Preserved Sheet Amaterasu Yehenara

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Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
the cursed village of DARGAVS
Qadir Sultanate
Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Amaterasu Yehenara.
    • nickname: Tera, Pingwen, Penguin
  • Age: 20.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ch'ien-ji. Sihai.
  • Sexuality: she has no idea. very confused!!!
Skill Information
  • PROFICIENCY POINTS (totaling to 30)
    • +10 Aether/Naether Knowledge (racial points)
    • +10 alchemy (from School of Alchemy)
    • +10 Quick fingers (school)
  • CULTURE POINTS, totaling to 28
    • +3 brewing
    • +5 architecture
    • +10 clockwork engineering
    • +10 Horticulture (from school)
    • Tatsugo (10/10, fluent)
    • Common (4/10, better at reading/writing than speaking)
    • D'Ithanie (8/10, learned while studying abroad)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: golden
  • Hair Color: dark brown
  • Hair Style: Usually braided.
  • Skin Color: Pale, with slight yellowy undertones.
  • Clothing: Usually wearing kimonos or qipaos.
  • Height: 5'4
  • Body Build: Slender.

Amaterasu with traditional hairstyles. Art by VK!



Amaterasu in winter gear, by Bevsi

Personality and Abilities

In a place so foreign to her as Regalia, Amaterasu often carries an air of bewilderment. She knows very little about the mannerisms of Ailor, so she's prone to cultural insensitivity. Her behaviors and deeply rooted superstition, as well as her fairly limited speaking ability, contribute to her fairly quirky demeanor. When meeting her for the first time, strangers might find her oddly charming, given that they aren't social prudes. Amaterasu is courteous enough in her own, relatively unique way, but is aloof with most people.

Amaterasu finds herself more withdrawn from society than she would back home in Yang-Tzu. She lacks confidence in her speaking abilities plenty of the time and tries not to talk much in common when not absolutely necessary. She has yet to find camaraderie in Regalia, and as a result feels isolated and alone. Of course, this isn't to say Amaterasu actively wishes to seek out friends, since she mostly distrusts those of different races. It's quite an understatement to say that Amaterasu is homesick; she pines for the culture, food and familiar customs of Yang-Tzu and seeks remnants of it whenever possible in Regalia. Most of the attempts fail to some extent because her discoveries often lack the same authenticity. This leaves Amaterasu feeling even more gloomy deep down, even if she does not express such visibly.

Seldom does Amaterasu truly find solace in the comfort of her friends, but her whole demeanor shifts when such happens. She's instantly more sociable and self-assured, willing to be an active participant in conversations rather than simply passive and observant. In jest, sometimes Amaterasu will make snarky comments or weave innuendos into her speech, cleverly playing it off as the language barrier interfering should anyone get offended. Of course, people usually don't if they find themselves within Amaterasu's selective group of close friends. She's overall very disinterested in finding lovers, but in the extraordinary situation that Amaterasu finds herself with a partner, she would be rather clueless in how to approach them. They'd be treated at best as a close friend, but by no means is she a sappy romantic type.

Amaterasu is truly neutral in morality. Her actions aren't driven by any sort of conviction, but just whatever she finds most convenient. Not someone to engage in charitable works unless it benefits fellow Sihai, Amaterasu does not ordinarily seek out to do what she perceives is right. However, if a beggar were to ask her for money, she'd likely spare a few coins without much afterthought. Once could consider her somewhat good natured, as she tries to be respectful most of the time. Making enemies isn't helpful, but having friends is.

  • lack of fluency in common

Life Story
  • Born in Yang-Tzu to a strict yet loving family of academics, as the middle child.
  • Her formative years were spent playing outside with friends and exploring the cities. Amaterasu's parents were more keen on having her stay home and study as much as possible, but they begrudgingly allowed their daughter to be social.
  • Amaterasu realized her liking for mathematics and architecture through going out with friends, admiring all the wonderful buildings on their excursions and scoffing at some of the poorly engineered creations. A bout of inspiration was sparked when a friend gifted Amaterasu a treatise on clockwork engineering, so another hobby was gained: building clocks and other gear machines. That's not to say she was good at it.
  • Amaterasu's father, an alchemist, decided that his daughter would follow in his footsteps by studying under him. At first she didn't really want to, but her father was nothing if not insistent.
  • At ten, Amaterasu was enrolled in an alchemy school, remaining in Yang-Tzu for half the year, and spending the other in Joyau-vert du Nord, Ithania. She studied for a total of ten years before graduating as a scholar, even though the young lady wasn't incredibly interested in alchemy. It was mostly to make her family proud of her.
  • Amaterasu did not enjoy her time in Ithania, and mostly lived as a recluse due to being teased for her appearance. Luckily, she did find some camaraderie among a small group of Sihai foreign exchange students, and only socialized with them. This relative isolation fostered an intense distrust of Ailor, even though Amaterasu learned how to speak D'Ithanie with relative ease.
  • Whenever she had a break from school, Amaterasu sailed back home to Yang-Tzu, but the conclusion of each trip made her feel terribly homesick as she once again returned to what she considered a cruel, cruel place full of foreigners.
  • Immediately after graduating, Amaterasu wanted to reward herself by traveling somewhere new, and Regalia seemed like the best bet since it was relatively cheap to get there. Now she's mostly looking for a job in the Holy City, assuming she doesn't end up leaving for home.
Last edited:
Hello @Manatee_, I have a couple of changes for you before we may continue on.
  • Body Build needs to be provided.
  • Please expand upon her lifestory, personalities was great. Maybe use the personality section to get ideas for life experiences which has allowed her to grow into the way she is thus far.
Please tag me back and make the edits in Teal
Hello @Manatee_, I have a couple of changes for you before we may continue on.
  • Body Build needs to be provided.
  • Please expand upon her lifestory, personalities was great. Maybe use the personality section to get ideas for life experiences which has allowed her to grow into the way she is thus far.
Please tag me back and make the edits in Teal
hi, is this enough? edits made, but I wasn't too sure what you meant for life experiences.
No don't worry, you got it right! You're approved!