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An Announcement From House Bagshaw


hater of men
Jan 30, 2019
Reaction score
the village
An Announcement from House Bagshaw

October 27th, 307 AC.


With the Declining health of Kateryne's mother, Sylviane, it has been requested that Missus Bagshaw to return to her home town of Brackleswythe in Paddiswerth. With this being said, it is now Miss Elsie Bagshaw as the new Matriarch, as Miss Kateryne Bagshaw will be away from the city, and therefore will not be able to keep up with current politics. Missus Bagshaw will be away from the city, and will not return until for some time.

Lastly, this means Miss Elsie Bagshaw, the eldest daughter of Kateryne, will be the new head of the family, and will be able to appoint advisors, arrange arranged marriages with other Aristocrats and Nobility, and help the name of the Bagshaws grow.

Kateryne Bagshaw
Former Matriarch of House Bagshaw
Noelle squinted, reading over the notice. "Hm." She'd look to Margarethe @Senpah ".. Isn't that the same lady who was openly asking for a suitor? How unfortunate, we hadn't the chance to really meet."
Milena du Brierüst looks over the notice, passing it over to her cousin and his wife. "It seems like they were smart enough to change hands after everything Kateryne did. Hopefully, Elsie can fix everything her mother's torched. Especially after that ball, mmn?"

@Ferghoul @WaterDruppel
"You severely overestimate my ability to remember anything about Bagshaw." offhandedly remarked the Duke, hardly even looking at the notice.​
Margarethe squinted as she took the notice from Noelle, pinching the paper between her fingers with a light crinkle, "If it is, then Spirit take the reigns. If they are anything like their attempt to search for a suitor, then House Bagshaw is further without hope for another generation." @mcmann
Novellia read the notice, sitting back in her chair. "So Kateryne's leaving the city and her position? I suppose after that feast, it isn't much of a surprise." She took a sip of green tea and rum. "Spirit be with Elsie Bagshaw. May she be a fitting matriarch."
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Looked at the paper Elizabeth had put under her nose.

''What is this?''

She asked, as she read the paper, her brows raising with every line she read.

''Who did the what of the who's, an who's sick?''

She simply shook her head and handed the paper back to her.

''Write something in my name to wish the new head of the family goodluck or something- Ah well.''

Sophia didn't finish her sentence, as she had diverted her attention to her book once more.