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Shelved Character Amina'thyra Dijmde

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


A Fat Fairy
May 15, 2018
Reaction score


Name: Amina'thyra Dijmde
True Name: Modou'Issi Oba Dijmde
Preferred Name: Amina
Race: Songaskian
Culture: Sanulaman
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Purple
Preferred Weapon: Magic Staff

⊱ ────── {⋅. Core Concept .⋅} ────── ⊰

☿| A Conjurer Archon who specializes in summoning her Primal magic to heal and protect others.
☿| Often strives for the excitement and shock of using her craft in front of others. When she isn't helping others she seeks to find others to love and would love her.
☿| A Dragon Worshipper who is adherent to Marik .



⊱ ────── {⋅. Physical Appearances .⋅} ────── ⊰

| Kokonto Form

Dark skin, long dark brown hair, and purple eyes. She often wears pearl jewelry and loose or flowing clothing that are white or some sort of pink tones.

| Sofawaati Form
Similar to her Kokonto form, she keeps her long dark hair and dark skin. She shows large horns horns on her head, tan colored scales that start from the nape of her neck and grown down her shoulders to her elbows. Claws replace her fingertips and toes, and pointed ears.

⊱ ────── {⋅. Proficiency .⋅} ────── ⊰

| Strength - 2

Unyielding Pack [Free]
Fisticuffs Pack [Free]

Climber Pack
Warden Pack

| Constitution - 1

Resilience Pack
| Wisdom - 1
Dimenthist Wisdom Pack [Free]
Hôterie Wisdom Pack

| Dexterity - 1
Reaction Pack

| Magic - 7 [Primal]
School of Displacing
School of Materialism
School of Enchanting
School of Casting
School of Breaking
School of Alteration
School of Control

| Charisma - 1
Empire Linguist Pack
| Faith - 1
Healing Pack [Free]
Mercy Pack [Free]
Saving Pack [Free]
Body Invocation Pack

Common [Free]
Sofaal [Native]
d'Ithanie [
Altalar [

"The dead still come to me every now and then. But the lulls between are getting smaller.
They are finding me somehow."


⊱ ────── {⋅. Backstory .⋅} ────── ⊰

Childhood | Born to a Songaskian family in the city of Diernali in Farah'deen. Amina has many brothers and sisters that she was close with from the moment she was born. The family had a strong appreciation for diplomacy and physical strength. From a young age, it was apparent that Amina had a desire for lavish golds and gowns.

Adolescence | Amina took to studying, often alone. Her siblings have interests in armed combat and or learning to combat with words and wit. This was a standard in the Dijmde family which lead to her learning these skills, while not truly feeling passion for them.

Adulthood | Amina took her studies further and further in the direction of Dragon Worship among other things. Once Amina was old enough to fully decide the path she wanted to dedicate her life to, it was decided that she would leave her siblings and parents behind to fulfill what she believed was her destiny. She would go on to study under Regalian Mages for some time.

Regalia | Regalia called to Amina. In it, she is seen seeking any literature or others with common occult interests such as her that she can learn from or create new bonds with. Amina seeks to expand her craft as well as more knowledge of where it comes from.
Last edited:
Hello, here's my review:
  • Your character doesn't meet the pack rules for Hoterie Wisdom, please remove it.
  • Specify your Artificer Point Buy branch and specials.
Tag me once edits are made!
- removed the mystic points and outdated society packs due to ordial update. Reworked magic stuffs