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An Exarch's Return

From the Office of the High Reverend

27 December 305 AC​



A Unionist curate would scribe a brief missive to the general public:

"Brethren in the Spirit,

In the Imperial Spirit's graces, His Most Holiness, Benedict XI is returning to the holy city to resume his work in the Sancella following a falling accident he suffered during the night at the d'Ortonnaise estate. We report that he is healthy and regaining strength after an unannounced return made on his own accord back to the provinces to obtain rest and rejuvenation in Vixhall. We delightfully announce his voyage back to the capital in lieu of recent progressions that have deemed much attention and recognition from the Sancella. His Most Holiness intends to convoke a Synod within a fortnight to reconfigure the status of the faith and minister to the needs of the faithful."

Imperial Benediction,


High Reverend of the Sancella