Preserved Sheet Anastasie Mercier

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tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score




  • Full Name: Anastasie Éléonore Mercier.
  • Age: 22, born August 2nd of 283 AC.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Citoye Ithanian/Leutz Vixe Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: Wealth, Freedom.
  • Religion: Fading Priscelle Unionist.

  • Eye Color: Brown.
  • Hair Color: Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Curly and long, half-up in an ornate braided bun and the rest held loose.
  • Skin Color: Pale, though freckled.
  • Clothing: Better quality fabrics, though well-worn. Favors darker colors and more feminine articles.
  • Height: 5'1, or 155 cm.
  • Body Build: Skinny.
  • Weapon of Choice: Words. When these fail, a dagger, cheaply bought. Only faint knowledge of use.



  • As seen by others, Anastasie is cold and prideful. She is dismissive of others, given her familial wealth, and is prone to underestimating others. Also owing to her wealthy upbringing, she is quite spoiled. She can come off as prickly, especially towards Leutz-Vixe men, and will often respond with sarcasm and bitter comments to even the most well-meaning. Anastasie is also arrogant and fits the Ice Queen archetype to a T. She notably struggles with gratitude, often being unable to utter 'thank you', 'please', or other forms of it, unless forced or the situation calls for it to the extreme. Anastasie also finds herself awkward around displays of emotion.
  • Inside, Anastasie is proud and sure of herself, with a genuine confidence. However, she restrains herself from caring about others and regards them as tools unless otherwise coerced into intimacy. She attempts to hide any interior feelings, as traces of her father's teachings still survive that dictate that a woman is to be seen and not heard, and any feelings are to be dealt with in private. In her newfound life in Regalia, however, Anastasie bears a fear of anyone that seems too much like her father, and will outright leave if it comes to such an extreme. Her reservation takes shape in a form of awkwardness in interactions, and when alone, Anastasie will wonder what compelled her for such an action. Hindsight is 20/20, and she knows this well, as any solutions are immediately obvious ... after leaving the event in question. She often will not approach people, as well, waiting for them to come to her. After all, why should she ingratiate those who would not associate with her?
  • Towards those close to her, Anastasie is much softer. Her personality is much like a jawbreaker, with many hard outer layers but a sweet center, for those who wish to reach it. She is gentle to those she cares for, and while she tries, she still displays emotional ineptitude. Smiles and jests are common but lack their bite. These rare friends are the only ones whose opinions Anastasie even vaguely cares about.
  • On morality, Anastasie can be labeled as a Chaotic Neutral. With next-to-no thought given towards the laws of the land, she only considers an object or quest's value to herself, her happiness or well being, or the happiness and well being of those closest to her before accepting or denying participation. If she is unlikely to be caught and will suffer no crisis of conscience from an action, it will most likely be done. Corruption is seen as a natural thing in her mind, as a straying from moral principles in the name of greed or other sins. She exonerates herself from moral standards, seeing herself above them, and disagrees when others tell her she behaves immorally.

  • Linguistics - Being multilingual, Anastasie has a particular intimacy with language and commands it easily. She speaks d'Ithanie, Leutz-Vixe, Daendroque, and Common. The former two are from her upbringing, while the latter two are from tutoring and education, beginning when she was young. On a one-to-ten scale, Anastasie speaks d'Ithanie at a 10, Leutz-Vixe at a 7, Daendroque at a 7.5, and Common at an 8, given its simplicity.



  • Anastasie is born August 2nd, 283 AC, in Lapalaise Plus-rême, Ithania, to Martin and Aurélie Mercier, a wealthy merchant couple.
  • Her brother, Laurent, is born in the winter of 289 AC when she is six, and immediately begins to be groomed as the heir to the business by her father. Her father does no favors for her, on the other hand, save for providing an education he deemed worthy of a woman.
  • Growing up in a bilingual home, Anastasie becomes fluent in Leutz-Vixe, albeit to a lesser degree due to her father's reduced presence, and d'Ithanie. Due to her education, she is fluent, but heavily accented, in Common.
  • As Anastasie grows older, her father and brother are increasingly absent, allowing her to become closer to her mother. Her mother, a quietly devout Themai of Priscilla Unionist, impresses her faith upon her daughter in Martin's absence, given his vocal Themai of Minas beliefs. Anastasie, thirteen and impressionable, takes to her mother's take on the religion easily as she prefers it.
  • The family business of selling jewelry and fine clothing starts to take a downturn when Anastasie turns seventeen, and Anastasie's father begins to search for ways to secure their welfare.
  • As the Priscella Sect of Unionism breaks away, Aurélie converts to Priscelle Unionism and once again impresses her beliefs on Anastasie, who picks them up in stride.
  • Laurent accompanies their father to Daendroc on a trip in early 304 AC to secure a trade alliance with another family, wealthy from wine, via marriage. Anastasie begins tutoring in Daendroque in order to facilitate the families' cooperation together. Unbeknownst to her father, Laurent interacts with an infected bird and later contracts the Qui'quilli disease.
  • Upon the death of her brother in January of 305 AC, Martin turns to Anastasie to uphold the marriage between these families. He arranges her marriage to their eldest son, who is twice her age and then some.
  • Anastasie refuses, bringing her into conflict with her father. She is steadfast in her beliefs, however, and her mother supports her behind the scenes.
  • The argument culminates in Anastasie leaving Lapalaise Plus-rême with two bags packed, and a fair sum of Regals to support herself. Aurélie remains at home to serve as damage control for her and agrees to convince her father that she had otherwise died.
  • At this point, Anastasie loses her religion, although she still retains a faint remnant of belief. It is impossible for her to maintain that the Emperor, who is holy, along with his family, would allow such a disgraceful union to occur. Especially when she had prayed so fervently; after all, the Emperor is said to grant worldly favors through prayer.
  • Anastasie sails down La Rivière du Prospérité on her way to La Portée du Paradis, or Havenreach, and there contracts herself as a linguist on a mostly-d'Ithanie speaking ship in order to make her way to Regalia.
  • She arrives in late January of 306 AC and immediately attempts to find work and lodging in the city.


Last edited:
Also reserved.
'ello, I'm claiming this for staff review.
Staff Review!

Could youuuuu-

- Please delete all the extra blank lines in the app (it makes it a wee bit difficult to read)
- Remove the empty 'Special Permission' section, you don't need it if you're not applying for a special perm.
- Expand on her reserved nature in the 'Inside' paragraph. How does her self-isolation or emotional ineptitude effect her personality, if at all?

I like the vibe this character has, looking forward to seeing your edits.
Changes are colored in orange!
These include:
  • Removed the excessive paragraph spacing. Google Docs is an unkind mistress.
  • Added a portion to the personality as asked. Let me know if this is insufficient or unclear, and I'll fix it immediately!
  • Added Daendroque as an understood language, and justified it in the backstory as I thought three languages for a linguistics strength was ... lacking. Again, let me know if this unbalances the character, and it'll be changed! (The two years spent on it are sourced from this.)
  • Removed the Special Permission bit.
  • Realized I forgot to specify hair length in the Basic Information, and fixed that.
I do love a linguistic character, approved!
Updated with aesthetics, and expansions are underway!
Working on edits for the proficiency system!