Archived An Addition To The Friend Plugin

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Meme Connoisseur
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
So, today I had a little idea about the friend plugin. What if we could create groups in the friend list? I say this as it could be useful for finding a specific group of people that you wish to RP with or talk to, but don't want to trawl through a large friend list. It then opens up a little chat between the lot of them, talking to the group at the same time in a manner similar to faction chat. People will be able to accept an invite to these chats like with friends to avoid a spam fest, and would also be able leave whenever.

Picture it:

1)Wynter family member wants to see which other members are online
2)/friend l Wynter Family
3) List containing those within the group comes up, showing who's online

Not a needed addition to a wonderful server, but one that wouldn't be TOO hard to code (providing it was one of our lot who coded the original plugin) and could be rather useful for those who may wanna talk to, RP with or organise something with more than one person at a time.

Anyhows, tell me what ya think below,
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

I love this idea. It'd make it so much easier not having to reply to 5 or 6 different PMs at once (which is a complete nightmare).

Only thing-what colour should it be? I think it should be choosable by whoever created the group (I.e. they choose what colour when they create it, and mebbe there is a command to change the colour too)
Um.. 3 day bump. Would like to hear more opinions on this.
I approve of this idea!
(If only I could give you a seal to show how much I approve, oh wait, I can!)
Note: I do not own this photo OR this seal.
Yes and no. The idea of it is great and possible to implement but I don't know how many ways I can explain why the chat between the groups is a bad idea.

PS: Sorry if that sounded bad, it had no intention of it and just if you were hallucinating, I'm not staff
Considering it was Barbas who posted this in the first place, Ill go forth with the next step for him:

Barbas Seal of Approval.png

(Seems Legit, @BadassBarbas I hope you dont mind.)​
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