Archived An Idea For A New Continent(1.7)

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Edosaku Shinji, Head of the Edosaku Clan
Jul 20, 2012
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So, 1.7 is out, and at some point we(Massivecraft) will upgrade to the new version. I don't know too much about any plans for new worlds, but I have an idea that just might be worth investing time into.

The Maiar's "home land?" The lands of the destroyed empire of the Naga? Perhaps both? Just an awesome "continent?"

Well, it is essentially aimed with the Maiar race in mind: a large collection of variably sizes islands, loosely(and/or vaguely) based on Japan's geographical features. Ruins underwater, detailed underseas geography, volcanoes, trenches, and the like. Perhaps aimed more towards a Caribbean theme than Japanese?

The big idea, more than anything, is to really bring everything seaworthy to life. A world the Maiar can truly explore. The blossoming of pirate factions. A living, breathing water world, in essence.

Well? Might this be an idea worthy of bringing to life?
(A thanks to lisha77 for inspiration via general chat in-game. ^-^)
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We will need a way to get the new blocks and items though, like the new woods and flowers. Not sure when the next world will be released considering Fenderfell was not long ago
I say the staff should place then new trees randomly around the worlds, so people can havest then regrow them.
This World is already planned since ages and it is called Hadar.
I don´t know in what stage of development it is atm but it will take some time until new worlds come out anyway.
The last news I heard was that the world builder for Hadar had taken a break...a long break.
Severek was working on hadar, until he went inactive, therefore hadar has not been worked on in quite some time. I'm sure if someone can find the time we can have someone else work on hadar.
I almost feel it should have an underwater generation of the "Amplified" biomes, to give an even larger ocean feel, as mountains and even castles can be put under the water.
However it would look beautiful, the more "potatoe'd" people wouldn't be able to run.
So, 1.7 is out, and at some point we(Massivecraft) will upgrade to the new version. I don't know too much about any plans for new worlds, but I have an idea that just might be worth investing time into.

The Maiar's "home land?" The lands of the destroyed empire of the Naga? Perhaps both? Just an awesome "continent?"

Well, it is essentially aimed with the Maiar race in mind: a large collection of variably sizes islands, loosely(and/or vaguely) based on Japan's geographical features. Ruins underwater, detailed underseas geography, volcanoes, trenches, and the like. Perhaps aimed more towards a Caribbean theme than Japanese?

The big idea, more than anything, is to really bring everything seaworthy to life. A world the Maiar can truly explore. The blossoming of pirate factions. A living, breathing water world, in essence.

Well? Might this be an idea worthy of bringing to life?
(A thanks to lisha77 for inspiration via general chat in-game. ^-^)

๖ۣۜFrom what I know, you'll get the new flowers randomly by using Bonemeal, as any other trait, however the new trees and such might be a want for the continent.
I almost feel it should have an underwater generation of the "Amplified" biomes, to give an even larger ocean feel, as mountains and even castles can be put under the water.
However it would look beautiful, the more "potatoe'd" people wouldn't be able to run.
๖ۣۜI'd personally like to see that, as Underwater looks a lot better now in 1.7, let alone by using the Amplified biome generation, you really wouldn't need much building, just the placing of a lot of water.
Severek, not only did he go inactive, but I believe he went inactive because his Internet broke and he couldn't find a new one. Other than that, he probably said an unofficial goodbye and went his separate ways, like many people have previously done.
...can't wait for Hadar but...
If you want to see a pirate world develop we need better boats. Cuz' I'm gonna laugh my butt off when Blackbeard comes chasing after me in a dinky little rowboat.
I believe they've already planned the world out though, but I agree with Toxiclord. We need a world built around the survival of mairs. Maybe decorated with ancient ruins or such.
How surprising. I got the same idea today when I was sitting in a pool with two Maiars today.
I'd love to live in such a world. I would instantly leave my Fendarfell home and group up together with a few pirates :3

I also thought about Jorrhildr. If we had to choose between one of this two new world, I wouldn't know which one to choose. Both would just be really awesome.
As a Maiar, I fully support this idea. I've been homesick for too long. I've always referred to Hadar as my home, but to never have gone there leaves me brokenhearted. I hope they make the continent soon.
I choose Hadar because THREE RACES live there and Jorrhildr has two.
Next world in development is Etosil, the Grecian-inspired Quest island. After that would be Guldar, which would be the effective replacement for Kelmoria/Gana-Isha. I'd assume Guldar would be released as a little 'Christmas present', so you guys'll have to wait for any news on Hadar.
Hey, as long as we're bringing up Jorrhildr in here...
If you are near an open fire will the frost damage take effect? If not, I think that's something that needs to be in there. That way you can take your winter gear off at the door of your cozy little cabin, or make a campfire out in the wild.
Additionally, vampires could travel in this Hadar world with relative ease.

I suggest hiring additional staff to focus solely on creating new worlds, including Hadar. You'd speed up the process of creating new worlds without sacrificing productivity in any other field, like roleplay or anything. I assume you can use worldedit, as there's a /br command, so creating the world would be easy, maybe it'd take max a month. i don't know if you have any plugins for random building placement, but placing premade mossy cobble ruins around seabed would also be easy.
I can't wait for this world! ^-^
I just became a Tigran because being a Maiar is a little restricted at the moment without a real world for them or things to explore as one. :/ When/if this world comes out i'm so being a Maiar again! :D
This needs to be done. The oceans in the other continents are just bland regular oceans. Even if the new world didn't have this stuff, I'd like there to be shipwrecks underwater and stuff.
Even if Hadar comes out I, as a Vespid myself, would stay in Fendarfell.
Even though it isn't my home land.
But I would love to see Hadar to come out. :)

-Theboomyfly (Kra'Us Imperius)
I would want Hadar to wait until there are more interesting features added to the oceans, such as new mobs (perhaps like the ones in Mo Creatures, or underwater plants like seaweed and coral). Otherwise the oceans will feel rather life-less. I know that I would certainly get bored of being a maiar because of that. With what few hard-core maiars there are, dedicating an entire world for them (minus the couple of islands) I feel would be a waste. I feel maiars should wait until things change that would give them an amazing underwater world to explore and build in.
Hadar is planned, currently it is seen as an archepelego of volcanic tropical islands.

That being said, Hadar is not a priority at all. There are many other continents that are planned that take priority, not to mention we don't want too many continents until the community grows more.

That feeling when your homeland is not a priority....

Still, I have yet to be disappointed with the new continents, and I severely doubt that will change. I shall wait patiently for Helios's homeland to be released!
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