Archived An Extreme Suggestion

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Please notice I put "Extreme" because I acknowledge that these are very drastic changes that I am suggesting in this post. Please read the post thoroughly before forming your own opinions.

Anyone that keeps up-to-date knows that Massive's economy has been destroyed, and will for the most part remain in ruins for the rest of the server's future. God armor and weapons are worthless because of Gifts4All, and diamonds, gold, iron - anything that would be valuable on literally any other server were destroyed economically after the mass exploitation of McMMO fishing.

I would like to suggest the idea of wiping the entire server, emptying every player's inventory, restoring all the maps and then doing a grand re-release of MassiveCraft. I still believe people should be able to keep some items in their backpack and/or enderchest, to store rare valuables and trophies.

This will in turn:
- Significant TPS increase, which might make the server more playable
- Fix the economy entirely
- Make the server a hell of lot less boring
- Make it easier for new players to start up because they won't be competing against players who have enough gear to PvP for a decade straight


-Currently running to my underground bunker to brace for hate
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I do agree about the TPS issue, TPS improvements were promised leading up to the removal of LWC. The lag in all the medieval worlds is just as bad as it was. Maybe because someone decided to add back hoppers? Idk but every world it is nearly impossible to eat food and drink potions in.
Hoppers shouldnt need to be removed. If they need to be removed to keep the tps at the level it is at then something else is the problem.

Ben... these are some extreme suggestions. I do not approve of the map restore one just because some builds have taken so much time and materials to build (and yes im being biased toward chimera)

I just dont see the positives outweighing the negatives.

The mcmmo one im torn on and im not at the high stats level to really have a say in that one.
Hoppers shouldnt need to be removed. If they need to be removed to keep the tps at the level it is at then something else is the problem.

Ben... these are some extreme suggestions. I do not approve of the map restore one just because some builds have taken so much time and materials to build (and yes im being biased toward chimera)

I just dont see the positives outweighing the negatives.

The mcmmo one im torn on and im not at the high stats level to really have a say in that one.

I would always be in favor of allowing bases to be transferes to the restored maps, however it would somewhat negate the benefits of a complete do-over. Totally get what your saying, especially when seeing amazing builds like Damorn that are absolutely one of a kind factions.
Never going to happen. As it would honestly make tons of people quit.
Please notice I put "Extreme" because I acknowledge that these are very drastic changes that I am suggesting in this post. Please read the post thoroughly before forming your own opinions.

Anyone that keeps up-to-date knows that Massive's economy has been destroyed, and will for the most part remain in ruins for the rest of the server's future. God armor and weapons are worthless because of Gifts4All, and diamonds, gold, iron - anything that would be valuable on literally any other server were destroyed economically after the mass exploitation of McMMO fishing.

I would like to suggest the idea of wiping the entire server, emptying every player's inventory, restoring all the maps and then doing a grand re-release of MassiveCraft. I still believe people should be able to keep some items in their backpack and/or enderchest, to store rare valuables and trophies.

This will in turn:
- Significant TPS increase, which might make the server more playable
- Fix the economy entirely
- Make the server a hell of lot less boring
- Make it easier for new players to start up because they won't be competing against players who have enough gear to PvP for a decade straight

Secondly, I believe that McMMO should be removed in its entirety. There are so many reasons why McMMO should be gone in my opinion (as someone who has grinded McMMO myself for countless hours and days). It is by far one of the servers' biggest problems in my eyes, for the following reasons:

- Absolutely deters new players from both PvPing
- Destroys the TPS in two ways: It encourages players to make darkrooms / areas to spawn mobs, creating INSANE TPS drops and the plug-in itself drops the TPS
- Obviously doesn't work well with traits and other plug-ins (Un-fixed damage bugs for ages that arguably made many PvPers go to other servers)
- Is a pain in the ass to grind (once again deters players)
- Widens the gap between PvPers and RPers and creates a seperation between the communities
- Would encourage RPers to PvP more, and make a more equal playing field
- It simply isn't needed when we have the much better traits system

Touching off on that last point - I believe Massive's goal as a server has always been to provide a unique experience, and I believe it accomplishes that at the moment, but it could still easily do that without McMMO. Traits allows for some awesome PvP, but because McMMO and Traits conflict (to my understanding) it creates game-breaking damage bugs that cause 3-hit kills, players to tank for ages and numerous other glitches that I've literally never encountered anywhere else other than Massive. I get that people worked hard on training McMMO, but so did I, and I personally believe the fact that it deters players so much from playing and pvping in the survival worlds that it would easily warrant its removal entirely.

I expect a lot of mixed answers, but hopefully I have clearly explained why I stand where I stand. I of course want everyones' opinions on what I have said here, but please remember I am like you, and want to see the server grow just as much as can be seen by the amount of effort I believe I have put forward to give my input on what changes can improve the server.

-Currently running to my underground bunker to brace for hate
After re-reading I don't think you'll get support on this one :P
I can see why you'd wanna do it though, however, these changes would make me not want to play the server ever again.
Get rid of my countless hours spent:
A) Building
B) Fishing
C) Quitting and replaying the server like 20 times
D) Whacking Sugarcane/Wheat
E) Enchanting
I Support the Idea of removing all chests on the server and despawning the items inside, but this is a bit to much for me buddy :P
And i would like to say in my opinion for any other 3rd party plugins we ever get.

The incident with LWC should have been fixed instantly by removing the plugin. The fact that it was a known fact that LWC was causing unplayable lag and issues with other plugins and THE SERVER CRASHING and yet it was kept for over a week more after a public post. it should have been removed instantly without any thought of an alternative.

But as spoonly pointed out the TPS still is poor. I think we need to find the solution thats in between where we are now and wiping the server clean.

As for the economy well... there is a huge negative for wiping all the inventory and storage (hours of time wasted) and keeping it (huge inbalance with new vs veteran players and all items being worthless)

Also what about collectable lore items? @BenRekt
I have a lot of stats and I really don't care if McMMO were to be removed. I also don't care if my items are wiped, since it's all either easy to get again or would never sell for profit anyways thanks to Gift4Alls ruining their worth. However, I've spent countless hours building things on this server, as I'm sure many others have, and I don't think I'd stick around if it all went to waste. So I partially support it, or rather am Ok with, but not the world reset part. Massiverestore is bad enough already.
After re-reading I don't think you'll get support on this one :P
I can see why you'd wanna do it though, however, these changes would make me not want to play the server ever again.
Get rid of my countless hours spent:
A) Building
B) Fishing
C) Quitting and replaying the server like 20 times
D) Whacking Sugarcane/Wheat
E) Enchanting
I Support the Idea of removing all chests on the server and despawning the items inside, but this is a bit to much for me buddy :P

I get where you're coming from, however imagine what the server would've been like if you didn't have to do a bunch of pointless and boring grinding to get to the fun parts?
And i would like to say in my opinion for any other 3rd party plugins we ever get.

The incident with LWC should have been fixed instantly by removing the plugin. The fact that it was a known fact that LWC was causing unplayable lag and issues with other plugins and THE SERVER CRASHING and yet it was kept for over a week more after a public post. it should have been removed instantly without any thought of an alternative.

But as spoonly pointed out the TPS still is poor. I think we need to find the solution thats in between where we are now and wiping the server clean.

As for the economy well... there is a huge negative for wiping all the inventory and storage (hours of time wasted) and keeping it (huge inbalance with new vs veteran players and all items being worthless)

Also what about collectable lore items? @BenRekt

I still believe people should be able to keep some items in their backpack and/or enderchest, to store rare valuables and trophies.
As someone who is teetering on playing again or just quitting this would seal the deal on me for quitting. Most my factions builds cannot be replaced because they were built by people that do not play anymore and my warzone cost me 30k regals which at this point in time is very hard to amass and would remain hard for a long while after a restart.

As far as McMMo is concerned I don't really care about losing many of the abilities but Massive PvP is very often imbalanced in numbers and without skills like Serrated Strikes and Skullsplitter you don't stand much of a chance when you are outnumbered. The damage glitches haven't really been a problem for a long time and McMMo works just fine on hundreds of other servers so it's obviously not that huge a problem.
As someone who is teetering on playing again or just quitting this would seal the deal on me for quitting. Most my factions builds cannot be replaced because they were built by people that do not play anymore and my warzone cost me 30k regals which at this point in time is very hard to amass and would remain hard for a long while after a restart.

As far as McMMo is concerned I don't really care about losing many of the abilities but Massive PvP is very often imbalanced in numbers and without skills like Serrated Strikes and Skullsplitter you don't stand much of a chance when you are outnumbered. The damage glitches haven't really been a problem for a long time and McMMo works just fine on hundreds of other servers so it's obviously not that huge a problem.

I'm actually going to split the McMMO idea into another thread.
Massive PvP is very often imbalanced in numbers and without skills like Serrated Strikes and Skullsplitter you don't stand much of a chance when you are outnumbered.
Isn't that the point? The survival world is built around factions and the stronger factions should be have more numbers which would help them pvp. Quality is always better than quantity though, to a certain extent. Would interest me in seeing some encouragement towards (even) larger scaled battles (for lack of a better term).
I'm actually going to split the McMMO idea into another thread.

A good idea IMO cause yeah I would be much more agreeable on the removal of mcmmo cause yeah it's nice and all and I would hate it being gone it's not something that would push me away completely. I honestly think it wouldn't make much a difference but in the end that's why I wouldn't care as much if it was gone. It's more just a loss of convenience instead of a loss of irreplaceable builds made for me by friends I have lost contact with. It's all I have to remember them by. :/
A good idea IMO cause yeah I would be much more agreeable on the removal of mcmmo cause yeah it's nice and all and I would hate it being gone it's not something that would push me away completely. I honestly think it wouldn't make much a difference but in the end that's why I wouldn't care as much if it was gone. It's more just a loss of convenience instead of a loss of irreplaceable builds made for me by friends I have lost contact with. It's all I have to remember them by. :/

Thinking more on it, if possible, it would work just as well if staff removed / emptied every chest in the survival worlds, which would accomplish the same goal.

Main goal is to fix the garbage economy.
Thinking more on it, if possible, it would work just as well if staff removed / emptied every chest in the survival worlds, which would accomplish the same goal.

Main goal is to fix the garbage economy.
Yeah that seems more reasonable especially if like you suggested we could keep our ender chest so things like our war trophies and extra special items could at least be kept.

*edit* hehe it might even make my player head valuable again. :3
Yeah that seems more reasonable especially if like you suggested we could keep our ender chest so things like our war trophies and extra special items could at least be kept.

*edit* hehe it might even make my player head valuable again. :3
*fills thousands of item frames with items* *builds diamond block mansion*
I get where you're coming from, however imagine what the server would've been like if you didn't have to do a bunch of pointless and boring grinding to get to the fun parts?
Grinding McMMo was fun for me tho (Back in the day)... xD
Not as much anymore, partly due to poor internet speeds and bad server Tps...
That being said, I'll move over to the other thread xD
I do not want a full reset.

That being said, all of the God armor, God weapons, God picks, need to go. Doesn't matter how. Make a plugin like the one that removed MassiveArmor, or whatever needs to be done.

I literally lost tens of thousands or regals overnight. All of my dubs and dubs of God armor went from 450 (or even 700 if I sold it at market) to 60 regals overnight. I don't think I actually need to explain why this is a bad thing. It's really gotten to the point for me that I don't really want to bother pvping. There's no significant gain or loss, as God axes go for 20 or 30 regals. The lag is ridiculous. The damage is screwed to hell, and despite ulumulu saying it was more than possible to fix it, we were then told that there were no plans to actually do so. Something needs to change.
Inflation. When someone did an armor/weapon4all donation, every single person on the server got said item. So averaging about 150 armor pieces per donation.

Since EVERYONE has god armor, no one really needs to buy any, so shop owners have to lower the prices to meet the increased amount of armor. Which kills prices.
Since i have a large stash of valuable lore'd items i say no, all that hard work to accumulate them would be gone, if this was done you'd essentialy wiped 3 years of my life. some of these items are very old you know.
Not to ention al those people that have put a lot of work in their factions! this would do waaaay more harm then it could possibly do good
Its also important to note that not jut pvpers are getting the armor and weapons but roleplayers too. Roleplayers who then sell the new items as soon as they get them because to them they are worthless. The gift4all problem is significant. I know it was discussed on other threads to lower the enchants and/or the quality of the armor yet it doesn't seem likely to happen. However, moving to the topic at hand. A total server restart would be a bad idea. It would be different if this was a server that regularly did it but the fact is it isn't. People have invested countless hours into their own personal projects and this would make all that work meaningless. Some people stay because of that investment. They invest time and actual money if they were premium before EULA. To see all that go away would guarantee people would quit. I agree that the economy is ruined currently, but a total server reset would create more problems than solutions.
The last server I played on decided to do exactly this. About 60% of the active community left within the first two weeks of the reset. I was one of the people who said a reset was needed, and It took me three months to finally get that to happen. When it did happen, I realized that it didn't matter if there was a reset or not. All it did was make some people leave. And new players didn't want to stay, because they had no veterans available to help them out.

All in all, a reset won't do much other than piss people off.
Taking away all the things you stated, while a good idea in theory, as stated many times before it would end in a majority of everyone quitting.
Honestly, if they can a good way to repair the economy, not fix, but add some metaphorical duct tape to it, would be to remove the gift4alls and delete every gift4all that has already been given out on the server.

Also lag is just sort of an issue that cant be fixed at this point, they already have what could be the best possible tps a mass server could offer without drastic changes.
I do agree about the TPS issue, TPS improvements were promised leading up to the removal of LWC. The lag in all the medieval worlds is just as bad as it was. Maybe because someone decided to add back hoppers? Idk but every world it is nearly impossible to eat food and drink potions in.

Yes hoppers was re-enabled. It was said to be fixed in the update we did so they would not make as much lag but they may have failed.
And i would like to say in my opinion for any other 3rd party plugins we ever get.

The incident with LWC should have been fixed instantly by removing the plugin. The fact that it was a known fact that LWC was causing unplayable lag and issues with other plugins and THE SERVER CRASHING and yet it was kept for over a week more after a public post. it should have been removed instantly without any thought of an alternative.

But as spoonly pointed out the TPS still is poor. I think we need to find the solution thats in between where we are now and wiping the server clean.

As for the economy well... there is a huge negative for wiping all the inventory and storage (hours of time wasted) and keeping it (huge inbalance with new vs veteran players and all items being worthless)

Also what about collectable lore items? @BenRekt

It was kept so people wouldnt start crying and be pissed when their stuff was unlocked and they got robbed senceless. We also set a date which we cut short by 3 days to just get rid of it. So i do think it is insanely unfair of you to judge like this and say hey you should have just removed it. I for one did not want to deal with the hundreds of tickets in such case about how we removed peoples locks that they paid for ingame and had their items stolen.
I will reject this extreme suggestion, as we will not reset the entire server with money, builds, items and everything. This is not the solution, this will only make players leave, everyone that has gathered and collected items and built insanely big things would just have their hard work removed and find no reason to keep playing. MassiveCraft will never completely reset to default. It is simply to big of a risk to take.
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