Preserved Sheet Andrew Madol

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score


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  • Full Name: Aquel'que'nesea'la'libeltan Jlaína'noq'el'natujaleza Esclavintajo'la
    • "Ailor" name: Andrew Madol.
    • Insults/Nicknames: Roo, Drew, Andy, Corpse, Halfling, Dewdrop.
    • Aliases: Triumvirate, Xander, Aquamarine.
  • Age: 75
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Isldar/Shendar
  • Main Ambition: Immortality, and the ability to bring others back from the dead.
  • Secondary Ambition: A stable life, with consistent income.

  • Proficiencies
    • 10 points into School of Undercroft.
    • +20 Sneaking (+10 from School of Undercroft).
    • +20 Quick Fingers (+10 from School of Undercroft.)
    • +10 Syndicate Contacts (+10 from School of Undercroft).
    • +10 Acrobatics (+10 personal points).
    • +20 Shortsword (+20 personal points).
  • Culture Points
    • +30 Dancing. (30 points from age.)
    • +30 Smithing (30 points from age.)
  • Languages
    • Imperial Elvish.
    • Modern Elvish.
    • Common.
    • Daendroqean.
    • Shendriq.

  • Eye Color: Light blue.
  • Hair Color: Light grey.
  • Hair Style: Messy and unkempt, although it will be swept back for formal events. Normally has some kind of tiny ponytail at the end.
  • Skin Color: Corpse gey.
  • Clothing: Lots of greens, reds, blacks, and rough leather. He's even swiped a few Ranger outfits over the years. One thing is always consistent, Andrew's use of gloves, to hide the mutated eyes underneath.
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Body Build: Athletic.
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Arming Swords.
    • Daggers.
    • Himself.


  • First Paragraph:
    • Andrew speaks in riddles and flirts, a constant source of fun-loving energy and kindness. Many find him to be a sociable man, and an unbreakable flirt. It's rare to see Andrew with a frown on his face. Though he seems to be quite quick to violence, the smile never fades. Most strangers are simple to label him as an unemployed, yet violent jester and leave it at that.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Tortured by mistakes and failures, Andrew speaks of his past often, and has gained a reputation of a storyteller. He informs others of his less-personal mistakes as a way of coping, of knowing others won't take the same steps. His self esteem is very low in general, and his mind revolves around the search of knowledge. Though he'd never admit it, Andrew wants to bring back the dead, specifically those close to him. It's why he took the Thousand Eye pact in the first place. Death in general is a subject Andrew despises. The idea of taking something permanently, with no way of replacing it, is genuinely unnerving for the Halfling.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Andrew treats his friends with a degree of protectiveness. More so than normal. After experiencing so much death, he's made it a habit to keep those he actually cares for more than safe. His family seems to be an exception, as they've done so little for him he hasn't a single reason to care for them, nor keep them around. As for lovers, ever since the death of his wife, he's had trouble with commitment, and sticking to one person. He seems to have recently tried to become more committed to a singular lover, though he seems to consistently tear himself away.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Andrew's moral structure is odd. Andrew is by no means considered nice or lawful, though he has personal rules and a code built up off of his own experiences. He refuses to force his will upon others with anything but violence, deciding emotional manipulation and intimidation to be weak. He's a strict follower of survival of the fittest, though in his version, the weak should fear (and serve) the strong. This of course, means he's not against slavery and murder. Out for himself and his friends, Andrew would definitely sacrifice others for his own gain.


  • Aquel'que'nesea'la'libeltan Jlaína'noq'el'natujaleza Esclavintajo'la was born to a Fallen Isldar slaver, who had, ironically, been kidnapped and enslaved by a group of Shendar upon the Shadow Isles. To call Aquel's birth unorthedox would be an understatement. He had three parents. Two Shendar, a Death Mage and a slaver, bonded before impregnating his mother. And so, Aquel was born, his mother disgusted by his corpselike appearance. However, she kept the child, solely due to a feeling of obligation.
  • (Ages 1-8) Aquel was raised as a slave to the Cult of Fury. A life full of brawling with other children and serving others, Aquel was made to pick up a knife as soon as his hands worked. Built up on rage and fury, Aquel's social skills were basically neglected in this time. A terrible way of raising a child.
  • (Age 9-10) Aquel's mother ran off with him, keeping him close to her arms for the next year. They eventually found sanctuary in Daenshore. To support the two of them, Aquel's mother took up a job as a barmaid, leaving the young statuebreed to his own devices.
  • (Ages 11-15) Aquel flourished during these initial years, becoming an apprentice to a local smith. He found himself bullied often, and, as it was all he knew how to do, the halfling lashed out, attacking his would-be aggressors. His tutor took note of this, though never acted on it. The two argued on it often.
  • (Ages 16-26) Aquel and his tutor continued to argue, as his mother was almost never around. Aquel fell into a life of juvenile delinquency. He was sucked into the School of Undercroft, working as a small pickpocket. His contacts and skill grew, so by 26, he was considered 'graduated'. Though past this time, his fights with his mentor had reached a climax, as Aquel released his repressed wrath outwards, violently stabbing his mentor in the throat, killing him. Horrified with himself, Aquel ran away from Daenshore,
  • (Ages 27-30) Aquel spent the next three years wandering Daendroc, eventually settling down with a group of mercenaries. A Shendar, an Isldar, an Anglian, and two Daendroqeans. He took up the name Andrew.
  • (Ages 30-45) Andrew spent the next decade and a half with this band, striking up a romance with the Shendar member. By the thirteenth year, they had married. Though his job as a mercenary continued.
  • (Ages 46-47) Andrew's wife died in a job shortly after the birth of their son. He was financially forced to lock the son away in a Daendroqean orphanage. Despite the death of his wife, he continued with his smaller band, replacing her position with a younger Anglian man.
  • (Age 48) Andrew made potentially the biggest choice of his life, and made a pact with the Thousand Eye God, Figure of Knowledge. He desired the knowledge that he believed Silven and Mages would have, the ability to bring back the dead.
  • (Ages 49-50) Andrew spent a final year with his band, upping his proficiency with jobs, making sure to check every Silven and Mage he could.
  • (Ages 50-65) For the next fifteen years, Andrew went solo. Traveling Daendroc with two goals in mind. Knowledge and wealth. His contacts and thievery allowed for effective experimentation with Silven. Once the decade and a half was over, Andrew found absolutely nothing. He felt lost, without a clue on where to look. Though it was around this time he heard promising news. Of a Shendar mage, who had burned down the poor district. A Shendar mage, of Death.
  • (Age 66) Andrew has since moved to Regalia, and spent a few months working for this Death Mage, who he discovered was his Shendar mother.
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  • Please specify the Altalar culture in your Race portion. I see Llida-Altalar in the Life Story so I just need that information brought up.
  • I want to see one more sentence in your first paragraph of the Personality and Abilities section, I want it from the perspective of the outsider. How does a stranger view their humorous presence?
  • Your first Talent as it pertains with Stealthmark will mean they will not be able to go toe to toe in a lot of situations due to the training and retention of memory from the School of Rangers. A simple way to fix this is to remove that sort of rhetoric of having them be equal or superior and just say they are capable in combat based on the schools teaching. Remember, while you can be in multiple schools there is a tradeoff based on skill retention.
Make the above changes and tag myself once completed. @Masterman120
Changes have been made!
  • Added two sentences to first paragraph.
  • Added a few nerfs/clarification to his "Stealthmark" talent.
  • Changes all in blue.
Changed Andrew's full name to fit Elven naming customs better. No other changes aside from that.
Changes made! @Staff Roleplay
  • Removed School of Rangers.
  • Added 1" to height.
  • Replaced with an upgraded School of Stealthmark, and the "Tracking" skill.
  • Changed race from Llida-Altalar to Llida-Altalar/Shendar.
  • Life story rework.
  • Minor changes to personality.
  • Essentially a whole new take on the character.
Alright. Let's re-review. Nice application! @Masterman120

  1. Add one or two more sentences to the first paragraph for Personality and Abilities.
  2. For your second paragraph for Personality and Abilities, I feel like much of what you said could have been put under the third paragraph for Personality and Abilities, regarding his views on friendship and family. I want you to consider moving that into the third paragraph instead. Then delve more into his mind to replace the lost sentences.
  3. Unspoiler the life story, please.
Make these edits in green and tag me when finished! :)
  • Added two sentences to first paragraph.
  • Removed a good portion of second paragraph, added a few sentences going over his fear of death to make up for missing content.
  • Added the removed portion of paragraph two to paragraph 3.
  • Unspoilered (Unspoiled?) life story.
@SupremeCripple Sorry to make changes so soon, but with the recent Void Worship release, I added on:

  • Aquel worships the Thousand Eye God. Changes were made to the second, and fourth, personality paragraph, as well as the life story.
  • Replaced Shendriq with Imperial Elvish, due to it's removal from the Languages page.
Yep, it's that time again. Sorry.
  • Changed Andrew's race (again) from a halfbreed of Shendar/Altalar to Isldar. As unlikely as an Isldar is, the fact that an Altalar would keep a void-worshipping kid always felt iffy to me. A fallen Isldar would likely be at least a bit more accepting.
  • Added Turall Student to skillset. Replaced "Tracking" talent with it.
  • Updated life story due to IC events.
  • Kept his language skills the same, as a Fallen Isldar really shouldn't be able to teach Isldarin Elven.
  • Also poorly-made aesthetic.
Since @Yigit has reminded me to (Thanks for that, by the way!), I ended up editing Andrew's app.
  • School of Undercroft + Freelance Acrobatics/Shortsword training
  • Proficiency!
  • Life story changed to be more Daen-based. Alt-Anglian replaced with Daendroqean.