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An Oath Of Vassalage


Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Fighter's Guild

Penned by Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud,
House Patriarch of that Knightly Name,
Imperial Ser of Opper-Calem,
15th March 306AC.

Improvidus, Apto Quod Victum

These are the Words of House d'Vaud.

In the Common Tongue: "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome".
I, the House Patriarch of our Knightly name, along with our family, live by these words.

To improvise is to sieze the moment, as tomorrow may never come.
To adapt is to change, which rarely comes without resistance.
To overcome is to succeed, over the hardships we might face.

The current political landscape is changing, and as such, we must change with that landscape.

We must act upon these changes, to ensure the safety of our family, our people and our the future.
We must acclimate, revise and harmonise for this future, to prepare for it.
So that in that bright future, we will overcome any obstacle.

Therefore, it is my duty to inform all those whom it may concern that the Knightly House of d'Vaud swears fealty to the Ducal House of Ravenstad, as of the the Fifthteenth of March, 306AC. The Oath of Vassalage was administered by Admiral Erwald Ravenstad, under the statue of Rodolphe II "The Leutz", which adorns the courtyard of Eleng Castle.

The Details of the Oath of Vassalage are as follows...

On the Part of the Vassal:

* Vow Leal Service to the Liege *
* Fight his Liege's Wars, Be the Shield of his People and be the Hand of his Will *
* Remain Everfaithful to the Emperor, the Imperial Spirit and to keep this Vow in Perpituity *

On the Part of the Liege:

* Defend the Vassal's Lands *
* Protect the Vassal's Family & Subjects *
* Uphold the Safety, Serenity & Service of an Overlord *

May the Spirit bless this unity for decades to come.

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Alexander looked at the announcement with great detail, looking back to Duke Ravenstad a smirk present in his face.

"The call of the Ravens triumphs those whomst stand in the path. This simply only strengthens the uniting of Brissaud. Well done your grace." @Tiber_

He stood back straight ready to wonder off with the Duke.