"No Tree, it is said, can grow to the Heavens, unless it's roots reach down to Hell" -C.G.Jung
♫ Mood Music ♫
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Full Name: Anaryssia Of The Clan ThornSpear in East Selvaria
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Heritage: Freefolk [Yanar]
Religion: Estelley
Occult: Mage -
Full Name: Feyrinth
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Heritage: Freefolk [Yanar]
Religion: Estelley
Occult: Mage

Eye Color: Blue, with a pale glow.
Skin Color: A very pale blue
Hair: Leaves of varying blue shades
Height: 5,5"
Body Type: Lean and a tad muscular.

- A child of the Wild woods and the Night sky, Anaryssia is a newly reborn Yanar seeking to discover and make a path for themselves. They hope, to embody both the tennants of their faith, and the wilds of their home.
-Anaryssia is a recently re-birthed Yanar, who had once gone by the name of Aeawyn. After many years, and multiple situations that has caused the yanar to have a disdain for existing, they've opted to rebirth themselves to start anew.
-Anaryssia currently works as a member of the Tempest Keep, as the friendly neighborhood Yanar. - -To be written eventually.
Magic Alignments:
Anima & Eidolon
Magic Schools:
Evergrowth School
Moxy School
Elemental School
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack: 7
Defense: 5
Strength: 1
Technique Parry
Dexterity: 1
Sharp Reflexes
Constitution: 1
Rage Counter
Magic: 12
Conjurer Stance [Free]
Conjurer Bolt
Conjurer Fog
Conjurer Stall
Conjurer Plague
Arcane Snare
Arcane Aura
Arcane Portent
Arcane Echostrike
Arcane Barrier
Cavalry Summon [Free]
Cavalry Roar
Cavalry Charge
[Adapt PB] Oceanic Pack -
The Support Proficiency Spread
Wisdom: 6
Technique Parry
Chem Mend
Chem Freeze
Bardic Harmony (Free)
Aria of Harming
Sonata of Purity
Sonata of Sanctuary
Magic: 9
Oceanic Pack
Safeguard Pack
Wardrobe Pack
Arcane Healing
Arcane Portent
Arcane Barrier
Arcane Isolate
Arcane Revive
Arcane Cleanse
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