Preserved Sheet Amrynn

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Mirror Thrower
Sep 22, 2018
Reaction score







  • << Basic Information >>
    • Full Name: Amrynn Eilwyn
      • Nicknames: TBA
      • Aliases: TBA
    • Age: 26
      • Birthday: May 9th
      • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
    • Sex: Male
      • Gender: Male
      • Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Eye Color: Blue
  • << Core Concept >>
    • Amrynn believes in the All Mother, Estel. He isn't heavily religious but does worship her and believe Estel is the creator of all.
    • Amrynn is a Cielothar medic who wants to help everyone he can and befriend all those he comes across, believing everyone has some form of goodness in their hearts even if they mean harm. He also has a love for baking, whoever he comes across and befriends, he will usually bake for them.



  • << Skill Information >>
    • Special Training Proficiencies
      • +10 Medical Training
    • Hobby Proficiencies
      • +15 Baking Art (+5 Racial Boost)
      • +10 Husbandry Art (Hobby)
      • +7 Horticulture Art
      • +5 Needlework Art
    • Point-Buy Proficiencies
      • +12 Alchemy (4 Packs; Common, Healing, Conning, Volatile)
      • +3 Sorcery (Exorcism 2)
      • +3 Arcanology (Curing Knowledge)
  • << Ability Information >>
    • Cielothar Racials (Aiel Circle):
      • Age Control 1
      • Spirit Familiar 1
        • Candle Mouse
      • Element Control 2
      • Empath Sense 2
      • Restoration 1
      • Home Enchant 1
      • Magic Sight 2
    • Husbandry
      • 5-point investment - Snowpaw (Mundane Familiar)
      • 10-point investment - Silat Wolf (Progression Animal)
  • << Languages >>
    • Saan (Native Tongue)
    • Common (Learned)




  • << Appearance Information >>
    • Amrynn does not have too many mutations, though the ones that can be easily pointed out are how their blue eyes seem to be foggy in nature as well as having small, feathered wings. Other mutations possessed aren't noticeable as often as the two stated previously, like how Amrynn has whiter teeth all the time, their blood runs down like water when injured, and how they always smell like a type of fruit no matter where they are, even if it is the sewers.
    • Amrynn is on the weaker side compared to most people in Regalia, holding not much muscle at all, skin and bones as one may say. But he isn't too skinny, he eats fairly well, but he is considerably thin. He stands at a height of 5'4, having brown hair and blue eyes. Amrynn doesn't have an actual clothing style as long as it's warm and comfortable.



  • << Life Story >>
    • Childhood
      • Amrynn was born in a small Cielothar village to Amnestria and Erendriel Eilwyn.
    • Adolescence
      • Growing up, Amrynn took interest in plants and alchemy at a young age, beginning to start his own gardens and grow alchemy ingredients while he stayed up late to read books. As well as nearing 12 specifically, he also got into baking as a hobby to do with his mom.
    • Early Adulthood
      • Amrynn's love for alchemy continued, not only that but as he got into healing alchemy, he took interest into learning medical skills, expanding his knowledge and wanting to help people. He knew what he wanted, and the path he set out for was to become a medic and assist those in need.
    • Adulthood
      • He continued to work as a medic, joining as staff of a clinic in this village to expand on his skills and practice more that way, eventually learning a spell for Exorcism and getting taught how to cure those afflicted with Vampirism and Cahalism.
    • Present
      • Eventually, being 26, Amrynn wanted to leave the village and go to Regalia after hearing rumors of tragic events and misfortune occurring within that city. It was the Cielothar's goal to help those in need, and Regalia was just the place for that.
  • << Progression Information >>
    • +2 Support
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