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An Announcement From House Valliani




House Valliani would like to refute all claims made in the newest edition of the Regal Gazette levelled at the Nordmark in its entirety. Outlined below is a list of allegations made against the Nordmark, followed by a complete refutation of each individual allegation.
I. The Kidnapping of Duke Nathaniel Bigge
  • Duke Nathaniel Bigge was in fact not kidnapped. He was arrested by Krupp house guards for trespassing and attempted murder of Eske Ulfmaer in the Milais Palace and placed under custody until the proper authorities could retrieve him.
II. The Rebellion of Nordmark
  • There never was, nor will there be a rebellion started or otherwise directed by the Nordmark. There are abundant reports of extreme prejudice and violence directed against former Nordmark members done by the various Defense Banner guards and Bluesteels. Their attempt to defend themselves or otherwise flee does not constitute as rebellion, nor treason.
III. The Nordmark Attack on the City
  • This claim underlined in the Regal Gazette is nothing more than false flags to further stirr up anger and momentum against the Nordmark. It is inherently false that any attack is being or ever was considered against the City.
IV. The Framing of Duke Nathaniel Bigge
  • Framing someone implies that they did not actually commit the crime levelled against them, which is not reflective of the situation that occurred. Duke Bigge was found snooping around the Milais Palace after many Nordmark members had fled there after their discrimination by the present house guards, Bluesteels, and other various guard forces. He then went on to attempt to kill Eske Ulfmaer once he was discovered committing a crime.
House Valliani hopes that the writers of the Regal Gazette were not influenced by other political leanings when the paper was published, but nevertheless, House Valliani felt compelled to publish this correction due to the tense, inflammatory situation in our most Holy City.
Cesare Valliani,
Imperial Knight of Nizza.
We can assure you that the Regal Gazette was only stating what it's source said, and is not attempting to confirm the sources opinions without proof. --The Regal Gazette CO.