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An Announcement From The Hidden Dragon


i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom

The Hidden Dragon has a few general announcements to make about upcoming projects and overall common issues within our establishment. We as a whole at the Hidden Dragon attempt to remain relatively lax when it comes to our patrons and their behavior, but instances such as fistfights among our diverse clientele is utterly unacceptable. If you are caught assaulting another patron on the Dragon's premise, the consequences will be dire. Our former point also relates to our various entertainers and bartenders. We at the Dragon do not tolerate verbal (or physical) abuse towards our workers.

On a lighter note, The Hidden Dragon will be opening up a new form of access in regards to the women who work with us. We here at the Dragon District are aware of the risk our influential and wealthy clientele take to visit us here on the east side of the city and to remedy that risk we have decided to offer house visits. If you are unaware of what this entails, allow me to explain it to you. House Calls are when we come to you, in short. You will be able to reserve one of our lovely ladies (or lads) to spend an evening with you, and should you wish it you can note these visits are to be recurring. If you do end up deciding to reserve a house visit, you are to place down a deposit of one hundred regals should the worker come back harmed or damaged in any way, with the reservation itself costing eighty regals. (The deposit itself will be returned if the entertainer returns unscathed, or you do not cancel your reservation. Reservations must be made two days in advance. Reservations can be made by penning a letter to the entertainment manager Florencia Molinero.)

Here at the Hidden Dragon we try and offer an energized and entertaining environment, and we thank you, our clientele, for the recent surge of business we have been receiving. As thanks, we are going to be hosting a barrage of events just for you. The first will be a masquerade graciously organized by the generous Taliandra Jouhari and Imara al-Qahtani. Our next planned event is going to be an auction of our entertainers. You will be able to bid for their affections, and if you are lucky enough to win them, you will have earned an entire uninterrupted evening with our professional dancers. You may remain on the premise of the dragon or take our ladies and men home for the evening for a much more private experience.

The Hidden Dragon is proud to announce our newest expansion, that being our underground baths, private lounges, and massage parlor. We have had the most revered architects who are experts in their field slaving away all night to bring this to you. The Luxury Lounge is available for parties or private gatherings and will cost one hundred regals to rent, with a fifty regal admission into the baths. The baths will only be open for our most wealthy and influential clientele, though there will be ample opportunities for all to enjoy its fruits.

The Hidden Dragon will now come to you when requested.
The Hidden Dragon will be hosting a lot more events.
The Hidden Dragon is expanding and opening a Luxury Lounge beneath the Hidden Dragon.
The Hidden Dragon is always hiring, and is in dire need of male (and female) entertainers, along with bouncers and bartenders.

@Percuriam @Patsie @Sebbysc
Jakob Ludevar gave a nod of his head. It was time for him to bathe in public