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Played Character Anaïs Kirsch

This character is actively played.


Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.

Anaïs Kirsch


Character Information
☤⤑ Full Name: Anaïs Kirsch
☤⤑ Race / Culture: Leutz-Vixe Ailor

☤⤑ Religion: Cult of Armageddon Unionist
☤⤑ Age: 37
☤⤑ Gender / Pronouns: Female | She/Her
☤⤑ Occult: N/A

Core Concept

Anaïs is a Grauwald who fills the role of the mad scientist, as well as a healer in times of need. Fervently devoted to the Armageddon Cult, her paranoia leaves her untrusting of any but her most loyal comrades-in-arms, and her own creations.


Appearance Information

All most can see of Anaïs is a bird-like mask, obscuring her face and helping to filter the air around her. Generally, she wears regal dresses and combat-ready outfits. Otherwise, she has medium brown hair, often tied up in a bun. As well as snow-white skin, and forest green eyes.



(Credit to Siosie for sketch)

Combat Styles

Hobbies And Talents
☤⤑ Alchemy Hobby
☤⤑ Technology Hobby
☤⤑ Medical Hobby

  • ☤⤑ Strength: 0
  • ☤⤑ Constitution: 0
    • Familiar Disrupt Pack | Free, Ailor | Snake Spider
  • ☤⤑ Intelligence: 7 | Chemtech, Teslatech
    • Tech Resist Pack
    • Tech Livewire Pack
    • Tech Exhaust Pack
    • Tech Charge Pack
    • Mindcontrol Pack
    • Safeguard Pack
    • Wardrobe Pack
  • ☤⤑ Wisdom: 7
    • Chem Bolts Pack
    • Chem Hyperfocus Pack
    • Chem Cleanse Pack
    • Technique Parry Pack
    • Chem Purge Pack
    • Chem Revive Pack
    • Chem Bang Pack
  • ☤⤑ Dexterity: 0
  • ☤⤑ Faith: 0
    • Unseen Prayer | Free, Ailor
  • ☤⤑ Magic: 0
Familiar Disrupt | Instant Technique | 5 Blocks
The user is born near, finds in childhood, (religiously) manifests, or magically creates a familiar that is life-linked with them and grows old with them. This familiar can be sampled from any domesticated animal no larger than a domestic dog. This pet can accompany the user, and aesthetically interact with the environment and other people. To hinder an enemy, the user targets one enemy within range, and knocks them Prone with their Familiar. Familiar Disrupt has a 4 Hour Cooldown.
Tech Resist | Instant Technique | Self
To specialize against a specific attack, choose either Melee, or Ranged and Deadeye. For the next 30 minutes, the user takes 1 HP less damage from the chosen attack type (never to 0), and takes 1HP extra damage from the other. Once ended, Tech Resist goes on a 2 hour cooldown.​
Tech Livewire | Link Technique | Emote Range
To prevent Link Powers, the user places a Link Power of their own on a character within range. As long as this Link is upheld, both the user and the Target cannot be affected by Link Powers. Tech Livewire lasts for up to 30 minutes. Links applied before this ability remain. Tech Livewire does Not Stack, and once broken goes on a 2 Hour Cooldown.​
Tech Exhaust | Instant Technique | Self
When the user is affected by a Status Effect that would negatively affect them (disables an Ability, Action, or movement that the character has), use this ability to set that Status Effect's duration to 30 Minutes, and prevent its removal except by this ability. The user gains 1 Block Token Instantly, and sets their Movement Speed to 15 Blocks. Additionally, for the user's Attack and Defense Rolls, their minimum roll is now 2, instead of 1. Tech Exhaust goes on cooldown once ended, and can only be used Once Per Combat.​
Tech Charge | Instant Technique | Emote Range
To empower an ally, grant a character within range +2 (breaks cap up to 11/9) to either their Attack or Defense for the next 30 minutes. For as long as Tech Charge is active, the user takes -2 from Attack or Defense (can go into negatives), depending on what was chosen. Tech Charge does not stack, and once ended, goes on a 1 Hour Cooldown.​
Mind Control Pack
The Mind Control Pack allows a Character to establish a level of control or influence on other Characters through the use of Alchemical addiction, or pheromone serums, or mind-control chips and machines. This Pack has several functions, each of which is explained below. Keep in mind that Mind Control, to rob someone of their free will and agency, is one of the most heinous moral crimes in most cultures and Religions. You should expect Characters to react with extreme hostility if your Character is found to be using Mind Control. Some Characters may also be immune to Mind Control, but in such instances, these Mechanics simply don't work, they don't suddenly notice that someone tried to Mind Control them. Using any form of Mind Control is not telegraphed, meaning it cannot be seen when used by others (unless someone was there when it was applied). This means the only way to discover Mind Control of any kind, is with educated guesswork.

The Character can boost an Ally's Persuasion Roll while in Emote Range by +2 to the final Dice result. Only one Guidance can be active per Character, and it cannot be used on Self.

The Character gains +2 to the total /dice roll number before rolling, meaning 3 +Wisdom OR Intelligence +2, while also raising Persuasion Cap by +2, this does not increase the final dice result.

The Character can establish Mind Control over a Character with OOC consent (which can be revoked at any time). Mind Control can vary from the Target becoming completely unable to act and waiting for commands, or being mostly in control of themselves, but just not being able to reject commands from the user. Mind Control cannot be overwritten, and can be removed from any Knocked Out person (they will always violently resist being freed) by removing the device or substance that Mind Controls them. There is no upper limit to the amount of people Mind Controlled this way. Make sure to always communicate the level of (dis)comfort Players may have with Mind Control before engaging in it.​
Safeguard Pack
The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Geist Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Geists, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.​
Wardrobe Pack
The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.​
Chem Bolts | Stance Technique | Self
To throw (or shoot with some contraption) alchemical bombs, poisons, or vials, the user gains either Ranger Stance or Deadeye Stance, which activates when this Ability is used. The stance chosen functions with some alchemy/technology, not a weapon, but does not count for using that Stance's associated Abilities. Additionally, once per combat, the user can deal -1HP damage to themselves, and grant +5 to the final result of their next Attack Roll. Chem Bolts has no Cooldown, but once activated, cannot be turned off until Combat Ends.​
Chem Hyperfocus | Instant Technique | Self
To become good at one thing only, choose Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Raise the chosen Stat by +2 (breaks cap up to 11 or 9), and lower the other stat by -3 (can go into minus). This effect remains active until the end of Combat. This Ability does not use an Action. This Ability cannot be re-used until the effect has ended.​
Chem Cleanse | Instant Technique | Self
To remove Status Effects from self, use this Ability to instantly remove one (choice, if multiple) Status Effects from the user, but deal 1HP Damage to self. Chem Cleanse has a 15 Minute Cooldown.​
Technique Parry | Counter Technique | Self
To defend against an attack, use this Ability as a reaction to protect the user only from the effects of an Instant Technique from Melee, Bruiser, or Cutthroat Point Buy. Technique parry does not use an Action. Technique Parry has a 1 Hour Cooldown.​
Chem Purge | Counter Technique | Self
To protect from Status Effects at a cost, cleanse all Status Effects and become immune to future Status Effect applications for the duration, but, set Defense Stat to 2 (cannot be raised) for the duration of Chem Purge. Chem Purge does not consume an action, and can be used out of turn. Chem Purge lasts for 20 Minutes, and cannot be ended early. Chem Purge has a 2 Hour Cooldown.​
Chem Revive | Instant Technique | Emote Range
To bring an ally back, target Ally at 0HP within range. Immediately revive the Ally with 4HP, and force their next 2 actions to be Attack Emotes. If either of these Attack Emotes reduce an enemy to 0HP, heal the Ally +2HP more. If neither Attack Emotes do, deal -3HP damage to the Ally. This Ability cannot be used on a person already affected by a Revive Ability (Sacred Revive, Chem Revive, etc). Chem Revive has a 2 Hour Cooldown.​
Chem Bang | Counter Technique | 5 Blocks
To test a foe, toss an explosive charge at the Target. If the Target is Mounted (riding on a Mount), they are dismounted. If the Target was not Mounted, apply the Weakened Status Effect for their next 3 actions. Chem Bang has a 2 Hour Cooldown.​
Unseen Prayer
The user can pray to their God to make them invisible to any Spirit, Arken, or God that is not of their Religion. This only works while they do not move from their position (they can still change posture and speak) and so long as they do not address or talk about the entity they are hiding from, or attack it.​

The user becomes immune to the Persuasion Bonus from Mind Control Pack when used against them, and has a stronger immunity to Persuasion Thralling (from Magic), though they do not become immune to it. It is left up to the player to dictate how strong this protection is, and what Characters would be strong enough to break it.​


☤⤑ Common
☤⤑ Calem
☤⤑ Lëtz

Life Story / Plot Hooks

☤⤑ Anaïs was born and raised in Tirgunn - middle child of a decently wealthy aristocratic family. As such, she was raised with the manners and presence expected of nobility, and holds the nobility in high regard.

☤⤑ Being in Tirgunn, the threat of Vampires was constantly looming over her head, as well as her family having responsibilities. Similarly, she picked up a duty of her own, briefly attending a medical school for proper training, and putting it quickly to use as a young woman to tend to fallen Darkwalds.

☤⤑ Given that a majority of her family were Lothar themselves, she figured it best to follow in their footsteps, beginning her own training towards becoming a Grauwald, rather than a Darkwald, as she found it fit her better. In the meantime, whilst under her mentor and away from home, she one day returned to an entirely burnt down village. Nobody she knew remaining. And such, as the last of her family name, she continued on her training, just with a now more grim look to things.

☤⤑ Being a scientist first and foremost, with much of her hope in humanity lost and broken early in childhood, Anaïs delved into more methods of experimentation most would dislike. Primarily, human modification, and the creation of life in a vat.

☤⤑ Anaïs is a germaphobe, assuming everything to be "unclean" "impure" or "filthy" until properly scanned over by her devices. Furthermore, she assumes most people to be vampires until proven otherwise, generally distrustful of any outside of her order or faith.

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