• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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An Examination Of Purity


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score

To the rightful people of Regalia,

The appearance of dragons, monstrous beasts long thought extinct, has become an omen that plagues the city. If Regalia is to stay strong and survive such a blight, its citizens from noble to common must be prepared physically and spiritually. Dragons coming to attack the Holy City in a time of war proves their unholy origins, and the best way to combat and deflect such evil is to prove that your blood flows with purity.

Doctor R.H. Vinthracia has concocted a method allowing the examination of a person's pure spirit and soul simply by analyzing their blood. If you fear an impure spirit vulnerable to the abominable dragons, or want to test your purity through the body's life waters, come visit Doctor Vinthracia at your earliest convenience for a simple, inexpensive, and completely honest bloodletting test that shall confirm any doubts*!

(*We are not responsible for any incidents in which overconfidence in spiritual purity leads to suicidal fights against Dragons; Please contact appropriate medical help if any such occasions occur)
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