Preserved Sheet Alvania Urmosa

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Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information
-Full name: Alvania Rayn Urmosa
-Age: 17
-Gender: Female
-Race: Altalar (Teledden)
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Preferred weapon: Whip

Skill Information
Total points: 22 Age + 10 Hobby +10 Talent
+7 Fist Combat
+12 Warlash Combat
+3 Linguistics Knowledge
+10 Dancing Arts (Hobby Points)
+10 Perception Training (Talent Points)

Physical stat = 15

Body shape: Athletic, Moderate Body Fat

-Sulvaley Elven
-Kathar Elven (Linguistics)

Visual Information
-Eye color: Blue
-Hair color: Blonde
-Hair style: Straight, down to her hips
-Skin color: Fairly tan
-Clothing: A pair of loose red pants with a pink off the shoulder top. More of a dancer type outfit. She also wields a curled up whip hooked onto the hip of her pants and wears boots with 2 inch heels, making her appear 5'10.

Alignment: Neutral
-Personality: Commander
-Religion: Estel (3/10)

Alvania was born as a triplet alongside her brother William and her sister Clara. William was born first and Clara was born second, making Alvania the youngest of the three. Alvania is the second youngest in a group of eight children. Her mother was very well known for having many kids. The only two children fully related to her where William and Clara, which left five others. Her eldest siblings Elyza, Calder and Everett where not related to her at all. After them comes Adelaide, who was their half sister. Lastly the youngest was a girl named Hope whom their mother had adopted.

Alvania was always a daddy's girl, her and her siblings where their fathers first biological children. Despite having helped raise a few other younger kids he'd never had his own. He was the only father of any of the mothers children that was able to stick around, seeing as the two others died before their children where born.

She was always snarky and quick with comebacks, as was her father. She leaned towards her Isldar side after all. She was fascinated with whips at a young age and took to learning how to use them. She also became close with her older sister Elyza, whom taught her some hand to hand combat and also allowed her to spar with the whip. Her and Elyza spent quite a bit of time together and she even began learning a bit of dancing. She also occasionally sparred with her older brother William, both unarmed and with their weapons of choice, his being daggers and hers being a whip.

You could usually find Alvania in the sewers which is where most of her family spent their time. See the family is made of many different races. There's some Cielothar, Ailor, Kathar, Isldar and Dwarf. Almost everyone in the family steered towards more of the dangerous life. Such as crime and ill trades, and Alvania was no exception. She grew up in a home on the surface but spent most of her time down in the sewers.
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