Story
    • State specifically where he was born in regards to region/continent.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.


Basic Information
Full Name: Andrew O'neil Kirk​
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: (New Regalian)
Main Ambition: Continuing his job as a Courier for the Kestrel Shipping Company


Skill Information
School: School of Turall​
Level: Warrior

Source: Taught by a private tutor paid by the Kestrel Shipping Company

Visual Information
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Curly and Messy, with a ponytail tied in the back. With short beard.
Skin Color: White
Clothing: Light Jackets and Boots, or Heavy Coats.
Height: 5' 11''
Body Build: Ripped
Weapon of Choice: A Saber, and scabbard with sliver designs. (38 inches Overall, 29 1/4 inches Blade. The saber has small designs on the blade near the handle.)


Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph: Both cunning and quick like a fox, but reserved whenever at work or social manners. You could see Andrew being a audacious host looking as he was bread to be royalty. But when stepped upon or out of business you can tell he changes into a witty and deviating person who is glad to get messy in any situation. If a guest or person where to see him they would perceive him as a person of self-control or discipline. If a good friend of Andrew where to tell about him, they would say one of the three words. Reckless, Quick, Excessive. You could compare it to salt water, It may look like fresh water but as you go to drink it you realize it's the complete opposite.

Second Paragraph: Andrew has high-sprits and is glad to be around. His confidence in people and himself is greater than usually, and he pushes anxieties back to make effort for that extra confidence, if someone doesn't like it than we'll try harder the next time. Andrew won't take shit from anyone if they force it against him, ordering him as work is different, but letting someone walk on him is completely different. He has a great amount of self respect. Andrew sees himself as aged wine, every year we gain taste and flavor, every year we gain something we didn't the last year, either a raise in age or a raise in wealth its more or more for him. If you at rock bottom you can't go lower than that, the only way is up.

Third Paragraph: Andrew's family is his crew on the ship, their like brothers and sisters to him, and more than co-workers. He's lose and and calm around making him feel warm whenever he hears the hearty laugh of another shipmate. He's reasonable with them, understanding their losses and gains, and being a helping hand towards them. Around strangers or unknown people, Andrew tries to get a dot on who they are before making his move being lose, or being the strict facade he plays. Mostly he bases a lot of reasoning on how the unknown person perceives other people, and how they look at their ethics or ethos and logos. He much more comfortable around someone who is willing to live life, or is comfortable with him being lose. Friends to Andrew are like cherries, only a few with sweet or caring morals, or a hard coolheaded inside, such as the seed of a cherry. He'll follow them with kind grace and hearty respect. Making best for himself and his Friends.

Fourth Paragraph: Morality for Andrew is in a neutral mix, a mix of sweet and bitter if you may, On one side, Andrew is grateful to help another person out, but is weary about who the person he is helping out, saying he'll take a certified cut of his own (Stealing) from the person he doesn't like his work from. He likes seeing people succeed but would rather see himself succeed more.

Fifth Paragraph : Andrew has no care if Nobles have more than him, its none of his business and he would rather focus on other problems than rallying to say that some people shouldn't be privileged. Focused on religion, Andrew has a mild opinion on it, he does believe in the after life and that there is god but is lose about their rules and focuses and doesn't zone in on it. Andrew looks at his privilege in the the world as blood and sweat, that he worked for it, that he broke bone and skin for it. Its a wonderful fulling that I got this far. would be something he would think towards it.



Cooking: Cruise has always been in Andrews eyes, if not for working at the Kestrel Andrew would have trained to be a chef. He has a great knowledge of cooking and preparing meals. He gained this from years at sea working at the Kestrel Shipping Company, the cook on the ship had taught him most of what he has learned today.

Music: Hand Andrew a fiddle and he'll play you a shanty. Being taught at a young age Andrew has always raised sprits on the boat during long rides, with a colorful shanty or song. Out of all the people given the chance Andrew chose to play music rather than guide a map.
Sewing: May not seem like it but your cloths wear over time during a trip on the sea, this was taught to most of the workers on the ship but Andrew was always the one to do it anyways. His hands fast and needle faster, Andrew can seal a tear in a tunic or sew a button back onto your coat.
Fishing: Being set at sea for several months Andrew has learned the ways of fishing, both sea and fresh water. Nets, Spears, Bow Fishing Andrew has mastered it over time, he thinks like a fish and works with the flow of the water, not afraid to get wet.
Turall Bladesmenship: Andrew has been trained by a tutor payed by the Kestrel Shipping company, to train to a level of Warrior. During his training Andrew has gained and excellent combat endurance/stamina for battles and is proficient with many small weapons bladed weapons.
A collection of Scars: Over the years Andrew has painted a wide gallery of scars for his body, the main two are, A sword slash on his chest, and a claw slashes on his right arm. During years of sailing, and exploring. Andrew has run into the occasional incident, being bandits to a pack of wolfs. These incidents have left noticeable marks on his body.


Life Story

Age: 0-7
  • Andrew is born and raised in a small fishing town called Tidet Coast. His parents are shopkeepers.
  • Tibet Coast is located in Arvost, a its a smaller village located at the edge of the states.
  • He finds himself working on his skill with fishing, learning basic cleaning methods of nets and sometimes spears.
  • It is around this time he realizes he wants to explore the world, rather than stay in the small village.
  • Most of his memories are short happy ones, though he does not remember most of his life in the small town, It's mainly just a single sign with two fish hooks.
Age: 7-16
  • Andrew sees and hauls boxes off a small traveling ship, the ship comes every few months and has a dark red flag hoisted above the sails. theres a small black hawk designed onto the flag.
  • During the time between these years Andrew works on his fishing skills even more, training base spears and nets.
  • His father gifts Andrew with a small dagger. He is giving a few lessons on how to defend himself with practical movements and basic techniques.
  • After years of hauling boxes of this one memorable ship Andrew is asked by the Captain if he would like to join her crew on the Kestrel. Andrew being to excited to not decline the offer is locked into an contract for 17 years, not even realizing it.
  • Andrew departs from the small town, giving his parents his goodbyes and regards. Though they will meet thought the months when the ship comes back to the cost.
  • During his first year voyaging Andrew is taught how to play the fiddle, minor at first he catches on quick throughout the year.
  • At a small feast the crew had one week, Andrew became friends with the cook of the boat, After a few months of talking Andrew was offered the chance to learn some cooking methods, and that he would be taught any time the cook wasn't working. Andrew politely agreed to the offer an started his journey of culinary arts.
  • After tearing a large hole in his shirt, Andrew was greeted with a kind face, the man offered to teach Andrew how to sew to fix up his torn clothing.
  • During his trips in the ocean Andrew started to love the sea, and the many places he visited. He even started to get closer to the crew members, treating them like friends rather than complete strangers. It was like a new family to him, and he soon forgot he even had a contract.
Age: 16-27
  • It was the year where he would be taught ways of combat and defense. The captain got order from higher ups that they would be picking up a tutor at their next stop. They would be staying on the boat for the next two years, teaching the newer recruits. At arrival, Andrew was greeted with an older man who carried a large sword on his back. The man had a large and fluffy white beard and was much taller than Andrew. His name was Leroy Heartkeep
  • The training was though, Heartkeep was a brutal teacher, but was somehow fair in a manner. Andrew was taught how to wield a one handed sword and how to train with one. His mastery gained each month as the old man showed ways of defense and offense.
  • Andrew's time of fishing and cooking didn't stop during his time of training and working, he still got to work on that as well. During stops on different countries, Andrew got to practice on different fish and learned new recipes and new ways of fishing from locals and self training.
  • After his two year stay, Heartkeep's time was done, when he left Andrew had become the warrior Heartkeep sought him out to be, He was agile with his sword and focused on his blade.
  • Reaching the age of 23 Andrew had mastered fishing, his technique and self control when catching one grew, the aim of his spear was point on as well.
  • Andrew came to found his parents died of sickness, both his mother and father, he came to understand, but he didn't rely on being sad, he remembered the joyous times he had with them, rather then mope around.
Age: 27-34
  • During the ages of 27 to 29 Andrew had been sent on voyages across the world, working on different jobs and viewing the world as a whole, it was his life, it was his dream come true.
  • At the age of 32 Andrew's contract had been broken, he severed his 17 years on the ship fully, and he loved it. He loved the people on that ship, he loved the ocean the places he visited everything. He couldn't just leave it. So he made another deal with the captain, he could still work with the Kestrel trading company, but for him to have scheduled times on work, such as monthly shifts.
  • Andrew, now living in the middle class of regalia, goes on monthly voyages with the Kestrel Trading company. When not working at sea, Andrew sees himself having free time, or working courier jobs at the Kestrel Post.
@Valentinian I've marked all my changes in Red. But I need to ask, do I need another weakness to counterpart the Turall Bladesmenship?
Yes, additionally scars are not a weakness.


Basic Information
Full Name: Andrew O'neil Kirk​
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: (New Regalian)
Main Ambition: Continuing his job as a Courier for the Kestrel Shipping Company


Skill Information
School: School of Turall​
Level: Warrior

Source: Taught by a private tutor paid by the Kestrel Shipping Company

Visual Information
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Curly and Messy, with a ponytail tied in the back. With short beard.
Skin Color: White
Clothing: Light Jackets and Boots, or Heavy Coats.
Height: 5' 11''
Body Build: Ripped
Weapon of Choice: A Saber, and scabbard with sliver designs. (38 inches Overall, 29 1/4 inches Blade. The saber has small designs on the blade near the handle.)


Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph: Both cunning and quick like a fox, but reserved whenever at work or social manners. You could see Andrew being a audacious host looking as he was bread to be royalty. But when stepped upon or out of business you can tell he changes into a witty and deviating person who is glad to get messy in any situation. If a guest or person where to see him they would perceive him as a person of self-control or discipline. If a good friend of Andrew where to tell about him, they would say one of the three words. Reckless, Quick, Excessive. You could compare it to salt water, It may look like fresh water but as you go to drink it you realize it's the complete opposite.

Second Paragraph: Andrew has high-sprits and is glad to be around. His confidence in people and himself is greater than usually, and he pushes anxieties back to make effort for that extra confidence, if someone doesn't like it than we'll try harder the next time. Andrew won't take shit from anyone if they force it against him, ordering him as work is different, but letting someone walk on him is completely different. He has a great amount of self respect. Andrew sees himself as aged wine, every year we gain taste and flavor, every year we gain something we didn't the last year, either a raise in age or a raise in wealth its more or more for him. If you at rock bottom you can't go lower than that, the only way is up.

Third Paragraph: Andrew's family is his crew on the ship, their like brothers and sisters to him, and more than co-workers. He's lose and and calm around making him feel warm whenever he hears the hearty laugh of another shipmate. He's reasonable with them, understanding their losses and gains, and being a helping hand towards them. Around strangers or unknown people, Andrew tries to get a dot on who they are before making his move being lose, or being the strict facade he plays. Mostly he bases a lot of reasoning on how the unknown person perceives other people, and how they look at their ethics or ethos and logos. He much more comfortable around someone who is willing to live life, or is comfortable with him being lose. Friends to Andrew are like cherries, only a few with sweet or caring morals, or a hard coolheaded inside, such as the seed of a cherry. He'll follow them with kind grace and hearty respect. Making best for himself and his Friends.

Fourth Paragraph: Morality for Andrew is in a neutral mix, a mix of sweet and bitter if you may, On one side, Andrew is grateful to help another person out, but is weary about who the person he is helping out, saying he'll take a certified cut of his own (Stealing) from the person he doesn't like his work from. He likes seeing people succeed but would rather see himself succeed more.

Fifth Paragraph : Andrew has no care if Nobles have more than him, its none of his business and he would rather focus on other problems than rallying to say that some people shouldn't be privileged. Focused on religion, Andrew has a mild opinion on it, he does believe in the after life and that there is god but is lose about their rules and focuses and doesn't zone in on it. Andrew looks at his privilege in the the world as blood and sweat, that he worked for it, that he broke bone and skin for it. Its a wonderful fulling that I got this far. would be something he would think towards it.



Cooking: Cruise has always been in Andrews eyes, if not for working at the Kestrel Andrew would have trained to be a chef. He has a great knowledge of cooking and preparing meals. He gained this from years at sea working at the Kestrel Shipping Company, the cook on the ship had taught him most of what he has learned today.

Music: Hand Andrew a fiddle and he'll play you a shanty. Being taught at a young age Andrew has always raised sprits on the boat during long rides, with a colorful shanty or song. Out of all the people given the chance Andrew chose to play music rather than guide a map.

Sewing: May not seem like it but your cloths wear over time during a trip on the sea, this was taught to most of the workers on the ship but Andrew was always the one to do it anyways. His hands fast and needle faster, Andrew can seal a tear in a tunic or sew a button back onto your coat.

Fishing: Being set at sea for several months Andrew has learned the ways of fishing, both sea and fresh water. Nets, Spears, Bow Fishing Andrew has mastered it over time, he thinks like a fish and works with the flow of the water, not afraid to get wet.

Turall Bladesmenship: Andrew has been trained by a tutor payed by the Kestrel Shipping company, to train to a level of Warrior. During his training Andrew has gained and excellent combat endurance/stamina for battles and is proficient with many small weapons bladed weapons.
Procrastination: Being work and a daily task there's always time for it later. Andrew's procrastination will get in the way. Times of work such as a basic chore of delivering a box Andrew would first check around town, maybe order a drink and browse a few of the shops before delivering the package at the end of the day.

Risk taking: Its like a short cut for Andrew, it gets the job done faster and easier at the cost of crucial sacrifices. Andrew isn't one to back down from it. Even if the odds where against him. Its always been in him, even back when he worked on the ship, making risky decisions to make a job done faster than the original time.



Life Story

Age: 0-7
  • Andrew is born and raised in a small fishing town called Tidet Coast. His parents are shopkeepers.
  • Tibet Coast is located in Arvost, a its a smaller village located at the edge of the states.
  • He finds himself working on his skill with fishing, learning basic cleaning methods of nets and sometimes spears.
  • It is around this time he realizes he wants to explore the world, rather than stay in the small village.
  • Most of his memories are short happy ones, though he does not remember most of his life in the small town, It's mainly just a single sign with two fish hooks.
Age: 7-16
  • Andrew sees and hauls boxes off a small traveling ship, the ship comes every few months and has a dark red flag hoisted above the sails. theres a small black hawk designed onto the flag.
  • During the time between these years Andrew works on his fishing skills even more, training base spears and nets.
  • His father gifts Andrew with a small dagger. He is giving a few lessons on how to defend himself with practical movements and basic techniques.
  • After years of hauling boxes of this one memorable ship Andrew is asked by the Captain if he would like to join her crew on the Kestrel. Andrew being to excited to not decline the offer is locked into an contract for 17 years, not even realizing it.
  • Andrew departs from the small town, giving his parents his goodbyes and regards. Though they will meet thought the months when the ship comes back to the cost.
  • During his first year voyaging Andrew is taught how to play the fiddle, minor at first he catches on quick throughout the year.
  • At a small feast the crew had one week, Andrew became friends with the cook of the boat, After a few months of talking Andrew was offered the chance to learn some cooking methods, and that he would be taught any time the cook wasn't working. Andrew politely agreed to the offer an started his journey of culinary arts.
  • After tearing a large hole in his shirt, Andrew was greeted with a kind face, the man offered to teach Andrew how to sew to fix up his torn clothing.
  • During his trips in the ocean Andrew started to love the sea, and the many places he visited. He even started to get closer to the crew members, treating them like friends rather than complete strangers. It was like a new family to him, and he soon forgot he even had a contract.
Age: 16-27
  • It was the year where he would be taught ways of combat and defense. The captain got order from higher ups that they would be picking up a tutor at their next stop. They would be staying on the boat for the next two years, teaching the newer recruits. At arrival, Andrew was greeted with an older man who carried a large sword on his back. The man had a large and fluffy white beard and was much taller than Andrew. His name was Leroy Heartkeep
  • The training was though, Heartkeep was a brutal teacher, but was somehow fair in a manner. Andrew was taught how to wield a one handed sword and how to train with one. His mastery gained each month as the old man showed ways of defense and offense.
  • Andrew's time of fishing and cooking didn't stop during his time of training and working, he still got to work on that as well. During stops on different countries, Andrew got to practice on different fish and learned new recipes and new ways of fishing from locals and self training.
  • After his two year stay, Heartkeep's time was done, when he left Andrew had become the warrior Heartkeep sought him out to be, He was agile with his sword and focused on his blade.
  • Reaching the age of 23 Andrew had mastered fishing, his technique and self control when catching one grew, the aim of his spear was point on as well.
  • Andrew came to found his parents died of sickness, both his mother and father, he came to understand, but he didn't rely on being sad, he remembered the joyous times he had with them, rather then mope around.
Age: 27-34
  • During the ages of 27 to 29 Andrew had been sent on voyages across the world, working on different jobs and viewing the world as a whole, it was his life, it was his dream come true.
  • At the age of 32 Andrew's contract had been broken, he severed his 17 years on the ship fully, and he loved it. He loved the people on that ship, he loved the ocean the places he visited everything. He couldn't just leave it. So he made another deal with the captain, he could still work with the Kestrel trading company, but for him to have scheduled times on work, such as monthly shifts.
  • Andrew, now living in the middle class of regalia, goes on monthly voyages with the Kestrel Trading company. When not working at sea, Andrew sees himself having free time, or working courier jobs at the Kestrel Post.
Removed scared and added Procrastination and Risk taking. @Valentinian
In response to recent changes -
  • Make sure all of your talents are at least three sentences.
  • I don't see how procrastination is going to be applicable to your roleplay, so I'll make this simple. Replace that with a physical weakness to the character.

Frail Right Arm: After years of working Andrew's right arm has become weaker, the arm get aches and pains easily and is hard to handle on some occasions. Andrew's problem started during his later years on the Kestrel, when an incident involving a box had fallen onto him, crushing his right arm mainly. The arm healed finely back when, but the troubles continued with the years.
@Valentinian I've added that Andrew has a Frail Right Arm, sorry for the whole Weaknesses problems.


Basic Information
Full Name: Andrew O'neil Kirk​
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: (New Regalian)
Main Ambition: Continuing his job as a Courier for the Kestrel Shipping Company


Skill Information
School: School of Turall​
Level: Warrior

Source: Taught by a private tutor paid by the Kestrel Shipping Company

Visual Information
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Curly and Messy, with a ponytail tied in the back. With short beard.
Skin Color: White
Clothing: Light Jackets and Boots, or Heavy Coats.
Height: 5' 11''
Body Build: Ripped
Weapon of Choice: A Saber, and scabbard with sliver designs. (38 inches Overall, 29 1/4 inches Blade. The saber has small designs on the blade near the handle.)


Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph: Both cunning and quick like a fox, but reserved whenever at work or social manners. You could see Andrew being a audacious host looking as he was bread to be royalty. But when stepped upon or out of business you can tell he changes into a witty and deviating person who is glad to get messy in any situation. If a guest or person where to see him they would perceive him as a person of self-control or discipline. If a good friend of Andrew where to tell about him, they would say one of the three words. Reckless, Quick, Excessive. You could compare it to salt water, It may look like fresh water but as you go to drink it you realize it's the complete opposite.

Second Paragraph: Andrew has high-sprits and is glad to be around. His confidence in people and himself is greater than usually, and he pushes anxieties back to make effort for that extra confidence, if someone doesn't like it than we'll try harder the next time. Andrew won't take shit from anyone if they force it against him, ordering him as work is different, but letting someone walk on him is completely different. He has a great amount of self respect. Andrew sees himself as aged wine, every year we gain taste and flavor, every year we gain something we didn't the last year, either a raise in age or a raise in wealth its more or more for him. If you at rock bottom you can't go lower than that, the only way is up.

Third Paragraph: Andrew's family is his crew on the ship, their like brothers and sisters to him, and more than co-workers. He's lose and and calm around making him feel warm whenever he hears the hearty laugh of another shipmate. He's reasonable with them, understanding their losses and gains, and being a helping hand towards them. Around strangers or unknown people, Andrew tries to get a dot on who they are before making his move being lose, or being the strict facade he plays. Mostly he bases a lot of reasoning on how the unknown person perceives other people, and how they look at their ethics or ethos and logos. He much more comfortable around someone who is willing to live life, or is comfortable with him being lose. Friends to Andrew are like cherries, only a few with sweet or caring morals, or a hard coolheaded inside, such as the seed of a cherry. He'll follow them with kind grace and hearty respect. Making best for himself and his Friends.

Fourth Paragraph: Morality for Andrew is in a neutral mix, a mix of sweet and bitter if you may, On one side, Andrew is grateful to help another person out, but is weary about who the person he is helping out, saying he'll take a certified cut of his own (Stealing) from the person he doesn't like his work from. He likes seeing people succeed but would rather see himself succeed more.

Fifth Paragraph : Andrew has no care if Nobles have more than him, its none of his business and he would rather focus on other problems than rallying to say that some people shouldn't be privileged. Focused on religion, Andrew has a mild opinion on it, he does believe in the after life and that there is god but is lose about their rules and focuses and doesn't zone in on it. Andrew looks at his privilege in the the world as blood and sweat, that he worked for it, that he broke bone and skin for it. Its a wonderful fulling that I got this far. would be something he would think towards it.



Cooking: Cruise has always been in Andrews eyes, if not for working at the Kestrel Andrew would have trained to be a chef. He has a great knowledge of cooking and preparing meals. He gained this from years at sea working at the Kestrel Shipping Company, the cook on the ship had taught him most of what he has learned today.

Music: Hand Andrew a fiddle and he'll play you a shanty. Being taught at a young age Andrew has always raised sprits on the boat during long rides, with a colorful shanty or song. His fascination in music started in a small brewery, the brewery held a event for the company and have live music, Andrew had never had never sought to much interest in it before that but something sparked in how the way the keys on the piano held dear to the rapid strums of the violin. Out of all the people given the chance Andrew chose to play music rather than guide a map, taking him only a couple of months to learn how.

Sewing: May not seem like it but your cloths wear over time during a trip on the sea, this was taught to most of the workers on the ship but Andrew was always the one to do it anyways. His hands fast and needle faster, Andrew can seal a tear in a tunic or sew a button back onto your coat. To Andrew this seemed vital, what if you where in the cold, or stranded somewhere, it was always a little quirk Andrew wanted to learn.

Fishing: Being set at sea for several months Andrew has learned the ways of fishing, both sea and fresh water. Nets, Spears, Bow Fishing Andrew has mastered it over time, he thinks like a fish and works with the flow of the water, not afraid to get wet.
Andrew's mastery starts in his very own home town, the simple shores of the Tibet coast where filled with rich salt water fish. During his travels with the Kestrel Shipping Company Andrew had picked up even more knowledge on the subject, facing both methods of freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing.

Turall Bladesmenship: Andrew has been trained by a tutor payed by the Kestrel Shipping company, to train to a level of Warrior. During his training Andrew has gained and excellent combat endurance/stamina for battles and is proficient with many small weapons bladed weapons. His training began during his first few years in his work, a tutor was brought onto the ship to train a small crew.
Frail Right Arm: After years of working Andrew's right arm has become weaker, the arm get aches and pains easily and is hard to handle on some occasions. Andrew's aliment starting during his later years on the Kestrel, A box had fallen onto him crushing his right arm mainly. The arm healed finely back when, but the troubles continued with the years.

Risk taking: Its like a short cut for Andrew, it gets the job done faster and easier at the cost of crucial sacrifices. Andrew isn't one to back down from it. Even if the odds where against him. Its always been in him, even back when he worked on the ship, making risky decisions to make a job done faster than the original time.



Life Story

Age: 0-7
  • Andrew is born and raised in a small fishing town called Tidet Coast. His parents are shopkeepers.
  • Tibet Coast is located in Arvost, a its a smaller village located at the edge of the states.
  • He finds himself working on his skill with fishing, learning basic cleaning methods of nets and sometimes spears.
  • It is around this time he realizes he wants to explore the world, rather than stay in the small village.
  • Most of his memories are short happy ones, though he does not remember most of his life in the small town, It's mainly just a single sign with two fish hooks.
Age: 7-16
  • Andrew sees and hauls boxes off a small traveling ship, the ship comes every few months and has a dark red flag hoisted above the sails. theres a small black hawk designed onto the flag.
  • During the time between these years Andrew works on his fishing skills even more, training base spears and nets.
  • His father gifts Andrew with a small dagger. He is giving a few lessons on how to defend himself with practical movements and basic techniques.
  • After years of hauling boxes of this one memorable ship Andrew is asked by the Captain if he would like to join her crew on the Kestrel. Andrew being to excited to not decline the offer is locked into an contract for 17 years, not even realizing it.
  • Andrew departs from the small town, giving his parents his goodbyes and regards. Though they will meet thought the months when the ship comes back to the cost.
  • During his first year voyaging Andrew is taught how to play the fiddle, minor at first he catches on quick throughout the year.
  • At a small feast the crew had one week, Andrew became friends with the cook of the boat, After a few months of talking Andrew was offered the chance to learn some cooking methods, and that he would be taught any time the cook wasn't working. Andrew politely agreed to the offer an started his journey of culinary arts.
  • After tearing a large hole in his shirt, Andrew was greeted with a kind face, the man offered to teach Andrew how to sew to fix up his torn clothing.
  • During his trips in the ocean Andrew started to love the sea, and the many places he visited. He even started to get closer to the crew members, treating them like friends rather than complete strangers. It was like a new family to him, and he soon forgot he even had a contract.
Age: 16-27
  • It was the year where he would be taught ways of combat and defense. The captain got order from higher ups that they would be picking up a tutor at their next stop. They would be staying on the boat for the next two years, teaching the newer recruits. At arrival, Andrew was greeted with an older man who carried a large sword on his back. The man had a large and fluffy white beard and was much taller than Andrew. His name was Leroy Heartkeep
  • The training was though, Heartkeep was a brutal teacher, but was somehow fair in a manner. Andrew was taught how to wield a one handed sword and how to train with one. His mastery gained each month as the old man showed ways of defense and offense.
  • Andrew's time of fishing and cooking didn't stop during his time of training and working, he still got to work on that as well. During stops on different countries, Andrew got to practice on different fish and learned new recipes and new ways of fishing from locals and self training.
  • After his two year stay, Heartkeep's time was done, when he left Andrew had become the warrior Heartkeep sought him out to be, He was agile with his sword and focused on his blade.
  • Reaching the age of 23 Andrew had mastered fishing, his technique and self control when catching one grew, the aim of his spear was point on as well.
  • Andrew came to found his parents died of sickness, both his mother and father, he came to understand, but he didn't rely on being sad, he remembered the joyous times he had with them, rather then mope around.
Age: 27-34
  • During the ages of 27 to 29 Andrew had been sent on voyages across the world, working on different jobs and viewing the world as a whole, it was his life, it was his dream come true.
  • At the age of 32 Andrew's contract had been broken, he severed his 17 years on the ship fully, and he loved it. He loved the people on that ship, he loved the ocean the places he visited everything. He couldn't just leave it. So he made another deal with the captain, he could still work with the Kestrel trading company, but for him to have scheduled times on work, such as monthly shifts.
  • Andrew, now living in the middle class of regalia, goes on monthly voyages with the Kestrel Trading company. When not working at sea, Andrew sees himself having free time, or working courier jobs at the Kestrel Post.
Ok fixed that and everything should be done. @Valentinian
@Staff Roleplay
I've made my edits in green to apply for the new edition of the Proficiency Point System. I have also deleted talents since the coming of the new update.

(Ok had to edit because of new update. so all newer additions are in
brighter green)
Last edited:
Firstly, you should go through your app a few times, or even put it into a spellchecker and grammar checker. There are an unusual amount of mistakes grammatically that make this very difficult to read, as well as the constant shifting between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person. We don't ever expect amazing grammar, or even enforce it, but in your case the app is very difficult to read through. Consider this advice for the next app you write, rather than something to fix.

Risk taking: Its like a short cut for Andrew, it gets the job done faster and easier at the cost of crucial sacrifices. Andrew isn't one to back down from it. Even if the odds where against him. Its always been in him, even back when he worked on the ship, making risky decisions to make a job done faster than the original time.
This is a cop-out weakness. Please remove it. Replace it if you'd like to, but as Weaknesses are optional, you do not need to.

We don't allow villages and towns to be specifically named and made up. Just say he was born in Arvost.

  • It was the year where he would be taught ways of combat and defense. The captain got order from higher ups that they would be picking up a tutor at their next stop. They would be staying on the boat for the next two years, teaching the newer recruits. At arrival, Andrew was greeted with an older man who carried a large sword on his back. The man had a large and fluffy white beard and was much taller than Andrew. His name was Leroy Heartkeep
  • The training was though, Heartkeep was a brutal teacher, but was somehow fair in a manner. Andrew was taught how to wield a one handed sword and how to train with one. His mastery gained each month as the old man showed ways of defense and offense.
With the new system, you're not allowed to have the +10 proficiency in all three skills of a school without actually spending the 10 years of attendance physically at the school's location. This is the case for Turall, which does have a school. This causes a problem in your application, as the character would need 10 years of his life to be attending the school in Turall, Anglia. It can be any ten years, but it must be consecutively spent attending the school. If you don't wish to work this into your app, you can simply go the route of keeping a tutor, but you don't get the investment of the three +10's in all Turall skills. Instead, it'd function like a normal proficiency would in adding points in.

Make changes in purple and @ me when done.

@Mooffins I have edited all that was listed in the requested color I have also added that he uses a dagger with his sword now instead of just a sword. Thanks for the re-review as well, the app was seriously dated.