Archived An Exception To The Rule

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SouthPoint - Director of Intelligence
Mar 4, 2013
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Alright, so here's the deal. I while back, admins removed all item frames in Regalia due to lag issues. At the time, I spoke out against the removal, although I understood the reasons for it. I understand that the request I am about to make will most likely be denied, but I felt that I needed to make it anyway.

BookSource Bookstore used to be a thriving area for books to be sold in Regalia. I frequently got customers interested in reading the variety of books for sale. However, it focused heavily on the use of item frames, in order to make copies of books to distribute as well as to give readers additional info on books they may want to purchase. In my opinion, Booksource was only a positive contribution to the community, and provided a central hub to purchase and sell books. Anticipating the removal of item frames, I removed all from the store except one, which I kept as a way of checking whether the frames had been removed yet or not. To this day, the lone item frame hasn't been removed, and I am unsure as to why that is.

Regardless, however, I would like to request that an exception be made to Booksource Bookstore, allowing it to continue to use item frames again in order to benefit the Regalian scholars interested in reading the many books for sale. Why is it fair that item frames can be used in the inn (2 decorative item frames are outside) just for decoration, while I am not able to use them even for an important function. Wessexstock's house as well has a few item frames, that are only being used for decoration. I understand that he is part of the staff, but the use of item frames serves no specific purpose, while I could be using them for an important purpose; selling books. Bookstores are a small market, so why not grant an exception. Does it really make sense that the Massivebooks plugin can't even be utilized in the capital city of the world?

I am open to feedback, and understand that this will almost certainly be rejected, but I feel that I need to publicly voice my opinion on this issue. Thank you for your time.
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So, if I understand this correctly, this is for advertising purposes. The book copies can be made where you live. If you want some samples, maybe you should be requesting that some of these item frames be made available in the library, located in the scholarly quarter. This would have them in an area of the city that doesn't have the huge lag from all the signs.
If you would like to submit works to be assessed for display in the Regalian Library I would be happy to take the books for you. As an ongoing project of mine I am looking to re-stock the Library and so any contributions would be welcome. I'll look through them and then let you know if any could be used in the Library. If you would like to, feel free to send me a message when I am online next.

P.S. This does not mean the books will automatically be added, they have to go through a fair amount of approval before being accepted.

~Regalia Public Library
If you would like to submit works to be assessed for display in the Regalian Library I would be happy to take the books for you. As an ongoing project of mine I am looking to re-stock the Library and so any contributions would be welcome. I'll look through them and then let you know if any could be used in the Library. If you would like to, feel free to send me a message when I am online next.

~Regalia Public Library

I'm going to have to cockblock this by saying I don't want any player books in the library unless they have been approved by me and at least one other roleplay staff member.

As for shops. We have been playing with the idea of adding a small district with book shops which come pre-equipped with 3 item frames in each. Wether this gets realized I don't know yet and certainly not when, but it will be quite out of the way when it does to limit fps drop around the market district.
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