Preserved Sheet Alwin Wynfrë | Der Sanitäter

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Sep 18, 2016
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<< Introduction >>

Full Name | Alwin Erich Wynfrë
Age | Twenty-seven years of age,
Birthdate | October 8, 278 AC​
Gender | Male
Race | Cielothar
Religion | Faith of Estel
Deity | Julleö'daéssä​
Sexuality | Pansexual



<< Proficiencies >>

Proficiency Points

+20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 Racial)
+15 Medical Sciences (+15 Points)
+6 Alchemy Sciences (+6 Points)
+6 Linguistic Knowledge (+6 Points)​

Body Build

Body Build | Slim
Body Fat | Low Body Fat​


Alt-Regalian | Completely Known; Most Used
Modern Elvish | Completely Known; Mother Tongue
Common | Somewhat Known​



<< Visuals >>

Eye Color | Sky blue
Hair Color | Dyed blonde; Originally caramel brown
Hair Style | Mid-length and unkempt
Skin Color | Tan and flushed
Clothing | Simple Cielothar attire
Height | 5'3"

Facial Structure | A typical Cielothar, Alwin bears the resemblance of a young Altalar, having kiddish features, freckles, and long, pointy ears. His eyes are a bright blue and his hair a caramel brown, which has since been dyed blonde. The Cielothar's hair falls to the bottom of the neck, being kept rather untidy. A wide, happy grin is a common sight to see the Cielothar have.

Body | The lithe and frail Cielothar's body is nothing special. He stands at an underwhelming height of 5'3", and weighs no more than 115 lbs. Alwin has no body fat whatsoever, and no body hair whatsoever. His tanned skin is covered in freckles, and not a scar can be found. Like most Cielothar, he appears physically weak.

Apparel | Alwin is usually seen in peasant-like clothing, something a typical Cielothar farmer might wear. If he could afford any nice clothing, he would likely be one of the most colorful people out there, to match his cheerful personality and his taste for obnoxiously bright colors. The Cielothar's ears, like most of his kin, are adorned with a number of copper and silver earrings. Out in public, a personal journal and a medical bag full of supplies can commonly be seen on his person.

Voice | Alwin generally speaks in a calm manner and at a steady pace, with an occasional stutter when embarrassed or nervous. He has a typical Regalisch accent, as Alt-Regalian is the language he most commonly speaks. The pitch of his voice is rather high, not to the point where it sounds nothing like squeaking, but not deep enough to sound very masculine.



<< Personality >>

Common Perception | Upon first meeting the Cielothar, Alwin seems to be a jovial and colorful little ray of sunshine; a perfectly normal Cielothar. It is uncommon to see him without a smile planted on his face, or generally looking unhappy at all. The Cielothar openly talks to anyone he meets, quick to accept those he trusts into his inner circle. Alwin takes the time to sit down and get to know others, leaving people to see him as overly talkative, yet kind and friendly. However, others see him as a nuisance who forces himself into others' business, a perspective Alwin does not enjoy hearing about himself.

Self Image | When it comes to being social, Alwin is fairly confident, willing to walk up and attempt to converse with anyone he can find. However, if the conversation ends on a bad note with the one talking with Alwin is not pleased with him, the Cielothar will be disappointed in himself, as he does not take being unwanted lightly. Alwin seems to stress over the smallest of things, things that shouldn't even affect him, causing his spirits to be crushed. The Cielothar fears many things, with rejection and the loss of loved ones being the biggest ones, he would not be able to bear losing anyone he held close to him, or even losing their interests in him.

Close Hearts | When those who Alwin hold close to him are present, he will treat them with the utmost affection and kindness he can give. He will be a lot more open with these people, sharing secrets and personal information with them. The Cielothar cares dearly for his friends and family, and relies on them to keep him happy and safe. Like their friendship depends on it, he will try to spend as much time possible with them, whether they like it or not. Due to all of this, some of those he cares for would say he cares too much, with him tending to be overprotective of them.

Moral Alignment | Overall, Alwin's morality falls along the lines of neutral good. Alwin abides by the oath to do no harm to other as a physician, and strives to not do anything rash or illegal. The Cielothar is devoted to helping others in need of it, willing to give them anything that they require in order to be able to support themselves again. The corruption of others does not bother him much, unless it threatens his life or the lives of others around him.



<< Weaknesses >>

Clumsy | Alwin's own body can sometimes be his undoing. The Cielothar tends to trip, drop or damage things, and generally make a fool of himself wherever he goes. He constantly runs into something or someone, quickly leaving him embarrassed. Even when not travelling, he somehow manages to embarrass himself, whether it be by ruining furniture or dropping a whole stack of paper everywhere.

Pacifism | Being a pacifist Cielothar and abiding to the Oath of no harm, Alwin wouldn't dare lay a finger on anyone. Because of this, he is left defenseless, and with a lack of friends, this can be a terrible combination. If someone were to try and harm him, the Cielothar has no way of defending from it, not even in a life or death situation where he could be killed. Thus, he relies on others for protection.

Quirks | One quirk would be his stutter, which he tends to do a lot whenever he's embarrassed, nervous, or scared. While talking to a group of people who are sitting, he tends to stay standing, clasping his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. Sometimes he'll idly play with his ears or find something else to fidget with, like his clothes or a nearby object.

Smaller Skillset | Growing up on a farm, Alwin knows how to grow crops and harvest them, though this was not his pursuit in life. He can also sing rather well, but he is not excellent at it, only knowing how to sing songs in Alt-Regalian and Elvish and not being able to hit low notes.




Siggs and Other Drugs



<< Relationships >>



<< Life Story >>

Part One | A Peaceful Life

In the middle of Autumn on the 8th day of the October of 280 AC, Alwin Erich Wynfrë was born. He grew up on a small Anglian farm that Wynfrë family had owned decades prior, alongside his three minute younger twin sister, Alvaereia.​

Their life on the farm was a rather quiet one. The family embraced their Cielothar culture and lived their lives like simple Cielothar farmers, despite their location in Anglia.​

The young Cielothar had always hated his dull and exhausting farm life, always wanting something more. The boy's uncle was a healer, and, after being shown more about the profession, the Cielothar immediately knew this was his future career.​

Part Two | Der Sanitäter

After begging his parents to let him fulfill his dreams of becoming a healer, he was given enough money to be sent of to the School of Medicine at age 12. There he was taught all of the skills he knows today, such as how to perform surgery, fix up wounds, and how to treat diseases.​

Before graduating at the age of 22, he was to pledge an Oath to do no harm, which he gladly abided by, thereby receiving his doctorate. Along the way, he took alchemy classes, to be well-versed on how medicine is made.​

Finally wanting to use these skills, he and his sister were both sent to the Crown Isle, where they would each start new lives for themselves. Though, having yet to find any work, the twins had no choice but to settle down in the poorer part of the city: Old Town.​
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