An Algoran Odditiy


Seen any Elves?
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
So, I was at a Wedding in Algoran city, and afterwards the Priest told me to come inside his house. He led me through a series of portals, and eventually we winded up in a dark corner under the Yewglow NC claim...
Secret of the Potatoe.png

He gave me a potato and disappeared into thin air.
Should I be worried about possession?
The Patron commands him. Have NO idea why The Patron would order this though.....
Seransic has had dreams of the hounds of hell... Baver confronting him... but... NOTHING... compares to the the dangerousness of this potato.
Don't worry. He was merely a ghost we summoned in order to haunt, possess, and brutally and bloodily decapitate those that misspell our faction's name. We call him Phillip.
I have a potato that someone renamed "resurrection potato" if you are thinking of starting a collection.
I feel like I should have been informed that I have a magic-potato-man residing within my faction. I do recall the wedding, I attended but for the life of me couldn't remember who was getting married (I was in 6 conversations in game and on skype at the time).

Honestly...I'm not sure what to make of this