Preserved Sheet Jinnäen'a Sall'aönoé

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Carey's Parasite
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Jinnäen'a "Jinna/Jinn" Sall'aönoé.

  • Age: Sixty-eight.

  • Gender: Female.

  • Race: Cielothar Nelfin.

  • Main Ambition: To find someone to pass on her knowledge of magic to, and to find resolution to her internal religious conflicts caused by Estel unleashing the bone horrors.

  • Special Permission: Beast Magic, Expert in both forms.
  • Jinna's still trying to find her place in Regalia. She came with very little preparation, and thus, found herself stranded in a strange environment with nothing to her name and nothing but questions. She's been in the city for a couple of months, and manages to get by. She doesn't have a home of her own, and so it's typical for her to stay at friends' houses in exchange for favors. On occasion, she makes money from training and/or taking care of other people's pets and animals.

  • Jinn's upbringing was quaint, and mostly average. She wasn't exposed to much of anything negative, and she stayed secluded from the "horrors" of the outside world in her village. There, she was raised lovingly by her father, Usanaar, who was the village's healer, and her mother Vaeri, an expert Beast Mage and Jinn's mentor. She has one older brother named Danarien, who still lives in the village with their parents.

  • On the side, Jinna wishes for a job that she can do on the side of her everyday tasks. She wants to have her own source of income, so that she can be less reliant on others to take care of her.
  • Eye Color: Olive Green

  • Hair Color: Brown

  • Hair Style: Long, free flowing, and slightly curly.

  • Skin Color: A deep tan, akin to that of someone from Daendroc, or a Qadir.

  • Clothing: Cheap clothing that allows for movement, typically in reddish and brown hues, with black here and there.

  • Height: 5'3

  • Weight: 120lbs

  • Body Build: Slim

  • Weapon of Choice: Expert level Beastial Possession and Beastial Speech Beast Magic.
  • Jinna's heart-shaped face could best be described as childlike and innocent looking, with its gentle curves and features. Her large, bright green eyes are always wide open and alert, giving a general feel of enthusiasm from her. Her nose is small and petite, made up of delicate curves, and her lips are average-sized, leaning towards the fuller side of the spectrum. Her face is scar free, however her softly tanned skin is dotted with freckles around her cheeks. Her chestnut brown hair's usually well-kept, flowing freely in wavy curls. Her eyebrows are a bit less oval than a typical Cielothar's. Her long, pointed ears can be seen poking out from her hair.

  • Jinn is a small woman, standing at only 5'3 and weighing in at around 120lbs. Her bones are thin and lean as any other elf, and her Cielothar heritage doesn't allow for much muscle growth. Most of the small amount of fat she has is stored in her thighs and hips, giving her a pear-shaped body with somewhat exaggerated curves. As for musculature, almost all of it is in her legs, with leaner muscle on her arms, but she's incapable of anything demanding any sort of physical strength. She lacks any body hair, and is in capable of growing any whatsoever.

  • Jinn isn't particularly picky in what she wears, but leans towards loose fitting feminine-looking clothing. Her favorite color is red, and so it's common for whatever she wears to have red in it. Though not really something she "wears", her Candle Mouse, Arl, is almost always sitting on her right shoulder.

  • When Jinna speaks, a soft and endearing voice can be heard. Though it would probably be calming and comforting if she were a slower speaker, she tends to talk loudly and rapidly, especially when excited. At times, the way she talks can sound childlike and ditzy, which could lead someone to wrongfully doubt her intelligence.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • Always being one to prefer overlooking the negatives in favor of the good, Jinn is truly optimistic. As one who grew up secluded from the bad in the world, she's still unable to accept that there isn't some sort of good in everything, and so she always tells herself that everything will work out in the end for the better. Sometimes, this borders on straight up denial or naivety, as in a way, at this point she's practically just making herself think positively for her own mental sake. Inside, she can't fathom having to deal with true tragedy.

  • Invariably filled with energy, Jinna is easily described as bubbly. In social situations, she's perky and friendly, trying to get along with everyone she meets. She's always eager to meet and get to know new friends, and while some could see it as enthusiasm, others could see it as pushy and overwhelming. She tries to be open-minded and inclusive, and can overcome ideological differences, though usually by ignoring the elephant in the room and pretending that nothing's wrong.

  • Adoring all things new and intriguing, Jinna is curious by nature. Knowledge is power, and while she knows that, it isn't really much of a motive for her. Instead, she just wants to learn for the sake of knowing. She isn't above butting into other people's lives to find out what she wants, and more often than not comes off as nosy or intrusive. She doesn't really notice it though, and so you'll find her digging and digging for information that may or may not be private, and commonly having to deal with the consequences of that.

  • All of her life, Jinna had been a tad pampered. She'd lived with her parents all of her life, and lived in a close knit community where everyone helped each other. Because of this, she often finds herself dependent on others, relying on people to go out of their way to accommodate her needs, albeit shamefully. She longs to become self-reliant, but in the end, she always ends up looking to others for help. To make up for her neediness, she'll usually go out of her way to return favors to helpful friends, and people in need.

  • Though not completely incapable of aggression, Jinna is generally meek and submissive, falling easily to intimidation and assertion. Though it's rarely visible on the outside, interacting with people she looks up to or sees as "superiors" will cause her to become shy and timid on the inside. She'll usually hush up a bit and be careful about what she says, as to not offend or deter the person. When around peers, she can still easily be swayed, whether it be through guilt, or other means. She finds it easy to just comply with whatever happens, and just hope everything works out in the end.

  • Having lived most of her life without even understanding the concept of betrayal, Jinna finds it easy to be trusting of others. She assumes that there's good in everyone, and can't comprehend the thought of breaking trust without good reason. Thus, trust is granted to just about everyone she meets, and is usually gained back just as easily even after losing it. This part of her leads to her being a bit naive at times, and ends up harming her in the long run. It's common for her to end up associating with people who are using or harming her, on the basis that of their apologies.

  • As a child, there was nothing she loved more than climbing to high places. As she grew up, she proved more and more agile, skillfully maneuvering her body to get from place to place easier. Due to her small stature and musculature in her legs, she's capable of swift, precise movements, making her fairly well at evading, dodging, and climbing. Her limit would be a bit below doing anything a gymnast could do. She can move around to an extent, but ends up messing up if she tries to do anything too complicated. She can't do a flip or anything like that, but she can jump from one place to another with ease.

  • Jinn's greatest strength by far is her magic ability. Having studied Beast Magic for over fifty years, she's capable of great feats in both schools, knowing just about all she needs to know. She easily communicates with all kinds of animals, and can even send commands to sentient beings, albeit with a lot of effort. She avoids forcing anything on other people, knowing that she couldn't live with the guilt of making someone go mad through overherding. Non-sentient animals are practically always drawn to her, giving her friends and allies everywhere. Typically, she can only control a few at once, as she's more used to having the easy task of having already bonded animals do things for her.

  • Though some would call it nearly impulsive, Jinna's really good at coming up with ideas on the spot. Her quick thinking can usually get her out of a jam, making it a useful quality to her. She often thinks out of the box, looking for clever ways to solve problems with whatever resources are given. Unfortunately, these ideas are rarely foolproof, with most being hit-or-miss. Regardless, at the right time and place, the trait can prove beneficial.

  • Due to her racial heritage, size, and other factors, Jinna often finds herself too small and weak for any hard labor. Her limit is practically anything above lifting herself up, and lifting or moving heavy things usually proves problematic. On top of this, she's completely incapable of holding her own in a fight. Any punches she could throw would feel like that of a child's, an axe would be too heavy for her, and she wouldn't be able to do much of anything with a sword either. Thus, if she doesn't have others fighting for her, she'll find herself easily thrown around and rendered defenseless by just about anyone, if she were dragged into a fight.

  • Ironically, despite her love for new knowledge, Jinna finds it difficult to hold onto detailed information. She's forgetful, and can completely lose potentially important information to her own mind, assuming she's distracted by something else for long enough. She frequently misplaces things, forgets names, places and directions, which not only inconveniences her, but also those around her. Though it's not exactly a mental issue, it's just difficult to retain things. Details end up jumbled and mixed up, and eventually lost altogether.

  • Friendly, trusting, and dependent of others, Jinn is unfortunately very easy to manipulate. Because of this, she's very mentally vulnerable. Ironically, despite being skilled at transferring emotions between herself and others, she's often clueless when her own emotions are being tampered with, making it extremely easy to hurt her, use her, or trick her. On top of this, her optimism only makes mental attacks hit even harder, as her expectations rarely even include the negatives. Betrayal, malice, and all things negative that are done to her are shocking, and usually take a lot of time to get over or accept.
  • Random acquired skills:

  • Herbalism

  • Basic Medicine/Anatomy

  • Geography knowledge

  • Fauna knowledge

  • Talents:

  • Beast Magic

  • Rain

  • Animals

  • Socializing

  • Nature

  • Exploration

  • Cruelty

  • Cold
  • Vagueness
Relationships (Optional)

Llaëco (NPC Animal) - Jinna's most recently acquired companion, Llaëco is a Capuchini monkey, typically found clinging to her left arm. Typically, he's mischievous and playful, often doing things in spite of others. He's bold and assertive, thinking himself to be much bigger and powerful than he really is, but remains timid around Jinn.

Chiëcho (NPC Animal) - Chiëcho is a candle mouse, and is Jinn's oldest and closest companion. He's always found sitting on her right shoulder. He's skittish and easily frightened, and often clings to Amara for comfort.

Jastra (NPC Animal) - One of Jinna's more abnormal companions is Jastra, the flying fox. She's too large to sit anywhere on Jinn, and so she's usually either found following her on the ground, or from the skies. She'll usually watch what's going on from a high place such as a tree.

Llalia (NPC Animal) - Jinna's only avian companion, Llalia, is a magpie who's usually perched on Jinn's left shoulder. Another close companion, the bird is fiercely protective of her "master", and views strangers with suspicion. If irritated, she'll take off and fly around, keeping a close eye on what goes on below. She'll swoop down and attack if needed.

Nessien Laelithial (New Friend) @platinumPastel - With both of them being Cielothar, Jinna and Nessien hit it off right off the bat. Though they haven't known each other for all that long, she's allowed Jinn to stay at her house, which she's very thankful for.

Kaleel Tzavaras (Feared Enigma) @DrunkFailure - Jinna considers Kaleel to be directly responsible for the breaking of her legs, but his kindness and hospitality afterwards confused her to the point of wariness. He'd hurt with one hand, and dispense kindness and hospitality with the other, which she can't fully wrap her head around. Despite her trusting nature, she fears the man's true intentions, as she sees him as unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

Life Story (Required)

Childhood and Adolescence (236 AC to 252 AC)

Jinna was born on June 26th, 236 AC as the second child of Usanaar and Vaeri Eilantria, and grew up with her slightly older brother, Danarien. Her early childhood was typical for that of a Cielothar child. She was taught about Estel, learned basic herbal knowledge, and made friends around the village. Her teenage years remained mostly uneventful other than the fact that at age twelve, her mother began teaching her what she knew about Beast Magic. By her sixteenth year, she was caster in both schools.

Early Adulthood (252 AC to 266 AC)

From age sixteen, Jinn continued studying Beast Magic under her mother, but also made an effort to be a contributing member of the community. As her skill with magic increased, she began attracting animal companions. Shielded from the outside world and its troubles, she basically lived life exactly the same way for a good while. Helping the community. Looking over the village's children. Doing basic housework. But above all, was her magical studies. By age thirty, she was mage in the Beastial Speech subschool of her magic.

Mid Adulthood (266 AC to Present)

Though she actually started to feel bored, Jinn continued this living until about age fourty-five, at which point she'd reached mage in both schools. For the first time in her life, she looked to the outside world and its happenings. Not that she was /completely/ cut off from the world. It's just that life had just sort of felt like it was taking place in its own secluded little pocket. Travellers would come and go. Avanthars came to protect them when they needed it. But Jinn wanted to know more. At first, it started with collecting books, maps, and everything of that sort. It sort of sidetracked her studies in magic, but didn't end up affecting it too much in the long run. By 304 AC, at age sixty-eight, Jinna had reached expert level in both forms of her magic, and found herself with practically nothing left to do. She went back to normal living, albeit keeping an eye on news from outside. Then something that really piqued her interest happened. Estel had returned, and attacked people. The event confused her, and she felt the need for answers. After some thought, she decided it was an opportunity for an adventure of sorts, and set out to Regalia to find out what exactly had happened, with absolutely zero prior preparation.

Recent Happenings

Jinna has been in Regalia for a few months now, and life hasn't been easy in the slightest. Her search for answers eventually just kept leading to more and more questions, landing her in trouble several times. Her search was cut short by Estel unleashing the bone horrors on the world. Shortly after that, both of her legs were broken after an encounter with the Crimson Inquisition, which left her immobile until her recent recovery. Now, after all that's happened, she just wants to find a way to get her life back to normal, or start a whole new one. Perhaps find a magic apprentice, or start a career. But deep inside, she still wants to calm the internal conflict over her once esteemed goddess.
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Hello hello @Heretics! I've read through your application and I've listed a point of consideration below that needs fixing before I can approve anything but overall your application is very nicely written and the edit I've mentioned should be pretty easy to implement.
  • The first and the only thing I've noticed is Amara is a bit too young to be skilled in both specifications of Beast Magic. It usually takes around 30 years for a mage to practice two types of magic and mages at the earliest begin their training at 14-15 years old. You've mentioned that she began training at twelve but you also mentioned that she has a little over 30 years experience meaning she would need to be in her early 40s if that's the case. I'd recommend bumping her age up a bit to reflect her level of experience. That or either drop one of the forms of Beast Magic and just focus on one, but that choice can be up to you.
Other than that I'm quite happy with everything else you've written here. Please tag me once you've completed the above edit and highlight any changes you make in green.
Hello hello @Heretics! I've read through your application and I've listed a point of consideration below that needs fixing before I can approve anything but overall your application is very nicely written and the edit I've mentioned should be pretty easy to implement.
  • The first and the only thing I've noticed is Amara is a bit too young to be skilled in both specifications of Beast Magic. It usually takes around 30 years for a mage to practice two types of magic and mages at the earliest begin their training at 14-15 years old. You've mentioned that she began training at twelve but you also mentioned that she has a little over 30 years experience meaning she would need to be in her early 40s if that's the case. I'd recommend bumping her age up a bit to reflect her level of experience. That or either drop one of the forms of Beast Magic and just focus on one, but that choice can be up to you.
Other than that I'm quite happy with everything else you've written here. Please tag me once you've completed the above edit and highlight any changes you make in green.
Edits have been made. @JarlJade
Requesting a re-review, as I've completely re-done the app and updated the special permission.