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Played Character Amadeus Lombardy

This character is actively played.


Resident Troll
Apr 14, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Vakgar’s Torch

"The safety of the people shall be the highest law"
Marcus Tullius Cicero


Basic Information
Name - Amadeus Pellis Lombardy
The Wolfpelt Knight
The Hawk of Lampeport
Age - 32
January 3rd, 280 A.C
Race - Ailor
Cantaluna Culture
Born in Lampeport
Gender - Male
Religion - Unionist
Armageddon Cult
Patroned to Juvin
Ocultism - None
No Afflictions
No Affinities
Knight Order - Montefalco Chapter of the Viridian Order
Weapon of Choice - Longsword & Shield
Core Concept
Personality Type - INTJ-A
Character Alignment - Lawful Good
Likes - Legalism, Unionists, Long City Walks, Aristocracy
Dislikes - Nature, Unruly Behavior, Bloodcasts, Evolists
Education - Montefalco Legal Studies
Strengths - Legalism, Endurance, Swordsmanship, Long-Term Memory
Weaknesses - Frugality, Egotism, Magic, Close-Minded​
Motivation & Goals - Amadeus had upheld the law in Lampeport for a very long time, not really moving up in the ranks of knighthood as he had little care for it. He instead concerned himself with upholding the laws of the Iron Duke while also guarding and protecting Montania's aristocracy. However, after reaching the age of thirty, Amadeus has begun to realize that he is growing old, and will soon need to retire. For that reason, he has moved to the Holy City where he intends to climb the ranks of the Viridian ladder by more aggressively upholding the law and growing close to the Regalian nobility.
Religious Beliefs - Amadeus is a fanatic Unionist, patroned to Juvin who he hopes to help him in his legal studies and his rational reasoning of the law. However, while Juvin is above and beyond his favorite god, he also pays a higher degree of respect to Theomar, who birthed the Regalian Empire, and is thus the point from which all law and order come from (naturally). Amadeus also pays homage to all of the other gods, however he has been called out on his unequal treatment of Juvin and Theomar, which usually sends him into a rage. He does not like being accused of favoring gods, and vehemently denies it.


Appearance Information
Eye Color - Green
Hair Color - Black
Hair Style - Cut short and slicked back.
Facial Hair - Thick mustache with a five o clock shadow for a beard.
Skin Color - Pale
Clothing - Either Viridian Armor, or any sort of Cantaluna noble attired, notably with a wolf pelt.
Height - 6'5
Tattoos - Eye of Unionism on the middle of his chest.
Miscellaneous - Amadeus has a large wine stain birthmark on his right leg.

Proficiency Information
Strength - 7
Weapon Toss | Free Pack
Technique Parry
Pinning Throw
Diving Tackle
Knockback Sweep
Bruising Strike
Shrug Off
Steady Body
Constitution - 5
Iron Will
Shield Block | Free Pack
Shield Slam
Shield Wall
Shield Deflect
Shield Snare
Intelligence - 2
Mindcontrol Pack
Wardrobe Pack
Dexterity - 0
Escape Artist | Ailor Buff I
Languages - 7


Life Story
Childhood (280 - 293 A.C) - Amadeus was born into a rather poor family in Lampeport, living in the slums for most of his life, he was one of eight children, notably being the youngest. His father and mother tried to give Amadeus a great life, however, they were never truly successful, as his father could never truly get the next big thing. That was, until his father made a deal with the Avarice Arken, who awarded him with a great deal of wealth, however, rather ominously promised to get it all back. This happened when his mother, and five oldest sibling died, sending the family into a great recluse, and led to the Lothar Order killing his father in front of the then eight-year-old Amadeus. The Lothar, unsure what to do with the other three children, deciding to take the two older brothers under their wing, however, Amadeus' father requested specifically that he were to join the Viridians. The Lothar, in a rare stroke of sympathy, obliged and enrolled Amadeus in the school, seeing as he was too young, his childhood was spent as more or less a 'bat-boy', cleaning up after the knights and doing menial work.

Adolescence (293 - 300 A.C) - Amadeus was essentially raised by a frail, extremely old Knight, who instilled Amadeus with his staunch moral compass. Leaving this father figure to study under a younger, combat-suited knight deeply troubled the young knight. Amadeus was extremely talented, while not generally the greatest bladesman, he was a great orator, and took up blacksmithing and learning languages in his free time. Amadeus was still alright at fighting, he could get by, but he was overall under proficient, leading to some discussion amongst the knights. Amadeus never really left Montefalco or Lampeport, instead staying in Montania his entire life up until moving to Regalia much later on.

Adulthood - (300 A.C - Present) - Upon graduating, Amadeus returned to his hometown of Lampeport, though instead of living in the slums, he'd be a regular amongst the noble district. He was also frequently seen in a Court of Law, eviscerating first year lawyers with his own oratory prowess. He gained a reputation of being merciful on the battlefield, though exceptionally cruel with his words. Amadeus himself has tried to prop himself up as someone to fear, however, to some of the more wily criminals, this has not worked the way he's wanted. Most of the criminal underworld saw a very simple solution to his "all-bark" approach to crime fighting; don't get caught. While Amadeus could keep up with the criminals in his twenties, it began to become rather hard for him, making him consider his options, and move to Regalia.​
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