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Played Character Amadea Harmonia Temple

This character is actively played.


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
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"You are invited, worthy, and welcome exactly as you are."

[| Earnest Everian |]

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" No uttered word is ours—no solemn tone

The reverent air bears upward to the sky:

No eloquence of meaning, borne along

Of voice and accent, meet the God on high.

But dare ye tell us that we do not pray—

We who so truly "lift up hands of prayer,"

And by the speaking gesture mark the way,

Our heart's desire would take to reach Him there?

"Our Father!" that appealing gesture lifts.

With force more potent than the spoken word,

Desire, petition for the precious gift

Held in the hand of One All-Seeing Lord.

"In Heaven!" we picture in the circling sweep

Of arm and hand, the glorious dome above;

"Holy Thy Name!" with reverent movement keep

The sacred thought of purity and love.

"Thy Kingdom!" with imperial touch we show.

The badge of royalty—the sceptre's sway;

And that Thy glorious Will may work and grow

Potent and perfect, this and every day.

Our opened hands with daily bread to fill

The Lord we ask, "Forgive as we forgive":

O hearing brothers! We are like you still—

The hardest this to pray, and this to live.

From tempter's touch, whene'er beside he stands—

We pray Thee still our weakness to defend:

And by the symbol strong of broken bands

We crave deliverance, succor, to the end.

Once more the royal sign—"Thy Kingdom Thine!"

"The Power," that sign is vital, living, strong:

"The Glory": rays of brightness seem to shine

And scintillate around us, sweet and long.

"Forever and forever!" round and round

The finger sweeps, and who shall tell us then

Expression for the prayer we have not found,

Nor join us in our glad and grand "Amen"? "

Inspired by the beauty of the Lord's Prayer in Sign Language.


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  • || CHARACTER INFORMATION || to note one's identity. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • « FULL NAME » | Amadea Harmonia Temple.
      • Meaning | Amadea is the feminine form of Amadeus, which means "loved by God" or "love of God." It is derived from the Latin words amare, meaning "to love," and Deus, meaning "God." Harmonia comes from the goddess Harmonia, whose domain was harmony and concord.
      • Address As | ❝ There are many things that you may call me; simply choose what you prefer, or what makes you most comfortable, and we can go from there. ❞
        • » Sister Temple | Amadea's preferred formal address.
        • » Sister Amadea | A more informal way to refer to her, yet still somewhat formal.
        • » Your Holiness | The standard honorific for Everians.
        • » Amadea | Simply her name with no frills or ruffles.
        • » Dea & other alternatives | Amadea enjoys nicknames, but only approves of their use if she is close with the speaker.
      • Occupations | Is it really work if it is what I love?
        • » Everian | Occupation | Amadea has dedicated her life to serving her community and providing spiritual guidance and relief to those who seek it. Still somewhat fresh from seminary, Amadea is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and heavily optimistic about the people around her and their futures.
        • » Scholar | Hobby | Amadea is heavily interested in the past, especially the histories of those who became Gods and Goddesses in the Unionist faith. She is perfectly happy to explain tales and tangents to those interested in her prattling on for a while.
        • » Medic | Skill | Amadea spent much time in nursing tents to care for the sick and injured. There, she learned how to clean wounds and keep them from opening, while also soothing spiritual scars of the patients that came through.
    • « HERITAGE » | Half Lanlath (Minoor)/Ailor mix. Nolven Twindivine Godborn.
      • Ancestry | Amadea's mother is Sylveia Falonya Bel-Mineria, a Minoor who left the labyrinth and immigrated to Regalia. She can often be found running errands for the Everians at the All-Beacon Temple after her conversion from Estelley. There, she met Nolven, Unionist God of Military Arts, and bore twins from their union.
    • « AGE » | Twenty-four years old.
      • Birthday | June 7, 288 A.C. at 8:37 in the morning.
      • Astrology | Gemini sun. Leo moon. Leo ascendant.
    • « GENDER » | Female.
      • Pronouns | She/her.
      • Preferred Terms | Feminine. Miss, sister, priestess, etc.
    • « SEXUALITY » | Bisexual.
      • Preference | Untested and therefore undefined.
        • Amadea is demiromantic and demisexual and is generally capable of falling in love with anyone once she gets to know them. Amadea has a "trigger condition" that I am aware of, and you may be subject to Amadea falling in love with your character in some form on accident if you happen to find the trigger condition and set it off throughout our roleplay.
      • Status | Uncommitted.
        • All my friends have pretty characters that I would love to romance. Amadea will generally pursue long-term relationships (because I like slow burns) but she may have other partners, whose existence she will disclose to your character should the topic of romance come up in our RP. You do not have to be exclusive with Amadea so long as Amadea has the same freedoms.
    • « OCCULT » | Amadea is a Twindivine daughter of Nolven. In addition to this, Amadea is both Magegiven and Mageborn simultaneously through the Unionist God Magic she inherited from her father. In the eyes of other faiths, this makes her Occult, but to other Unionists, Amadea is considered Pure.
  • || CORE CONCEPT || to note one's personality. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • FAITH | It is through the Gods that we ourselves are revealed; are we humble servants, or are we vainglorious deniers?
      • Overall Outlook | Amadea professes the messages of all the Unionist Gods, and finds it important to note that while she may not practice the Guided and Evintarian Cults' beliefs herself, she can convey their ideals and provide advice to those who do. She believes that all deserve the love of the Gods, and no one is past redemption - they just haven't been approached the right way yet.
      • Personal Patrons | Amadea, despite her descendance from Nolven, actually models much of her life after the teachings of Ness and Eora. It is entirely because their values are so opposite to her father's and her inherent nature that she works hard to center them in her life. She knows herself to be hot-tempered and seething in her worst moments and hopes that the Salvation Goddesses can guide her away from the destruction that everyone around her expects from a daughter of a God of wanton destruction.
      • Syncretism | Amadea also works to suppress the Blind God, foil its machinations, and bring everyone out of the darkness into the light.
    • IDENTITY | Me? Oh, well, ah .. I like to think of myself as a collection of stories and choices that have all been rolled up into the essence of an entire being.
      • Who am I? | Amadea is a daughter of war who instead chooses peace, and while her hands were made to wreak destruction, she uses them to spread healing and charity instead. Her temper is a storm that flares into a wild tempest, complete with gale force winds and strikes of bitter lightning when it is triggered, but she studies the virtues of other Gods than her father in the hopes that they will help her to control these base, vile urges.
      • What have I achieved? | Amadea graduated from the Academy of Our Lady Mercy, located on the Regalian Isle, in December of 311 AC. She spent the next six months training underneath the Everians at the All-Beacon Temple until she felt ready enough to act as an Everian in her own right.
      • What are my goals? | Amadea simply wishes to uplift and support her community, bring light where there is darkness, cast away curses and replace them with blessings, and unite the Unionists over their shared love rather than their hatred.
        • » MBTI Type | ENFP-T | The Campaigner.
        • » Alignment | Chaotic Good.
        • » Enneagram Type | The Host | 2w3.
  • || VISUAL INFORMATION || to note one's appearance. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • TYPICAL APPEARANCE | I don't consider myself to be particularly eye-catching or unusual-looking, but I'd understand if other people thought so. Being born and raised in Regalia warps your perceptions beyond your wildest dreams, and you never realize what's truly normal or not, even if 'normal' comes up to you and smacks you with a nametag on.
      • Oddities & Mutations | Amadea carries gleaming golden eyes and ruby-red hair (markedly more vibrant than that of other Nolven Godborn, due to her mother's Minoor influence) that identify her as a child of Nolven. Ever-changing golden tattoos gleam across her skin, present for days before fading so that new works can take their place. Often, Amadea is surrounded by a pulsating divine mist that shimmers between black and gold in waves. From this mist comes sparks and arcs of electricity, whipping up into a frenzy when her emotions surge past her control.
      • At a Glance | Amadea stands at an even six feet tall, with a long, thin face and pointed half-Elven ears. Where her brother inherited broad shoulders and the mass that goes along with them, Amadea has always been the smaller and slimmer of the two. She is pale and freckles easily when she enters the sunshine, but is most often found indoors. In terms of clothing, Amadea prefers Nelfin and Aetosian clothing styles of robes accessorized with belts and sashes but can be found in more Regal styles of gowns now and again. Her red hair hangs to her hips, and when not held in its signature braid, is prone to a subtle wave and curl.
    • SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | Sometimes the most beautiful things we have the privilege of enjoying are right there in front of our very eyes.
      • Eye Color | Honey gold.
      • Hair Color | Ruby red.
      • Hair Style | Long and wavy, bound into a braid most often.
      • Skin Tone | Fair-skinned, prone to freckles.
      • Clothing Style | Nelfin, Aetosian, and Regal styles.
      • Height | 6'0", or 183 cm.
    • Art Album | Art Gallery
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" Twice Christ took the bread apart

with his human hands that he used for

such tasks, once with fish and once with wine,

the grain a pattern of tribute, distribute,

as he worked the division of himself into

feeding others with his body, taken but not taken,

there but not there, it was two times

two times two. Ever body got some body

who will feed them even when there seem hardly

enough to go round. When I hungered the word

fed me. Even so, so many others hungered

he needed a hundred more human hands.

That was when I said here take mine. "


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  • || PROFICIENCY INFORMATION || to note one's skillset. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • ART FORM.
      • Strength: 0
      • Constitution: 0
      • Intelligence: 4
        • › Tech Exchange
        • › Adapt Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
        • › Adapt Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)
        • › Adapt Sealing Pack (Magical Variant)
      • Wisdom: 6
        • › Chem Hyperfocus
        • › Chem Cleanse
        • Medical Stance (Free)
        • › Medical Bolster
        • › Medical Rescue
        • › Medical Barrier
        • › Medical Resist
      • Dexterity: 0
      • Faith: 0
      • Magic: 0
        • › Magic Cleanse (Lanlath Heritage Free Pack)
        • › Magic Warp (Lanlath Heritage Free Pack)
      • Charisma: 0
        • › Sanctioned Presence Pack
        • › Saving Presence Pack
        • › Undisclosed Presence Pack
    • WAR FORM.
      • Strength: 2
        • › Steady Body
      • Constitution: 0
      • Intelligence: 1
        • › Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
      • Wisdom: 7
        • › Chem Hyperfocus
        • › Chem Revive
        • › Chem Cleanse[COLOR=oklab(0.899401 -0.00192499 -0.00481987)] [/COLOR]
        • › Champion Command
        • › Attack Command
        • › Defend Command
        • › Overwhelm Command
      • Dexterity: 0
      • Faith: 2
        • › Sacred Healing
        • › Sacred Revive
      • Magic: 0
        • › Magic Cleanse (Lanlath Heritage Free Pack)
        • › Magic Resist (Lanlath Heritage Free Pack)
      • Charisma: 3
        • › Sanctioned Presence Pack
        • › Saving Presence Pack
        • › Undisclosed Presence Pack
  • || ABILITY INFORMATION || to note one's prowess. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Heritage | Lanlath (Minoor) & Ailor.
      • » Mechanic 1 | Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
      • » Mechanic 2 | Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
      • » Mechanic 3 | Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
        • Chosen Syncretism: Nilthism.
      • » Mechanic 4 | Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
      • » Mechanic 5 | Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
      • » Free Packs | Two Magic packs of choice. (Lanlath Heritage)
    • Affinity | Nolven Godborn.
      • » Context | Nolvan Godborn bear a great deal of expectation from Unionist society, who expect them to become holy warriors, paladins, or defenders of the faith. There is always an unhealthy comparison with Nolvan's inability to lose a single duel, and his great physical prowess. For this reason, many Nolvan Godborn can be found among the Knightly Orders, as well as personal bodyguards of the Unionist Priests.
      • » Mechanic 1 | Nolvan Godborn can have 2 distinct Proficiency sets and appearances that they can swap between, featuring different Proficiency Packs, Body Shape, or even Gender Presentation. The idea is that they embody the contrast between the values of Nolvan and Neall, and can swap between these two distinct Forms (Art and War) so long as they are outside of Combat, and do not currently have any Abilities on active Cooldown.
      • » Mechanic 2 | Nolvan Godborn can will anyone to not die. They can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, Nolvan Godborn themselves, if they die in Battle, do not pass on to to the Afterlife, but instead become Burning Choir Undead.
      • » Mechanic 3 | Nolvan Godborn gain access to the Solvaan Mist Forms, except they only have two variants, the black with golden glowing Divine Mist Form, and the white with golden glowing Doubt Mist Form. When they are secure in their mission and faith, they can produce a black-golden glowing Mist, but if they waver from Unionism or their purpose, this Mist is white to indicate their aimlessness.
    • Technology (& Hobby) | Amadea tinkers around with little creations because they bring her joy and can assist others if needed.
      • » Chosen Tech Branches | Hallowtech, Theotech.
      • » Abilities | Tech Exhaust & Tech Charge (Art Form).
    • Alchemy Hobby | Amadea creates products to supplement her work as a medic and make her life and others' easier to live.
      • » Common Concoctions | Painkillers, disinfectants, mood stabilizers, focus aids, stain-fighting agents.
    • Athletics Hobby | Amadea takes good care of her body, as her brother Aurelius regularly invites her out on walks and to workouts with him in the interest of closeness and staying healthy.
      • » Favorite Activities | Walks around Regalia, carting books from the library to her study desk, races to the Golden Willow and back, dueling with her brother.
    • Guild Membership | Order of Scribes.
      • » Mechanic 1 | Scribe Order members may appeal to Scholarly research during Staff Events that may give them more historical insight to see through an Event NPC lying about the facts (consult with Event DM).
      • » Mechanic 2 | Scribe Order members may request additional research material after Staff Events or Progression Events in Staff Ticket, which may or may not be provided depending upon availability and Staff input.
    • Main Religion | Unionism.
      • » Mechanic | Unreleased.
    • Syncretic Religion | Nilthism.
      • » Winds of Calm | The Winds of Calm represent a period when the Blind God is fully restrained, and there is absolutely no need for concern. In this period, the faithful are at ease, and festive, as they have cause to celebrate and relax. it is also during the Winds of Calm that the faithful recover from past escalations of the Winds of Terror.
        • During the Calm, those fighting Darkness are not in any immediate need of more power. During this period, the faithful may choose one of the Mechanics of any Religion including Evolism, and add it to their own Mechanics. This choice is permanent when the Winds of Calm begin, but each time when a Wind of Horror switches into a Wind of Calm, a different Mechanic may be chosen to replace the previous one. This will only ever result in one Mechanic.
          • Chosen Mechanic | Khama Mechanic 2
            • Believers of Khama can appeal to the Gods through a ceremony or in-game Event to deal Karmic justice to someone who has wronged them. These Calendar Events must be held with more than a few believers, but do not require Divinium. Staff should be notified of such an Event in a Ticket, and either bear witness to the ceremonial request or receive information about it in said ticket. The core function is that the faithful come together to lament about the injustices perpetrated by either a Player or Event NPC after the fact and beg the Gods to deal Karmic justice to them. For Player Characters, this will never cause permanent damage or death, but can cause them to become cursed, or temporarily receive debuffs. It will be very obvious to the target that the faithful of Khama requested they be punished, though the Gods may reject for a variety of reasons.
      • » Winds of Stirring | The Winds of Stirring represent a period in which the Blind God is not yet awakening, but stirring in its slumber. This is usually the onset of a period of escalating concern and fright, so the faithful become uneasy and start preparing for the possible struggle to come. If anything, this wind is considered a dark omen.
        • During the Stirring, the Mechanic from the Winds of Calm is retained (see Mechanic above). Additionally, the faithful gain the Divinium Summoning-related Mechanic from the Winds of Breaching (see below).
      • » Winds of Breaching | The Winds of Breaching represent a period in which the Blind God is waking up, a period in which the faithful become more aware of how imminent the threat is. In short burst periods of wake-ness, Blindspawn can appear, as well as Blind Rippers being much more active. This is on the precipice of the Blind God waking up.
        • All worshippers of Nilthism gain +1 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) for the duration of this Wind. This represents their desperation to seize what is needed to repair the bindings of the Blind God.
        • All worshippers can benefit from Divinium summoning that they are present at as if they were the one offering up the Divinium, thus receiving the same amount of attention from the Gods as the summoners.
      • » Winds of Horror | The Winds of Horror represent a period in which the Blind God is actively awake, and trying to break free from its bindings. In this state, the faithful are full of horror and anxiety about the time to come and show true desperation to re-fit and mend the bindings, to prevent the unpredictable Blind God from breaking free.
        • All worshippers of Nilthism gain +2 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) for the duration of this Wind. This represents their desperation to seize what is needed to repair the bindings of the Blind God.
        • Any worshipper can sacrifice Static Divinium for a large amount of faith-binding, or negotiate for the sacrifice of Auto Divinium by someone else for a small amount of faith-binding.
        • Worshippers can abduct anyone who has Magic of any type. If they can imprison and hold this person for 24 hours without them being broken out, then they can sacrifice the connection of this individual for a small amount of faith-binding. If successfully sacrificed, the abductee loses their (non-CRP Ability related) Magic for 7 days. Custom Kit Holders instead count for a medium amount of faith-binding. Any of these targets can also willingly/be negotiated with to sacrifice their magic for the same effect.
        • Worshippers can attack those with Artifacts to leech power from the Artifactspark. If/when they defeat a regular Artifact holder, they can either pick up the Artifact or leech from the Artifactspark. Choosing to leech will block the artifact from being stolen from the original holder for the next 72 hours (including in this fight, it cannot be picked up, even by allies of the faithful), but also remove the Artifactspark for that period. The same can be done for Tenured Artifacts, though they obviously cannot be stolen even without leeching. The Artifactspark always returns, but either way, the leeched Artifactspark is worth a small amount of faith-binding. Artifact holders can also be convinced to voluntarily have their sparks leeched.
        • The faithful gain a Light Avatar Transformation (Magical being made of light) that acts as a Disguise. While normally removed upon reaching 0 HP, this Disguise cannot be forcibly removed from the faithful, though because Light Avatars are unique, it does give a clear indicator to those fighting or being around Light Avatars that they are Nilthism followers who are actively hiding their identity. This Mechanic mostly exists to help the faithful do questionably immoral things.
    • Dice Rolls | How skilled is Amadea?
      • » Strength | Physical strength.
        • Art Form:
          • 1, /roll 11.
        • War Form:
          • 2, /roll 12.
      • » Constitution | Physical endurance.
        • Art Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
        • War Form:
          • 5, /roll 15.
          • If used for defense, /roll 15.
      • » Intelligence | Intelligence as it relates to facts about the world.
        • Art Form:
          • 5, /roll 15.
          • If used for attack, /roll 14.
        • War Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
      • » Wisdom | Intelligence as it relates to people of the world.
        • Art Form:
          • 6, /roll 16.
          • If used for defense, /roll 15.
        • War Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
      • » Dexterity | Physical speed.
        • Art Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
        • War Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
      • » Faith | Piety.
        • Art Form:
          • 1, /roll 11.
        • War Form:
          • 7, /roll 17.
          • If used for attack, /roll 17.
      • » Magic | Magical prowess.
        • Art Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
        • War Form:
          • 0, /roll 10.
  • || LANGUAGE INFORMATION || to note one's languages. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Native Languages | Spoken at home.
      • » First | Altalar.
      • » Second | Common (including Common Sign Language).
    • Learned Languages | Picked up during her studies.
      • » Fluent | d'Ithanie, Calem, Anglian.
      • » Basic | Leutz-Vixe, Cesky.
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" My Savior, let me hear Thy voice tonight,

I'll follow Thee, I'll follow Thee;

The clouds that overhang my way, obscure

the light,

And all is dark to me.

I'd hear Thy voice above the tempest's shriek;

I'll follow Thee, I'll follow Thee;

And though my sight be dim, my spirit weak,

I'll trust, though naught I see.

I'd feel Thy arm, supporting in the dark;

I'll follow Thee, I'll follow Thee;

For Thou canst fan to flame, faith's sinking


And seal my loyalty.

I shall not sink, dear Lord, when Thou'rt my


I'll follow Thee; I'll follow Thee;

Though lashed by heavy waves, on ev'ry side,

I'm safe, when Thou'rt with me. "


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  • || PLOT HOOKS || reasons to engage. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • DAY TO DAY: What is Amadea up to?
      • » Amadea is an Everian at the All-Beacon Temple in Regalia and is generally available for relieving/confessions, general religious advice or information, and hosting religious ceremonies and events. Amadea also provides a way to contact the Gods of the Unionist Pantheon, should one wish to seek their views or particularly elusive truths.
      • » Amadea can often be found preaching, socializing in the Golden Willow, at her home in the Purity District, or perusing the shelves of local libraries for texts regarding Unionism and the general history of the Regalian Empire.
      • » Amadea spends quite a lot of time with her twin brother, Ser Aurelius of the Thousandblade Chapter of the Bloodcast Order [NPC - see Relationships section], as well as fellow Nolven Godborn Ser Henrik Osmont of the Lancyon Chapter of the Viridian Order. The three have grown close since their first encounter, with the twins seeking to fill a long-since-abandoned part of Osmont's heart.
    • BACKGROUND: Where does Amadea come from?
      • » Amadea's mother is Sylveia Falonya Bel-Mineria, a Minoor Lanlath descended from the labyrinthine city of Mineria. She left the labyrinth somewhere between 200 and 230 AC and made her way across the world before finally landing in its crown jewel, Regalia. Her years in the City, marked by suspicion and oppression due to her non-Ailor roots, led her to seek a different life for her children when she decided to have them. Currently, Sylveia still lives in Regalia, happy in New Town with her Urlan boyfriend Liam.
      • » Amadea's father is Nolven, the Unionist God of Military Arts. He is known to go into destructive rages: wiping archives, erasing paintings, and slaying armies before their stories could pass into legends. His brother, Neall, calmed those rages and showed him the beauty nestled within the book stacks, the meanings of the murals, and the spirit of the soldiers. Together, as legend has it, they now enjoy the beauty of all things, serving as dual stewards of art and war.
  • || LIFE STORY || to note one's past & their actions. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Origins | ❝ Once upon a time, a God met a convert, and decided that she was too beautiful to bear, and thus had to be destroyed.
      • » Years after her conversion from Estelley to Unionism, Sylveia caught the eye of Nolven one day while she was running errands at the All-Beacon. Their romance was intense, both passionate and turbulent, and lasted as long as a storm: just long enough to do some damage before wearing itself out into utterly nothing at all.
      • » Aurelius Horatio was born first at 8:29 am, and Amadea Harmonia followed eight minutes later at 8:37 am on the seventh of June, 288 AC. Aurelius was a half-pound heavier, and Amadea was a half-inch taller. Their mother had passed on her jewel-colored hair, but where Sylveia bore aquamarine curls and jade-green eyes, her children inherited ruby-red hair and golden eyes from their father.
      • » Sylveia registered her twins with the surname Temple on their documents, not wanting to burden their Regalian lives with Elven names. She remembered all too well the sneers, the jeers, and the looks she had received since her relocation, and while Elven acceptance happened in her lifetime, she was always afraid of a regression or a pendulum swing the other way. Thus, 'Temple' was chosen by Sylveia, tongue-in-cheek, as she reasoned that they were born in a temple, would spend much of their lives in temples through their vocations and various celebrations, and would eventually return to the temple in the end.
        • "I thought it would be funny," Sylveia can often be heard saying over a drink in the Golden Willow. "You walk into the Temple and someone says 'hello, sister Temple' and that's my kid, someone at the Temple, also named Temple, working there– … well. You know, it loses something when you make me explain it."
      • » Sylveia settled down in Regalia, just herself and her twins. She had left her support system back in Mineria, and with no earthly father to turn to for assistance in raising her children, Sylveia dug her heels in and prepared to raise Aurelius and Amadea by herself. A day after the twins were born, she received a visit from the Everians at the All-Beacon Temple. They welcomed the new family with open arms and said, "You are lonely, so let us be your village; you feel as if you will break under the burden, so let us be the beams that hold you steady and firm; you feel broken, so let us love you until you cannot see the cracks anymore."
    • Childhood | ❝ But he couldn't destroy her, so he left her with a hole instead. But soon enough, two perfect little children came along, and they filled that hole right up to the brim until love spilled over the edges.
      • » Even when they were small, the twins had distinct personalities. Aurelius was calm and mellow, and Amadea was hyperactive and excitable. Amadea loved to talk, and Aurelius loved to listen: they invented a language all their own, and they spoke that before they learned a tongue shared by others.
      • » As they got older, Aurelius grew like a bean sprout that got taller and wider, while Amadea remained (comparatively) small and thin, earning endearing nicknames from their mother. Aurelius found a love for physical activity and playing in the outdoors, and Amadea was happy enough to spend her days reading books and watching Aurelius over the tops of the pages when she wasn't dragged into his games as his only playmate.
      • » When they reached about eight years old, Aurelius and Amadea were allowed to begin playing with the other children who attended services at the Temple. During this time, their heavenly gifts from their father manifested as well. The twins became crackling balls of energy, sometimes feeding off of each other when they were low and other times colliding until their mother put them on separate sides of their shared bedroom and threatened to force them into separate bedrooms (which was usually enough to end any fighting for the day).
    • Adolescence | ❝ But one day, the children realized they couldn't hold onto each other forever, as much as they wanted to. They had to let go, trust the other, and step into their own.
      • » Amadea shined in academics, as she naturally retained information where her peers had to work hard to keep it in their heads. She was an active participator in her courses, to the point where it was odd for a class period to go by without a single question or answer volunteered.
      • » Aurelius had bubbling dreams of becoming a Lancyon. The selection committee was pleased to add another son of Nolven to the ranks, but when they told Aurelius that he would not be permitted to leave the Viridian Castle - not even for breaks or visits, and Amadea couldn't come to see him, either - Aurelius shook his head and stood. "I'm not going anywhere without Amadea," he said, balling his fists and marching out the door, determined to find a Thousandblade Bloodcast to mentor him instead.
      • » Amadea became interested in her father and where they came from. She wondered why she would feel these deep, burning rages some days, and other days be blessed with blissful peace. To the archives she went, researching her father and his brother before her interests expanded to include the wider Unionist pantheon and the history of the Regalian Empire at large as well.
    • Early Adulthood | ❝ When the children were children no longer, they could look to each other on their different paths and still hold out their hands if they needed the other. After all, no one talks about how terrifying it is to become your own person.
      • » Amadea's passions took her to the doors of the Academy of Our Lady Mercy, a seminary school nestled nearby the All-Beacon on the Crown Isle. With Aurelius still close by, training under his new mentor Ser Bosch in the wilds of the Gloomrot forest, Amadea set to work learning the ins and outs of the religious dogma that was necessary for work as an Everian, as well as the medical trade, now that she was face to face with people afflicted by the city's strange events who only sought salvation.
      • » Amadea's research interests caused her to register with the Regalian chapter of the Scribarium, seeking niche religious information and historical documentation to feed both her and her brother's curiosities - her, about the Gods of Unionism, the beliefs of other faiths, and the Empire's storied histories, and him, about House Kade, the history of the knightly orders, the rise and fall of nobility across the ages, and methods of war - ancient, current and cutting edge. During their walks together, she'd share her research, and he'd share tales of the day's adventures.
      • » Amadea finished her course at the Academy after some years of attendance, then returned to the halls of the All-Beacon to learn firsthand from the Everians who had become something of a second family to her all her life. Aurelius graduated as well, becoming a Thousandblade in his own right and making the pair of them Ser and Sister Temple. They never felt that far apart after that, because if Aurelius listened closely and Amadea projected her voice well enough, he could hear her sermons when he worked nearby.
    • Present Day | ❝ But the separation is necessary, so that in the end you can come together again, and know that while you form a harmonious duality: you are complete and perfect on your own, just as you are.
      • » Amadea has finished her training under the Everians at the All-Beacon, and is now welcomed into their ranks as an equal, yet a neophyte. She is beginning to host her first events, preach her first sermons, and lend her first official, unguided consultations to those in need.
      • Amadea is hopeful that she will be able to build a better future with the knowledge, skills, and other gifts she possesses, and she can't wait to get to know you in the process.
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  • || INVENTORY || to note one's belongings. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • DAY TO DAY: Carried on her person.
      • » A belt which allows for the following to be attached:
      • » A coin purse holding, at most, 100 Regals.
        • Amadea has been cautioned not to hold more, and not to hold less. After all, she can comfortably feed herself and another person on a hundred Regals, if necessary. Should she lose her purse somehow, then such a sum would not be so terribly missed in the grander scheme of things, even if it creates a painful little pinch in the days and weeks to come.
      • » A Regalian citizen ID, stating her name, birthday, address, height, eye color, hair color, and other identifying information.
      • » An ink pen with a firm snap to close the cap (best to prevent spillage when you prefer to wear white). It contains blue ink.
      • » A set of two triangular pencils sharpened to a needle point with worn erasers on the back end. Usually, her pencils are yellow or red, and have A.H. TEMPLE carved into one of the three sides.
      • » A pocket-sized notebook, which runs on a modular system for adding and removing pages as desired. Amadea takes all the pages out of the notebook when it is full, then replaces them with new paper to write on, and places the old pages into a specific place in her study where she keeps her archives.
      • » A handkerchief, hand-embroidered with 'Amadea Harmonia' in the corner in golden embroidery floss that catches the light and shimmers. On either side of her name, threads have been cross-stitched to stack in a spiral on top of each other and resemble roses.
      • » Two spare, blank handkerchiefs to be passed to others if needed.
      • » A Hallowtech pen full of stain-fighting alchemy, to be used in the hopes of removing stains before they set. The tip can be pressed for more solution to be released, but otherwise, the tip acts as a way to spread and work the compound into the fabric.The formula is her own make, and she cycles through about three pens that she refills and uses until they're empty before refilling again.
      • » A ring of keys. One for her home, one for the All-Beacon's (presumed) offices, one for the All-Beacon's back of house areas, one for her mother's house, one for her brother's apartment.
      • » A transparent sun cream with SPF that works on both face and body without clogging pores. Amadea simply has to look at the golden glimmer it leaves on her skin - if it's gone, it's time to reapply. She only keeps a small bottle of this and mixes her product at home.
    • PROPERTIES: Where Amadea lives.
      • » bulwarkstreet8
        • Amadea's little home. She pays rent every month, but due to a special arrangement the All-Beacon Temple has negotiated with the city, her rent has been frozen at a set discounted rate ever since she went into service as an Everian. Amadea thanks Mendes and Hor every morning for this, because as soon as the back road connecting Main Street and the Purity District was built, her property value skyrocketed. Without the rent control agreement, she likely couldn't afford her home.
          • (This is personal lore, I made this up, I am not lore staff, this is probably not canon. I have no idea if the All-Beacon can provide rent control. But it makes me happy to explain it this way so I do.)
          • This is Amadea's 'primary home' where she spends most of her time.
      • » seaside1
        • Amadea's mother owns this home but rents it out to Amadea at a reduced price so that she may access the workshop and alchemy machines in the basement. For some reason, no one seemed interested enough to live in this property due to complaints of loud banging, items throwing themselves off of shelves, and odd paranoid feelings.
          • (If you want to be involved in the ongoing Seaside House plotline, DM me.)
          • Amadea spends time at this home when she wants to work in the workshop or further explore the ... entity inside the home.
      • » forestcabin6
        • Aurelius's landlord is the father of one of his best friend in the Thousandblade Order, a sun-soaked man with a gruff voice and a grand smile named Ser Brandt Tiller. During their training, Ser Temple and Ser Thomas Tiller were inseparable partners in crime, and often stayed at the elder Ser Tiller's home in the woods. When Ser Brandt retired from the Order and moved further into the City for accessibility, he rented the cabin to Aurelius with the intention to leave it in his care as a graduation present. Amadea and Aurelius evenly split what they call the "mortgage," or the nest egg of savings for when things inevitably break or need to be replaced around the house, as well as a separate sum to be paid to Ser Brandt to "augment his retirement." Aurelius pays for groceries while Amadea cooks and cleans in her spare time.

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  • || RELATIONSHIPS || to note one's affections, which are in no specific order. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Aurelius Temple | ❝I've never known a life without him, and Gods willing, I'll never have to.❞
      • » Amadea could never even begin to sort out what parts of her belonged to her originally, and which parts came from her brother. They've always had each other and specifically made choices to ensure that would never change.
        • Aurelius is a personal NPC who will most likely never show up in in-game RP, but his existence is so central to Amadea's being that he could not be left off of this section.
        • If you would like to say that your character has interacted with Aurelius at any point (for instance, "Oh, I saw Aurelius the other day, did he give you the other half of the bread I baked you?"), feel free to arrange that with me, but know that I'll never log on and roleplay as him.
    • Henrik Osmont | ❝You get up to far too much trouble, but if I ever need you, you'd be there in a heartbeat.❞
      • » While she grew up without ever knowing Henrik, he easily slipped into her life once they met. As Henrik is the City's only Lancyon and Amadea is an Everian, they're often found in lockstep, chattering quietly while they work with an implicit trust only family, whether found or birthed, could provide.
    • Constantin-Liviu Hecker | ❝Oh, dear.❞
      • » Amadea has heard rumors about an Oathbreaker son of Nolven but hasn't made contact just yet.
    • Bethan Annwyl | ❝You're, ah. You're really quite charming when you put your mind to it.❞
      • » Bethan has been the first person to tease and test her limits, but also one of the most responsive to her emotional well-being. She never struggles to be heard, and the Aelriggan always ensures that Amadea is well taken care of. Amadea considers her a close friend, even as their relationship threatens to blossom into something more.
    • Eleanaire of Jophael | ❝I've never met someone so dedicated to her work, but I admire that about her...❞
      • » Amadea remembers her first hosted event, a funeral for Dame Pira and Squire Engel Blume of the Lothar Order, and how she leaned on Sera Eleanaire to soothe her fears and calm her nerves when it felt like everything that could have gone wrong definitely was going to. Despite her propensity to work herself up into a fit, Amadea always finds Sera Eleanaire a pleasure to be around and a voice of reason in a storm of her own anxieties.
    • En'nuine V'emehr | ❝When I see how much you enjoy each day of your life, I feel so blessed to know that I've got the opportunity to be a part of that.❞
      • » While she would love to get to know En'nuine more, she finds the squire's smile infectious and her playful nature illuminating even on the darkest of days.
    • Vellai Curiyan | ❝.. Maybe I'll have to figure out a new way to connect with you, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it?❞
      • » Quite literally stumbling upon Vellai and Namari with Bethan, Amadea found herself met with a new kind of person to talk to - someone whose life was so completely different from her own. While she will never feel comfortable around Vellai's demons, she knows in her heart that Vellai herself could not be further from the demonic if she tried (although she truly wonders if she's right when she receives invitations for Suvial fifteen-spice curry nights).
    • Chymes Mortimer | ❝The only thing I can say about you is that I know you; I couldn't tell you more if I tried.❞
      • » As a Regalian native herself, Amadea has always seen Chymes around the City of Regalia. But while she's familiar with him on the surface, he interests her because she knows others quite deeply and yet all she has is a shallow set of impressions from him.
    • Adagio von Rolanthe | ❝When I look at you, I do not see someone driven by hate. I see someone driven by love, and the refusal to allow anything to happen to those you care for.❞
      • » Amadea worked closely with Adagio to arrange the funerals of his sister-in-arms and his own squire. During the process, he never broke down, never gave up, and always committed himself to preserving their memory. Such love and fealty towards comrades genuinely moved Amadea, and while others may scorn the Lothar Order for their ways, Amadea feels that they can be guided to the light - if one is simply willing to brave the dark long enough to pull them out.
    • Vicelin of Praag | ❝You are dangerous, but that does not make you your father. Not yet, anyway.❞
      • » Amadea is uncomfortably aware of how easily Vicelin can get violent, especially after accidentally connecting him to his confessions once he divulged similar details in parallel conversations. Despite this, she knows all too well that the sins of the father often pass into impulses of the child, and believes that if she herself can be freed from her father's influence, then surely he must be able to be freed as well. It simply takes work.
    • Javier Alejandro Varela | ❝Mmn. What an interesting man. I hope I get to meet him again soon.❞
      • » Amadea has only met Javier briefly but hopes to get to know him well enough in time.
    • Lieven Gwentyr | ❝For one reason or another, you are incredibly interesting.❞
      • » Amadea has taken to showing up like a stray cat around Lieven, enjoying his perspectives and commentary on the situations around them. She is intrigued to see why so many throw their hands up and turn away. Amadea wonders if his blunt edges can't be tempered and refined.
    • Avril Morselli | ❝You are certainly sprouting into someone I am quite delighted to see.❞
      • » Amadea enjoys spending time around Avril, even if she is rather oblivious to the woman's more esoteric activities.
    • Talala Kialooral | ❝Oh, Talala? I really like her, actually. She's very sweet, and knows just how to brighten up a cloudy day.❞
      • » While they may not spend a lot of time together, Amadea enjoys Talala's presence and the warmth she exudes. She hopes to encounter her more often, Gods willing.
    • Person | ❝Quote about a person.❞
      • » Info relating if necessary. This could be your character!
    • Person | ❝Quote about a person.❞
      • » Info relating if necessary. This could be your character!
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Sunflower & Butterflies Pixel
Gold Butterfly Pixel
Star Pixel

Formatting by Rowet! If you like how this looks, ask Rowet for permission to use this formatting template. If you have permission, contact me and I will send you my version of this application in BB code and in rich text (Google Doc) so that you too can have a cute lovely application for your character! Thanks, Rowet!

(Formatting last edited 26 July 2024.)

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Last edited:
Updated with new War Form and new relationships.