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An -updated- Notice From The Alchemia Order


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds


Friday 22nd of June, 306AC.


~*The previous notice had been pasted over with a new one.

Some of our loyal patrons may have noticed the sudden and severe deterioration of plantlife around the Apothecary and Clinic that has occurred over the past few days.

The Alchemia Order wishes to inform the public that while unsightly, this deterioration is nothing to be concerned about. Our dedicated Scholars have tested the soil for signs of disease and Dulofall fungus, and our results have come back clear for all known miasma. We will continue to monitor the situation as well as investigate for potential causes to ensure that this agricultural problem does not affect the health of our patients.

The Apothecary and Clinic will remain open until further notice.

If you have any information that may be of use to us, please contact the Director of Scholars, Joasaie Lloablen, or the Executive Directors Nadina and Zaan Haaven.

The Alchemia Order building on main street has been placed under quarantine due to an unknown magical interference in the area.

From early testing, we can confirm that individuals treated in the clinic over the past week need not worry, and the interference does not have any lingering effects.

Staff of the Alchemia Order will continue to patrol around the area of the Golden Willow to attend to any individuals in need of critical care. We will endeavor to set up a temporary medical tent to care for the injured as soon as we can. Details will be provided here.

We thank you for your continued support during this most troublesome time.

Madame Nadina Haaven.
Lady of House Haaven,
Executive Director of the Alchemia Order,
First Physician of the Kade Court.
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"Well, when our Ceardian bloodhounds pee on the grass, it kills it off pretty quick. Patches all over the estate lawn," said an observant Christopher, pausing to read the notice. "It's probably that, you know. Some random dog using the Apothecary as a toilet."
"...Huh," stated a particular Leutz by the name of Fray as she skimmed the notice. "I wonder why they don't choose to try looking for unknown diseases, new things happen all the time."
An Arcane Scholar of the Fifth Sacrament, Beni Yahdga, would look down at this notice intently. "I wonder if they have checked for any Planar markers on the diseased vegetation. Sometimes it's not a Planar infused disease, it can always just be purely arcane."
Abe, a chiselled and muscular strongman zealot peered at the flowers, his moustache wriggling as he mumbled: "All this discolouration around such a humble and wholesome business! Spirit, I pledge to watch this plant life with my keen-eyes, my valiant gaze shall discover the cause of this plot, or stop further malady. If this be some Heron-spiting heresy, I shall purge it."
Jean-Pierre Kehlen frowned out a reply, "They would do best to quarantine the area. All those abhorant practices on the region leaking out. Best contain it before it affects the populous which turns their heads down to these abominations."
Jean-Pierre Kehlen frowned out a reply, "They would do best to quarantine the area. All those abhorant practices on the region leaking out. Best contain it before it affects the populous which turns their heads down to these abominations."
"Unfortunate that the city clinics are located right next to each other. If one falls, surely the other will succumb to the same fate."
<link broken>

The previous notice had been sadly pasted over with a new, updated one.
Zas'kince Allas would mutter to himself, "I wonder if an Arken is causing trouble, if not, Possessed Items or mages," in his home.
"It'z a good thing I wazn't around when the Inquizition arrezted everyone. Otherwize we would've had a zeriouz predicament." The raptor like Mu-Allar commented, looking the quarantined signs up and down.