Preserved Sheet Aminata, Marred Huntress

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Scribma Male
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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are

Aminata, Marred Huntress

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Aminata.
    • Nicknames: Ami, Horns, Demon.
    • Aliases: All'eiona.
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Altalar.
  • Sexuality: Unexplored.
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 45 points.
  • Combat Proficiencies: 45 points.
    • From Racial Bonuses: 20 points.
      • +10 Nelfin History.
      • +20 Atraves Staff. (+10 from Points.)
    • From School Bonuses: 30 points.
      • +10 Drixon Spear.
      • +10 Small Shield.
      • +10 Mastigo Whip.
    • From Points: 30 points. (10 spent on School.)
      • +5 Tracking.
      • +5 Trapping.
      • +5 Surgery.
      • +10 Aberrant Knowledge.
  • Cultural Proficiencies: 45 points.
    • From Points: 45 points.
      • +10 Vocal Music.
      • +10 Dancing.
      • +5 Stage Acting.
      • +5 Tailoring.
      • +5 Carving.
      • +5 Body Care.
      • +5 Cuisine Cooking.
  • Languages:
    • Common. (Fluent, illiterate.)
    • Sofaal. (Fluent, illiterate.)
    • Modern Elven. (Broken, illiterate.)
    • Daendroquean. (Fluent, literate.)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green-brown.
  • Hair Color: Dirty blonde.
  • Hair Style: Cut to shoulder length, with little care into styling or aesthetic.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Whatever's cheap to make and easy to move in. Decoration isn't a concern.
  • Height: 6'10", or 208cm.
  • Body Build: Athletic.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: External Perception.
    • To the wayward onlooker, Ami comes off as the height of temperance. She is cold and quiet at first, preferring a dark corner to an upbeat crowd, and the to-the-point philosophy that comes with it. Her humour is dry and relatively tasteless, and any approaching her shouldn't expect more than a logical evaluation. While she comes off as generally serious, she also exuberates an air of paranoia, which often allows any would-be conversationalist an opening. Thusly, the mutant comes off as a straight-arrow, only focused on her mission and the responsibilities she shoulders with it.
  • Second Paragraph: Internal Perception.
    • As a pariah of the world around her, Aminata has a seething awareness of her disposition. In return for being able to recognize herself as a product of the Void, she despises her own image, to the point where she will shy from reflective surfaces and mirrors for the sake of not wanting to acknowledge what she's become. Many of her insecurities stem from her appearance due to this, believing herself ugly and abhorrent, a product of what she hates most. This even stems into her combat ability- being a slave has her seeing her skills as something that was forced onto her rather than something she trained for herself. She's confident in her ability to slay and recognize daemons, though scorns where it came from.
  • Third Paragraph: Friends & Family.
    • Broaching the tide of Ami's insecurity is but a distant dream for a stranger. She picks her words carefully, and her friends with paranoia. While Ami isn't completely disconnected from the idea of sentient contact, she still picks and chooses with anxiety, taking her time to warm to anyone she meets. This continues into friendships; she takes time to express her thoughts, becoming abstract and elongated with her thoughts, finally being able to express her own wants and desires. Those closest to her are the only ones able to hear her story, and even then it goes against her every instinct.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Morality.
    • Good and evil, black and white, order and chaos. Ami has the morals of someone who does not mix colours, following the law of countries she travels to the utmost respect. Despite this dead-set moral code, she still has her own conceptions when it concerns creatures of the Void; beings of demonic influence are not longed for the world, even those born to it without choice, such as the Kathar. For this she has no compromise, despite wishing to adhere to every other law in the book. Aminata only believes that this is for the good of the world, a mission only she undertakes, and doesn't necessarily scorn others for not following this doctrine. Despite this understanding, she takes on the burden herself.
Section written by @Icaruscien

Life Story

  • Aminata is born in Farah'deen in the year 271AC, the child of two enslaved Altalar. Being a slave to Songaskians, she isn't given a Modern Elven name, and is instead given a Songaskian one.
  • She's groomed over her childhood to become an entertainer, with training in the arts of singing, dancing, and acting, as well as some menial labour.
  • Aged 11, Aminata begins her training in the School of Melaak. Despite disliking the combat school heavily, she is forced to undergo the training, and frequently loses fights as a result of her reluctance to learn.
Teenage Years
  • Her teenage years are largely uneventful, with equal times spent in showy Melaak duels and on the stage, either fending off the lashes of a whip or singing to a crowd of rich Songaskians. During this time, she is deeply miserable, and dreams of escaping.
  • Aged 21, Aminata graduates the School of Melaak. She begins scrounging together what money she can, in the hopes that she may save enough to have herself smuggled out of Farah'deen, and taken somewhere better.
  • Aged 25, she finds a smuggler willing to take her away; although the Kathar is positively slimy in regards to business ethic, she hands over her money, and is taken on a ship to Daen as a stowaway.
  • Partway through her voyage, Aminata learns that her smugglers intend to take her to the Dread Empire as a slave. She frequently attempts to escape, and is met with a Void Infusion for every attempt. The most damning of these manifests as a horn on the right side of her forehead, spanning backwards over her head.
  • Finally, at the age of 26, Aminata manages to flee the smugglers in a Daendroquean port. Her terrible physical condition compounded by various disfiguring Void Essence-induced mutations, Aminata finds no solace nor charity from the native Ailor. Instead, she must fend for herself, with a festering hatred for Void Mages and Kathar alike.
  • She wanders Daen for years, learning to speak and read Daendroquean. She reads up on so-called 'Aberrants' as frequently as possible, learning to pick out mages and Villitatei. As well as this, her time spent taking care of herself left her with minimal, functional knowledge of tracking and trapping animals to sustain herself with, as well as repairing minor wounds.
Present Days
  • Aminata continues this for years, bouncing between civilisation and living in the wilderness, largely fending for herself. She begins to actively pursue Kathar and Void Mages when given the opportunity, seeking to deliver some degree of 'justice' on them for their supposed evil deeds of taking advantage of the Void.
  • At the advent of the Bone Horror Crisis, Aminata flees to the Regalian Archipelago, seeking the safety of the Holy City. Rather than safety, however, she is met with even more stigma, developing a fear of Regalian authority, and living on the most basic of provisions available to her in the City.
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