15TH OF MAY, 307 AC.
On the 15th day of May, Great houses Harhold and Rote do publicly declare their intent to form a public alliance through the betrothal of the heir of Rote, young ser Caspian Rote, and the young Madame Haeddi Harhold, the youngest child of his grace Hengest Harhold.
The two young betrothed will remain as such until they reach their eighteenth name day and become of age. As soon as Haeddi Harhold reaches her eighteenth name day, House Rote will send the House Harhold a shipment of gold (one wealth token) for the hand of Haeddi Harhold.
Further stipulations of the alliance follow.
The marriage of the two houses will bind them in a mutual defense pack before and after the ceremony is to take place, meaning that if any foreign entity were to march on either land, Vlissinghelm or Griptham, it is considered a direct attack on either house and it shall be acted upon accordingly. Each house will defend the other and their interests if they are under attack. To lend defense is considered as sending soldiers, gold, or support in whatever way they can manage. To neglect to maintain this part of the treaty is considered a violation of the alliance (unless prior agreed upon.) When planning an invasion or plotting at court, the houses are required to be transparent with each other on intention and political alignment to save the families embarrassment.
The Houses of Harhold and Rote hereby agree to seek to further each other's interests wherever their influence may stretch, be this at court or otherwise. The two will to best of their ability to support the other in their times of need and duress. As part of this, each house has a right to declare the foolishness of the other to halt dangerous endeavors which could bring about disastrous, detrimental circumstances.
High Lady Agatha Harhold
High Lady of the Chambers
& Lady Heir of the House Harhold lands, titles, and fortunes.
His Grace, Hengest Harhold
Duke of Vlissinghelm
Rightful Revain of Zuiderpoort,
& Lord of the House Harhold.
His Lordship, Leopold Rote
Count of Griptham,
& Lord of the House Rote
The two young betrothed will remain as such until they reach their eighteenth name day and become of age. As soon as Haeddi Harhold reaches her eighteenth name day, House Rote will send the House Harhold a shipment of gold (one wealth token) for the hand of Haeddi Harhold.
Further stipulations of the alliance follow.
The marriage of the two houses will bind them in a mutual defense pack before and after the ceremony is to take place, meaning that if any foreign entity were to march on either land, Vlissinghelm or Griptham, it is considered a direct attack on either house and it shall be acted upon accordingly. Each house will defend the other and their interests if they are under attack. To lend defense is considered as sending soldiers, gold, or support in whatever way they can manage. To neglect to maintain this part of the treaty is considered a violation of the alliance (unless prior agreed upon.) When planning an invasion or plotting at court, the houses are required to be transparent with each other on intention and political alignment to save the families embarrassment.
The Houses of Harhold and Rote hereby agree to seek to further each other's interests wherever their influence may stretch, be this at court or otherwise. The two will to best of their ability to support the other in their times of need and duress. As part of this, each house has a right to declare the foolishness of the other to halt dangerous endeavors which could bring about disastrous, detrimental circumstances.
High Lady Agatha Harhold
High Lady of the Chambers
& Lady Heir of the House Harhold lands, titles, and fortunes.
His Grace, Hengest Harhold
Duke of Vlissinghelm
Rightful Revain of Zuiderpoort,
& Lord of the House Harhold.
His Lordship, Leopold Rote
Count of Griptham,
& Lord of the House Rote