Preserved Sheet Amrynn Elpharäe

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The True Queen of Nerds
Jul 26, 2014
Reaction score
Kakariko Village; Eldin Providence
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Being soft in this world is a form of courage.

Basic Information
Full Name:
Amrynn Elpharäe
Amry or Rynn (by friends)
Honey Bee (by his mother only)
Am, Ammy, Sunflower, Marshmallow, the list grows.
35 Years.
Appears around 18
DOB: 2nd of July, 276AC
Appears female
Preference|| No preference either way.
Relationship Status ||Single

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We rise by lifting others.

Skill Information
Total Skill Points: 40
( 5 + 35 = 40 )
+15 Alchemical Sciences
+8 Medical Sciences
+8 Lightgiver Ritualism
+5 Athletic Training
+4 Stave Combat Skill
Body Build
Physical Stat:
15 = ( 5x2 ) + 5
Body Shape
Body Fat
Low Body Fat


Plains Elvish
Native Language
Learned while growing up
Picked up over 8 years while in Windgarden

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Visual Information
Eye Color:
Emerald Green.
Hair Color:
Honey Gold.
Hair Style:
Shoulder length & curly parted off to the right. Longer bangs on side of face. Braids keep most of his hair tame and presentable, but without sacrificing the whimsy of his appearance.
Skin Color:
Lightly Tanned, a soft creamy caramel.
Intentionally chosen gender neutral attire. Typically fitted and unimpressive.

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A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.
Personality Information
Character Alignment
Neutral Good
Personality Type
Faith of Estel

Social Perceptions | What a Wall Flower.
Amrynn's cheerful, reserved nature, combined with his feminine appearance, makes him come across quite innocent and approachable. He makes it clear he's happy to help anyone in need if approached, that he isn't a threat, but isn't quite the type to approach someone himself unless absolutely necessary. Over time, he's someone used to having people turn to him, someone that will listen with empathy to whoever needs the ear. However, in most escalated situations, Amrynn is known to be the type to avoid conflict or confrontation, choosing instead to dissolve a fight by talking or find a peaceful resolution.

Because of these perceptions, Amrynn can be seen as a middle ground for confiding in, or a safe turning point for those troubled or in danger.
Internal Image | A Tree Unbent by Wind.
Amrynn is confident in his skill with medicines, though is humble about everything he can do. Learning from his successes and failures, he makes sure to stay appreciative of any opportunity given, even outside his practice. After being forcefully removed from his home and watching waves of others face the same, sometimes bloody fate, he's vowed to never raise a hand in offense. He knows he takes on too much work, but can't find it in himself to stop biting off more than he can chew, this trait has only worsened, with the continuous downward spiral his mental state has gone through. The Cielothar is incredibly strong willed to do right and a devout pacifist. Though thanks to the WitchBlood curse running through his veins, an internal struggle has made itself known. He doesn't want to harm anyone, but the desensitization has forced him to understand that unfortunately, he may not always have a choice. In a lingering thought, typically kept as far down as possible, Amrynn feels like he's been lost; simply suffocated under the world but still somehow alive.

Family & Friends | Not All Bonds Are By Blood.
When surrounded by people Amrynn is fully comfortable with, and his true colors show, most are left in disbelief. The once innocent young Nelfin they knew him as in the beginning really is a prank loving, dirty minded, and once he's comfortable it's all often unfiltered. The contrast of introverted reserve from their first meeting to the extroverted excitement further down the road makes him seem as though he's a completely different person. Amrynn's core personality remains the same with friends and family, as they're practically all one in the same, with the exception of never cutting family out of his life. However, his ever supportive soul and peace seeking determination only increases the closer he is to someone. Those close to him know him as reliable, and a bit of comic relief.

On the opposite side of the coin, with those Amrynn trusts, he used to trust wholeheartedly. With the seemingly constant stream of circumstances, he's grown more prone to hesitance when around new people and it has become increasingly more difficult to truly gain his trust. If someone were to betray him, despite trust being a little lower than before, he'll still give them a second chance. But only a second chance.
Morality | An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Looking at the bigger picture, despite being youthful compared to some, Amrynn has seen his fair share of the corruption and pain in Aloria. Firm in his place as a neutral good, in all the conflict he's witnessed, the young Cielothar is frustrated that he's has yet to see a negative situation handled peacefully by those who deem themselves in charge. He may not be the best Alorian, enjoying good humored pranks and at times lets himself fall into lustful situations, but he stands resolute for peace. Willing to go out of his way to help those in need. And, in turn, should he see corruption or an evil deed being undergone, his reserve is thrown to the side.

* A D5 is rolled for emotional/mental reactions when Amrynn is in an abnormal situation
* A D10 is rolled for physical reactions/capability.

No Harm To Others | Pacifism
Amrynn will refuse to physically or verbally harm another Alorian regardless of what may be happening to himself. He's more likely to let himself be critically injured or fleeing if he cannot verbally or physically diffuse the situation before resorting to any sort of offensive alternative. As much as the Cielothar would like to believe his ways are a strength, in a cruel world such as Aloria, they're more a weakness.
The Room Is Spinning Again... | Vertigo
While constant practice of flexibility and strength have been almost a ritual for the Nelfin, being off the ground or at a higher altitude than his roughly his average hight sends his senses into overdrive. Primary symptoms are typically dizziness and minor nausea, though being particularly high up or off balance for too long can, and often does, result in long lasting migraines.
The Cat Did What...? | Minor Hearing Loss
Amrynn's right ear suffered internal damage at the hands of a few Ailor children when he was in his teens. Being held underwater in an attempted drowning, the pressure of water ruptured the membrane guarding his inner ear. It never healed properly, causing things to sound distant if he's to rely on his right side for listening.
"I'll Take Two Trips..." | Weak Left Arm
Broken when a member of the raiding clan of Orcs that hit his village. The break in his upper humerus going unattended too long while young and still developing. While eventually set properly, the damage still affects his ability to lift things that weigh more than 30lbs.

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Every flower must grow through dirt.

Life Story

- Brought into Aloria early in the morning of July second, a surprisingly quiet baby given how difficult Nestyla's pregnancy was. His mother insisted the tiny Cielothar was named similarly to his great grandmother, Emraelwyn.
- Word of nearby settlements being raided by Orcs reaches Amrynn's village. His mother decides it's best to start teaching the young Nelfin how to care for plants and crops, showing him basic first aid and how to distinguish safe to eat wild foods from those that are harmful.
- Nestyla and Lairion pull him in opposite directions when discussing education. Between formally training him or solely focusing him on cultural healing remedies and herbology from elders, Nestyla wins. Amrynn starting more firmly his path toward Apothecary and Alchemy within the village. Though Lairion finds the time to make sure he can defend himself.
- The spring before his 9th birthday his village falls victim to an Orc raid. His home specifically illuminated and brought to the ground by a torch flung into the kitchen's open window. Amrynn suffers a brake to his left arm from being drug out of his father's grasp, despite the pain Amrynn never mentioned it due to shock and stress. The break goes nearly a week without proper attention, which later affects his ability to lift anything more than 30lbs without struggle and mass discomfort.
- Amrynn's family settles in Windgarden.
- Nestyla resumes seriously teaching Amrynn, overwhelming him at times with things to remember. This is the foundation for anxiety to stir when handed large amounts of unfamiliar information later in his life.
Pre/Teenage Years
- The group of 'friends' Amrynn surrounds himself with slowly start to realize the Nelfin won't fight back, growing annoyed when the peaceful young Cielothar is more inclined to talk out problems, or when they shove him and he simply takes it.
- Nestyla brings Cielothar that have found refuge in Windgarden to help guide Amrynn's studies. He becomes fond of them, as having someone other than his mother to talk to about medicine is refreshing.
- Some Ailor kids in Windgarden try to drown him as a 'test' to see if he really would want to die rather than fight back. Along with creating trust issues around others while in or near any depth of water. Amrynn's right, inner ear is damaged from the pressure of being held under water, resulting in a permanent case of vertigo, as well as hearing loss.
- Amrynn offers to help with basic chores at a small clinic as a way to avoid getting harassed. His naturally outgoing nature starts to diminish in preference for the small staff group. A fellow coworker, and Nelfin, help him understand procedures and walk him through why certain things are necessary. This sparks his interest in learning, taking his mother much more seriously.
- The clinic offers Amrynn a real position as an assistant. Giving him a small allowance each week for his help, which he saves half of in a jar under his bed. Training in lancing with his father comes to a stop.
- Not long after the clinic staff realize Amrynn's potential, they offer paying tuition in the city's School of Alchemy in exchange for his helping. Amrynn happily agrees, spending any free time he can scrape together making up the monetary decrease for his family.
- After complications due to language barriers, Amrynn takes a step forwards to some of the Daendroque Colonists that help Windgarden to learn the how to better communicate. Negotiating that in exchange for them teaching him the language, and letting him borrow books, he would translate further down the road as well as make remedies for them free of charge.

- Amrynn tries to keep up with the spoken end of learning Daen, but inevitably has a hard time keeping up due to his loss of hearing. Making up the best he can by studying harder in the written/read portion as it's significantly easier to do when alone.
- Formal schooling inevitably decreases for Amrynn, and instead he begins applying all of his learned knowledge. Amrynn takes on more work at the clinic, spending 12-14 hours working, stepping up to translate for, or fully taking on any patience that may speak Daen to not lose his verbal capability, and saving 80% of what he earns.
- Years pass since Mimphael went missing, and two since his father left for Arvost, Amrynn decides to leave Windgarden. It takes a few months for everything to settle as to where he's headed, ultimately deciding on the Crown City. A mixture of hope he'll find his rebel little sister, and interest in finding more medical knowledge within the regal city's walls.
- In his short span of time in the Holy City, Armynn's life is essentially turned upside down. The loss of dear friends, two near death experiences, all mingled in with the stressful life the Cielothar lives has developed stronger hesitation for trusting and attaching to people. Only sticking to the sides of those he's grown to trust and around the Alchimia Order and furthering medicinal skills.
- Though it wasn't long until a series of chaotic events struck the Cielothar off balance again. Friends gained and lost within short spans, skills gained and lost all the same. The optimistic outward view of Regalia was diminished rather quickly, and Amrynn's taken to becoming a home body, and a safe haven for weary travelers.

Aditional Information
- Being the youngest Nelfin of the village, over his first few years Amrynn develops a poor sense of personal space. Becoming very used to people picking him up, hugging on him, or other means of affection.
- Mimphael is born later in the year, Amrynn adores her and nicknames her Chamomile; reference to how her hair stood out against the white dresses their mother had her in.
- The Aränhil family is split for the span of four months, Amrynn with his father and Mimphael with his mother. Finally meeting back up just outside Windgarden.
- Amrynn's schooling sessions are few and far in between.
- The adjustment to Windgarden is not easy, Amrynn's sense of direction is thrown off and he finds himself lost 80% of the time he's sent on errands.
- A group of children his age 'befriend' him, taking advantage of his kindness and willingness to share whatever he has, for a while they're unsure if he's a girl or a boy. Amrynn is too naive to really notice, believing maybe they have it harder at home than they let on.
- Mimphael tends to 'go missing' or play painfully hard games of 'hide and seek' when out with Amrynn. After being split when the raid happened, her running off stresses him out to the point of a stomach ache in fear he won't find her. A rift is created between them when he finally can't take it anymore and scolds her in public.
- Nestyla falls ill, though refuses to mention anything. Amrynn notices her decrease in energy but stays quiet, picking up more work where he can.
- Amrynn really starts to notice the confusion his appearance causes. Going so far as to intentionally make people that were just passing through Windgarden uncertain. Their reactions, as varying as they are, humor him in the otherwise stress-filled days that pass.
- Despite being constantly exhausted, formal schooling progresses shockingly well for the Nelfin. The drive of learning carries over to the practice of Daendroque through reading when he isn't able to practice speaking with others that know the language.
300 AC
- Nestyla's condition worsens, when finally accepting the fact, none of Windgarden's doctors can pin point what's wrong. Unfortunately it's far too late, and she passes away days later. Mimphael and Amrynn take this particularly hard, some of their relationship rift is fixed.
- With Nestyla's firm hand gone, Mimphael starts to rebel against their laid back father. Amrynn tries to step up, but isn't respected. Towards the end of the year, Mim goes missing. Gone without a trace. Amrynn and his father drop everything to search for her, but there's not even a hair clip to be found.
- With the loss of his mother, and disappearance of his sister, Amrynn throws himself into work and studies. Finding it hard to take initiative in talking to new faces as they pass through Windgarden.
- Lairion losses faith that Mimphael will ever come back to Windgarden, feeling as though Amrynn's life is going just fine without him, he leaves for Arvost to reunite with family.
- Amrynn relocates from the house his family took refuge in to a small cottage with a colleague. There's minor romance and sexual tension, though neither ever take the step for it to lead to anything serious.
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0-2 ♥'s
3-4 ♥'s
5-6 ♥'s
7-9 ♥'s
Close Friends
10 ♥'s
Loved Ones
| Friendships | Familial Bond | Romantic Bonds |
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My Review:
Total Skill Points: +30
+20 Nature Care Sciences | Racial Boost
+10 Alchemical Sciences
+10 Medical Sciences
+5 Athletic Training
+5 Staves

Body Build
Physical Stat:
10Body Shape
( 5 x 2 = 10 )Body Fat
Low Body Fat
  • There are two problems with this section. The first is that Staves is not stated to be a Combat Skill so please add that. The second is that her Physical Stat is incorrectly calculated, she would actually have 15, +5 from her Staves skills and the total of +10 from Athletic Training.
Tag me once the edit is done in green @Annju

Hey Hydra! I did some updates with prof points & vampirism.
Let me know if I messed anything up!
The sole point of review is that she should now speak Plains Elven instead of Modern Elvish (which no longer exists), tag me once that edit has been made in red @Annju