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An Oath Of Fealty


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score

In the late hours of the 1st of May, on the twilight of a beautiful evening, the Lord Jamie Rosendahl and the Lord Vulmar spoke within the Eleng Chapel to finally unite the Realm of Brissiaud. Lord Jamie Rosendahl from here on out announces that he will vassalise under House Ravenstad and it's Patriarch, Lord Vulmar Ravenstad.
  • Lord Rosendahl will serve loyally and leally
  • Lord Rosendahl will provide troops and ships for the greater protection of Brissiaud
In exchange, Lord Vulmar Ravenstad will protect and uphold his vassal, Lord Jamie Rosendahl, and vows to cherish his people like his own and to maintain order and stability within the realm. This ceremony, under the witness of Revered Merovech Krier of Etternach, will serve to the benefit of Brissiaud and the Leutz people.

May the Spirit bless this union and all houses of Brissiaud.
@Tiber_ @HostileBandit @Daekon @Wolf_Cobra @Fqteless