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An Act Of Kindness Keeps The Evil Away!

Jun 17, 2015
Reaction score
your mum's bed or something
Notes were scattered around the snow covered city, if you compared two notes you'd notice that they weren't printed, but instead each and every one was handwritten in the same handwriting.

I see so much animosity in this city, and I want to change that!
So, I request that anyone who reads this performs one act of kindness today, and suggest to the person that you help that they do the same!

-Kimmie Bigge
Some would even see a lady in her twenties skipping around, leaving these notes in the strangest of places. They'd occasionally see her climb a tree to post a note in the branches, or place one in the bushes.

Khal read one of the notes, it had been placed in the allyway he currently called home. The aging orc smiled when he read it. It is nice to see optimism in hard times even if he himself did not have the strength for it.
Katrina C'Aelrith took a subconscious note of it, even if she did not realise it, she was far more laid back in nature. Lenient and carefree. Whether this was because of the snow, something she had scarcely seen in between her trips to Ellador, or the letter, it was a positive change nonetheless. The real question is how long would it last?

Beneath one of her notes, a new one would be pinned.


My Dear Lady Bigge,

Words cannot express the warm emotions that swelled within my heart upon reading these words. My blessings and thanks go out to you for the fine work you have done with this simple note. If every noble and commoner thought as you did, the world would be a fine place indeed. Allow me to give you my humblest complements.

I am Your Obedient,
J. T. Appleton
Vivienne decided to feed the children today, this note was truly inspiring!

but only for today, they can starve tomorrow

Merina stumbled across this letter on her route towards the d'Vaud's estate, the young woman pondered the message a moment, taking a bit longer than she'd like to think to read the entire message due to (despite her age of twenty) just learning how to read at all. Several moments went by and the Claith glanced around the snowy road before looking at her hands. A smile only took a moment to spread across her face and she twisted, frolicking elsewhere to find a merchant to by gloves from- not for herself, despite her lack of them, but for her friend.
Joasaie inspects her sister as they talk. She was not used to Katrina being so...lively and joking with people. It was strange, but welcome nonetheless. "Hopefully," she thought, "Sister will come to be like this after winter as well.". For now she would take what she could get and enjoy the change. First step was by throwing the snowball in her hand at Katrina.