Archived An Addon To /sing

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Apr 13, 2013
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So what I sort of want to be implemented into Massivecraft is the option to select which notes you want to play when you type in /sing
For example,
/Sing A
/Sing D
/Sing C#
/Sing G
And it can go through the entire staff of notes, from an A to a G, and including the "Flats" and "Sharps".
Sharps will have the # symbol after the specific note, only compatible for certain ones
Flats/naturals will have the _ or b symbol after the specific note, only compatible for those certain ones
However, typing in only /Sing r will as always, give you a random note sound from a note block.
/Sing will bring up a menu telling the different notes you can play, and also the information saying how /Sing r will give you a random note, and as well as a warning saying that it cannot be spammed.
+Very minor change, not a huge impact to gameplay
+People can actually "Sing" songs on massivecraft
+Much more variety to the sound, can even create some choruses
+People might actually use "Sing" instead of not even know of it's existance
-People will spam the F@$& out of "Sing" when they hear of it's implementation or changes
Information, but unknown to Cons or Pros~
~/Sing r instead of /Sing might confuse the players that use it, but it's such a very little change, I don't think anyone will for much care.
Please include any type of feedback to if you support, if you don't, and perhaps what can be changed to this idea!
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Really, the flat should just be a 'b'
Eb for example. _ is totally not needed.
I support! I've always had my characters be musically talented or at least skilled, but in massivecraft so far there is no way whatsoever to show you can sing! This may be hard to code [or not, I dont know] but if coded it would make massivecraft more MUSICAL!

But I really would not want someone to use this for ill; like spam annoying notes and know, like the way a lot of people have bad roleplay.
Mhm just found out, thats why i cant play massive anymore..i get on, get kicked, and it'll take forever to get back on, especially with the bad login. Its at random isnt it?
I'm not sure what to think about this. On one hand, being able to sing would be pretty cool, on the other, I can see this being the next vampire "shriek". I'm imagining warping to regalia during an server event, then instantly being deafened by other 30 trolls spamming sing.
Wait, there's a /sing command?!

Now I can finally walk through the streets playing the Beverly Hills Cop theme song.
I'm not sure what to think about this. On one hand, being able to sing would be pretty cool, on the other, I can see this being the next vampire "shriek". I'm imagining warping to regalia during an server event, then instantly being deafened by other 30 trolls spamming sing.
yea, thats what i said XD
I don't know if you can already do this or not, but it'd be cool to sing multiple notes per message.
For example, /sing Bb C D Eb F G A Bb.
The spaces would basically imply quarter notes, and the notes would be played at the appropriate speed after entering the command in chat. Perhaps half notes could have tildes after them, eighth notes could have ampersands after them, and sixteenth notes could have grave symbols/apostrophes.
favoured is exactly right, this will become the new shriek, so that newbs won't even have to become vampires, they can just join the server and spam away. Wake up people, don't doom us all to a life full of deafening notes :X
What is /sing? I've never heard of it before...
It makes a random noteblock sound. That explains all the random sounds I've been hearing around the tavern o_O. I just learned about the command yesterday.

Anyway, I support the idea. It would be more immersive for the more musical characters.
But I do agree that spamming would be a problem.
Valmyr why thank you for making us all look clueless...
I even said in the cons that people would spam away at it, but lets face it, you cant really spam it because it has the auto kick, and the singing would sort of add people to make an organized chorus or of the sort on Massivecraft, sort of giving new openings to some roleplay.
But, yes, just like anything new, people will "spam" away with it for a little bit.
Well Toxiclord , while a chorus might be cool, it would also be really difficult to organize, considering you would need a voice chat to communicate exactly when to sing a certain note within a group. Also, lag could easily throw a chorus into disarray, as well as the fact that trolls have the possibility to spam their /sing command while the chorus is singing.
i think you shal alway's have trollers with commands like that. you just can't go around that. IF they added it in we should have (misplaced) trust in the people that they don't troll
The shriek plug-in has a thirty second cool down, and look at the problems with that. With a shorter cool down for notes, it's more open for abuse, whereas a longer cool down would require extensively large numbered choirs, which would lead to coordination issues and just defeating the purpose in the first place. There's really no proper implementation to avoid abuse, in my opinion.
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