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An Old Town Missive


visceral bitch
Dec 5, 2017
Reaction score


To the good people of Regalia,

Unless there is trouble brewing, it can be easy to forget those that reside within the walls of Old Town. And yet there are many of us, all living our lives and dealing with the consequences of what occurs in the wider world as much as everyone else. We are also people of Regalia, and so it only seems fitting that we take a stance on recent events alongside the rest of the loyalists.

The people of Old Town hereby announce that we stand with the true leaders of the Regalian Empire, that being House Kade and their official appointments for the State Council. Whilst tensions have been high between our two sides in the past, we are firmly against the intentions of the Synod and reject them as leaders of Regalia in favour of the noble families that have our best intentions in mind.

As the trusted go-betweens for the City and Old Town, we have spoken with multiple parties that reside within and can assume that the multiple ethnicities, races, and religions within our community would indeed want to be treated fairly as Regalian citizens, in comparison to the fates the Synod might have in store for us. Our intentions have already been declared to Houses Kade and Howlester and we hope to support them in these troubling times.

Moji Shimizu and Haelmir de Catlanio
Junior Minister of the Arcane and Rat Queen
Prota'll Warrior and Former Gang Leader​
An aged man squinted at the use of the title he abolished months ago, and merely nodded, his thoughts swelling with momentary pride before tucking one of the pamphlets into his robes and whistling a pleasant tune before slowly hobbling off.
Azra squinted at the paper, mumbling to herself before nodding and stating aloud with hands upon her hips, "That's my Moji and alab, aren't they smart people!"
A young woman scanned the pamphlet with keen eyes, a smirk etched upon her visage. After she'd had enough, she pressed her lips against the paper it was inked upon, making her way to the hearth, before tossing the pamphlet into the scorching flames.
- Clotilde Broussard.
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