Preserved Sheet Andreas Lehmann

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Lizard Brainrot Sufferer
Jun 20, 2020
Reaction score
somewhere in that direction

Basic Information

Full Name:
Andreas Lehmann
Age: 99 (Resurrected at 22)
Gender: Agender
Race: Carnvaal Ailor | Phantom Undead
Racial Boost: Dancing Art

Skill Information
Total Points:
50/50 Core | 10/10 Hobby
✧ Instrument Art | 5 Core |
✧ Medical Training | 5 Core |
✧ Vocal Singing | 5 Core |
✧ Alchemy | 3 Core |
✧ Linguistics | 12 Core |
✧ Perception | 5 Core |
✧ Roguery | 9 Core |
✧ Arcanology | 6 |
✧ Dancing Art | 15 (10 Hobby + 5 Racial Boost) |

Body Shape
✧ 0 Physical Stat
✧ Slim Body Shape
✧ Low Body Fat

✧ Common
✧ Alt-Regalisch
✧ Plains Altalar
✧ Kathar Altalar
✧ Etosian
✧ Sulvaley

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Phantom Abilities

✧ Dead Shell 3
✧ Haunting 1
✧ Arcane Mastery 1
✧ Darkness 4
✧ Magic Sight 3
✧ Rogue Gift 4
✧ Rogue Gift 5
✧ Wall Climb 3
✧ Arken Knowledge
✧ Artifact Knowledge
✧ Conning Alchemy
Medical Training
✧ Light Mend 1

Visual Information
Eye Color:
N/A (Faceless)
Hair Color: Greenish gray blend that blends into the rest of the phantom's vague form
Hair Style: Short
Skin Color: Greenish gray and transparent
Clothing: N/A, merely a silhouette
Height: 5'6''

Character Alignment

✧ Chaotic Neutral
Personality Type
✧ The Adventurer
✧ Unionism, Thyemic Sect (5/10)

Life Story

To say Andreas Lehmann's upbringing was remarkable would be a lie. As an only child in a stable household, the most conflict they received growing up in Calemburg was pestering from their parents to put down the book and go outside. Their knowledge-directed voracity was directed as equally to the arts as it was to more scholarly pursuits like medicine and language, taken up from their traditional schooling and extracurricular time spent in libraries

As they grew older, Andreas struggled with a less than satisfactory social life. They shared few interests with peers around them, a reality they tried and failed to ignore. As a result, loneliness became a gnawing burden that they hoped to combat by indulging in arts like dancing or music, but fate was unkind enough to put those plans on hold.

To be robbed is a frightening experience. In a terrible panic, Andreas resisted a pair of bandits that had ambushed them on a walk home one night and paid for it with their life. A brief bout of endless wandering was in store for the Ailor's Shade until their fugue brought them through some hiccup between realities and Andreas was returned to Binral. Their scattered consciousness was cast like a net to the scene of their death only to find nothing but frightened passersby. Their body was gone, and the Shade's sense of self pulled inward until they became a vague silhouette of what they once were. A Phantom.

A section of Calemburg's scholarly venues were haunted by this apparition for years to come. Andreas attempted to make sense of this new plight, delving into Etosian and Sulvaley dialects to unearth information on undeath, and then trying to uncover some nonexistent nelfin secret to reversing death more thoroughly. Yet, what made the Ailor introverted while they lived had partially been lost on their journey through the afterlife and long stretches of time studying were sparsed with hedonistic interludes. They would either toe the line of attracting attention or outright possess individuals in pursuit both of staving off boredom and desire to become something notable, and then slip away into borderline hibernation as their thoughts scattered for months or years at a time to contemplate.

This was a cycle. Study the occult and become more fearful or superstitious (Or 'novelties' like alchemical science and medicine), inadvertently create urban legend while haunting libraries and musical halls, fade into deep thought and unrest, repeat. It wasn't until extremely recent that they overheard something noteworthy enough to pull them from their phantasmal rut. Ordial happenings in Regalia. Churches destroyed by restless spirits, tentative legalization of undead, other assorted Shadeling news. Andreas' curiosity was stirred so completely that it guided their travels towards the nearest Regalia bound seafarer to inhabit for the duration of their journey to the Holy City.
Claimed and approved.