Character Information
Life & History
Inspo & Art
- Full Name: Amalia Rhianne Konstantinson
- Heritage / Culture: Wirtem Ailor
- Age: (Minimum 17): 28
- Gender / Pronouns: Female She/Her
- Attack & Defense Stat: Strength/Constitution
- Eye Color: Brown
- Skin Color: Pale
- Hair: Brown, long
- Height: 176cm
- Body Type: Muscled, lean
- Additional Features: Body riddled with scars, including two long straight slash marks on her left cheek, as well as an array of small ones.
- Hobbies and Talents: Fencing, Athletic Hobby
- Character Occupation: Soldier, currently uncomissioned
- Religion: Unionism
Proficiencies (Combat)
- Strength 5
- Veteran Tri-Slash
- Veteran Stance (Free)
- Veteran Swiftstrike
- Technique Parry
- Weapon Throw (Free)
- Veteran Parry
- Constitution 5
- Rebound
- Iron Will
- Rage Counter
- Shield Cover
- Shield Reversal
- Dexterity 3
- Disguise Pack
- Sharp Reflexes
- Fancy Footwork
- Charisma 2
- Sanctioned Presence
- Undisclosed Presence
Languages- Common (Fluent) (10/10)
- Calem (Native) (10/10)
- Lëtz (8/10)
- Strength 5
- Ailor Mechanics:
- Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divide. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
- Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
- Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
Life & History
- Tour of Duty: Amalia travelled many realms in her time in the military, notably including Hadar, Jorhildr, and Ellador. It's possible that she may have met your character, or have visited the place they come from.
- Military Escort: Amalia has been out of work since her commission ended, so is looking for bodyguard or mercenary work, though is unwilling to do anything illegal or dodgy.
- True Believer: Amalia strongly believes in what she sees as the 'true' principles of Unionism- that we are all one people, that all national, social, and religious boundaries should be dissolved. This ideology leads her to a liberationist perspective.
- Leutz-Vixe Education: Amalia studied at the Military academy in Osteiermark, mingling with the upper crust of society, where she learned both Common and Lëtz. This leads her to speak in a rather pointed, formal fashion, which some see as unusual. She also gained her passion for fencing there, as well as a pair of dueling scars on her cheek, which she is fiercely proud of.
- Amalia is a Wirtem Ailor hailing from Calderliga, the daughter of a Realm Knight and a tailor. Her background as a military academy graduate and former soldier can make her appear formal and stoic, but in reality she is passionate and outspoken, strongly attached to concepts of honour, liberation for all, and Unionist expansionism. These beliefs can often lead to conflict with others, but she always tries to solve problems with her words before her sword. However, she is not afraid to turn to dueling to resolve an insult or dispute.
Amalia was born in 287 in Calderliga, daughter to the Realm Knight Konstantin and Tailor Amia Rhianne. When she was young, her two older brothers died in the Arlora War, serving in the Regalian Military. Thus, as a outlet for his grief, her father's hopes to establish a legacy turned to his daughter and only remaining child. The next two years were spent training in swordplay, fencing, and decorum, until at 16 she was accepted to the military academy in Osteiermark. Meanwhile, her mother took solace in religion, becoming a devout unionist as well as stoutly anti-war. Amalia learned as much from her mother as she did her father in those years, taking on that devout religious identity for herself too.
At the academy, she continued to develop her knowledge, learning tactics, leadership, languages, history - and of course, swordplay. She became notably ensconced in academic fencing - slights against her lack of noble birth were dealt with swiftly and honourably, earning her two prominent dueling scars and a litany of wins. When she graduated in 308, she was first placed in the Violet Order, where she served for 6 months, helping to enforce law in the City of Regalia. This is where she first caught glimpses of the injustices and conflict that lies at the heart of the Regalian Empire- The lip service that is paid towards unionism while some folks are still seen as lesser and cast aside by society. -
Her military commission represented the beginning of adulthood for Amalia. She served first as a Sergeant, being sent to Hadar in the Sendrassian War, where disaster and gruesome deaths at every turn meant that she has to step up and lead her soldiers to safety. Then, in 210, she was involved in the Kade campaign in Ellador, and recieved a promotion to Lieutenant for her bravery. Following the campaign, she was moved from place to place, mostly fighting against vampires or bolstering garrisons, until she recieved a grevious injury after returning to Hadar as part of peace-keeping forces engaging in the civil war. That injury got her shipped back to Regalia to rest and recuperate, with her commission ended early.
While in the year since she has mostly been able to recover, her injuries still trouble her from time to time. However, with recovery comes the need to find work, and as it looks like a commission will not be coming her way any time soon, she has taken to searching for mercenary work, to make use of her skillset. In addition, Amalia has begun to find herself drawn in to the current political state of Regalia, and her need to fight injustices is flaring within her.
Inspo & Art
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