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And So The Exodus Begins

Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
A simple parchment is hung on many noticeboards, as well as sent personally to Jared Kade and the Imperium Guard. The handwriting is neat and clean, but tears blot the page.
It reads:

To my friends and my family, I beg you to leave. Every Isldar who cannot fight and yet knows the superiority of Frisit should leave this accursed city. Once, I would call Jared Kade a friend. But that time is long past. He is a traitor to our people, he is a traitor to the Great Frisit. As soon as these our posted, I shall have left this forsaken City. I encourage all Isldar loyal to the Great Mother of us All, Frisit, to leave. Let an Exodus begin like never before has underwent. Our people must be saved, and this city shall exterminate us like the vermin they see us as if our people stay, and so we must leave. I have lost child, I have lost myself, I have lost my freedoms in this city. Regalia will crush us.
Leave, leave and take our people north again. We have no choice. We will be stifled and killed. By the time people read this, we will be gone. Three begin the Exodus of the Isldar, how many will follow? I dearly hope you all leave.
And in this letter I too denounce Jared Kade. I once called you my friend, Jared. You have saved my life. And yet, you betray our people. Once you followed Frisit's word, now you are traitor to our people, our kind, Frisit herself. Your wars bend the Rivers, and now you war in our people. Someday you will be punished, this I know deep within my soul.
Let this Exodus begin. We leave, and we hope that we are followed.
Lana'ei'ela Las'enas
Essecacha Las'enas


Any who attempted to find the Isldar couple would find them long gone, their home abandoned.
Essecarcha signs his name at the bottom of the notice, offering a nod to Lana as he closes his suitcase. "Never thought it'd come to this, but clearly Jared can't be considered one of us."
Culellia Las'enas hurried to follow the pair out of the city. Her child's hand firmly grasped in her own. And her suitcase in the other hand. On her back another bag, it's contents clinked around as the mystery items inside moved around.

"To think I would have accepted this.. Kade's... offer. A want to be Ailor, more like a joke. I was clearly mistaken to help this city...I apologize my sister. My kin are not welcomed here."

She was long gone, her house abandoned. All that remained was the furniture, and an Isldar Glyphstone.

A note would rest under the newest statement upon the boards of Regalia with the Clan Ironfist sigil.


To the Isldar who worship the deity known as "Frisit". I will give you all one chance to turn yourselves into the Violet Order to change your ways. I have seen the horrors of what your kind can do first hand, murdering a fellow dwarf with an Anglian Longbow at the Gauntlet Forge. I have stood by the Isldars with the hope that they could change their ways for the better, even believing that you yourselves as the Scaled Swords had nothing to do with the murder of Morgran Stonecipher. From what I seen, I was wrong completely. You have done nothing but lie and continue to act as if you were innocent when you are clearly guilty. I remember the armor that was worn by the attackers, I was there to watch the murder first hand to where they robbed the Gauntlet for their own personal gain. And to those who serve the Isldar Priestess known as Siora Lellvyone, change your ways for the better. Join the Violet Order with the hope that they can forgive you. If you do not join them, then you will be hunted down and brought to them by force by my own two hands. To Siora herself, you better start running.

Ulfgar Ironfist
Member of the Blackjaw Battalion
Head Blacksmith of the Gauntlet Forge
"Smart of them to flee, with Frisit being.. Outlawed, and our kind being put down a level in Civil Status," Tiray mumbled, gaze drifting to the notice beneath the original. By the time she'd finished reading both statements, she had a look of bafflement on her face- She immediately started venting beneath her breath, to herself, as she departed from the board. ".. Though- I wonder if this 'Ulfgar' even properly read the notice- These Isldar have left the city, for one- They can't turn themselves into the Violets because-. Well. They're not bound to Regalia anymore. And this notice didn't at all even have Siora's signature on it, let alone mention her name or the refuge-. Hmn. The nerve of some people in this city.. I'd follow that couple if not for my unfinished business here.."
A simple parchment is hung on many noticeboards, as well as sent personally to Jared Kade and the Imperium Guard. The handwriting is neat and clean, but tears blot the page.
It reads:

To my friends and my family, I beg you to leave. Every Isldar who cannot fight and yet knows the superiority of Frisit should leave this accursed city. Once, I would call Jared Kade a friend. But that time is long past. He is a traitor to our people, he is a traitor to the Great Frisit. As soon as these our posted, I shall have left this forsaken City. I encourage all Isldar loyal to the Great Mother of us All, Frisit, to leave. Let an Exodus begin like never before has underwent. Our people must be saved, and this city shall exterminate us like the vermin they see us as if our people stay, and so we must leave. I have lost child, I have lost myself, I have lost my freedoms in this city. Regalia will crush us.
Leave, leave and take our people north again. We have no choice. We will be stifled and killed. By the time people read this, we will be gone. Three begin the Exodus of the Isldar, how many will follow? I dearly hope you all leave.
And in this letter I too denounce Jared Kade. I once called you my friend, Jared. You have saved my life. And yet, you betray our people. Once you followed Frisit's word, now you are traitor to our people, our kind, Frisit herself. Your wars bend the Rivers, and now you war in our people. Someday you will be punished, this I know deep within my soul.
Let this Exodus begin. We leave, and we hope that we are followed.
Lana'ei'ela Las'enas
Essecacha Las'enas


"Well then...best find myself a boat and get these refugees back home with a mighty crew of corrupt souls. Might borrow one off of Black, tell him it's for extra research into the islands or the whole pirate legend. I will pay him a sum too for his troubles. Perhaps coming here was a mistake for mother. Perhaps she should head home with the others." Florian said, looking at the note defeated. He loved his mother and wanted to stay with her...but he knew that would get him killed if he approached the hold. He was completely twisted. "Perhaps Margaux will know what to do. She's a smart one. Smarter than me at least." And with that he rushed off to find her. @Ailethi
Lathai peered to the notice, giving a looong sigh. "So they're just.. giving up. Ugh."
"Cowardice runs rampant still." Commented a certain one-eyed woman. However, her attention was soon drawn away from the paper as her beloveds fluffy white cat yoweled loudly outside her study door. A sigh escaped her as she rose before giving a final glance to the parchment, murmuring, "They live to see another battle I do suppose, but this will not be forgotten."