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An Oath Of Vassalage


Bestest Bean
Jun 2, 2015
Reaction score
A town crier would run through the streets, handing out flyers to everyone that would pass by or were willing to take them. The paper in the hands of many would read:

I, Cressida Sophronia Estella Thiel, hereby pledge fealty to the House Howlester under the grounds of vassalage. On behalf of my house, I would like to thank Duke Howlester for extending his hand towards us in hopes that this vassalage would immensely benefit both of our families. House Thiel is a strong family in its own right, but as many people would agree, we are all stronger together in numbers. From this day forward, I am honored to say that House Howlester and House Thiel will continue on as brothers and sisters under the same banner. May our two houses stand together in perfect union until we are able to stand on our own and attain the title of County.

*On the ninth day of March, 306 AC; House Thiel has sworn fealty to House Howlester and has pledged to be their vassal until they can stand on their own as a true noble house of the Empire.*
