Preserved Sheet Aluread Slegers

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Local Bread Provider
Dec 15, 2013
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A small rickety wooden cart, on it's way to Helgen

Aluread Slegers
'Strong drink, a game of chance, and companionship
The rush of life'




['Unity. Precision. Perfection.']

✵ Full Name: Aluread Slegers
Age: 100 Years

Date of Birth: August 11th, 208 A.D
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Ailor

Lineage: Nautilaan
Culture: Anglian
✵ Shilôt Vampire; Infected at the age of 46.
Preferred Weapon: Scimitar

['Every man has his belongings, after all.']
A small, scratched silver ring that definitely isn't Aluread's size.
A small flask of high quality, self made alcohol, usually red wine.
✵ A wooden duckling.
A pouch filled with diverse ingredients for food, such as herbs or fruits.
A couple of loose regals, totalling to a worth of 20.
A pocket watch, in near perfect condition.


['An ever growing repertoire of expertise, to be utilized in.. Proper manner.']

Total Points: 80 (50 Age + 10 Hobby + 10 Talent + 5 Racial Boost + 5 Lineage Boost)
Combat Proficiency:

✵ + 1 Swords Combat (1 Points)
Science Skill Proficiency:
✵ + 3 Linguistic Science (3 Points)
Command Proficiency:
✵ + 10 Captain Command (10 Talent Points)
✵ + 10 Admiral Command (5 Points, 5 Racial Boost)
✵ + 10 Statecraft Command (10 Points)
Rogue Proficiency:
✵ + 10 Conning Rogue (1o Points)
Nature Art Proficiency:
✵ + 15 Sailing Art (10 Points, 5 Lineage Boost)
Culinary Art Proficiency:
✵ + 10 Winemaking Skill (10 Hobby Points)
✵ + 5 Cooking Art (5 Points)
Performance Art Proficiency:
✵ + 2 Writing Art (2 Points)
✵ + 2 Theatre Art (2 Points)
Household Art Proficiency:
✵ + 2 Fortification Art (2 Points)
Body Shape:
Physical Stat: (1 Swords Combat + 2*0.5 Theatre Arts + 15*0.5 Sailing Arts) = 9.5
Body Build: Ripped.
Body Fat: Average.


✵ Anglian | 10/10
Native tongue, preferred language to speak.
✵ Common | 9/10
Studied through interaction with many people who spoke Common. Aluread has learnt to speak the language without too many mistakes in his speech, even if his accent sometimes shows.
✵ Daendroquin | 9/10
Learnt through interaction with the Daendroque, eventually got tutored.

Special Traits

Mutations: Shilôt Bloodline
✵ Vinteaar Lingua
✵ Vinteaar Partying
✵ Vinteaar Providing
✵ Vinteaar Thickening
Lineage Traits
✵ Infallible Navigator
✵ Iron Gut
✵ Favored by the Sea


['You cannot learn a thing you think you know.']
✵ Eye Color: Oaken Brown.
Hair Color: Umber Brown.
Hair Style: Short-cut and dishevelled.
Skin Color: Leaning towards pale.
Clothing: High boots with grey cloth trousers, accompanied by a crimson red jacket. Sometimes wears a hat, when the temperature is cold. Often wears a leather jerkin underneath his clothing.
Height: 5'7"



['The darkness holds much worse than mere trickery and bogeymen']

Happiness and Contentedness:
✵ Happiness is an emotion to be rewarded with alcoholic beverage. Buying (or making) a free round of drinks for all his companions is how Aluread would express this emotion, willing to share the joy. Any drinks be brews whilst experiencing happiness are usually of higher quality than regular ones.

Experiencing Fear:

✵ Fear is something Aluread dreads deeply, even if he does not experience it on a daily basis. It makes his thought process messy, and he will attempt to put anyone in harm's way so that he can stay clear of it. Any drinks he brews whilst experiencing fear tend to be less potent, losing their touch.

Experiencing Stress:

✵ The destroyer of his world and attitude. The Anglian will often lash out at others, putting them to blame for his stressful emotions, as well as seeking relief from the stress in numerous ways such as drinking or other activities. Any drinks he brews during stress tend to be more potent than regular ones.

Law and Authorities:
✵ To be kept under close watch is something Aluread does not feel appreciative of. He disgusts any law that isn't his, and any authority that isn't him will be looked down upon unless they have proven themselves a benefactor to his cause.

Races other than their own:
✵ Uncaring, mostly. Whilst he would prefer all to be Ailor such as himself, he understands there is a need for balance. Besides, not everyone can be as great as the Ailor. He understands that, just like with drinks, there must be variation.

Religion and Faiths:
✵ Religion used to be a part of his life, but that was many years ago. He sees it as a tool to manipulate others with, but does not care much for it besides that. He would rather that people believed in tangible matters.

Arcane and Magical:

✵ Respectful, yet fearful. That which he does not understand is to be dismissed and kept at bay. He would prefer not to interact with these matters, and is clearly unhappy with anyone who shows magic potential.

Their Family:
✵ Accepting, as they are family after all. He was saddened that he was to outlive them, and realizes that whilst they were not Sanguine, they still cared for him long enough to find his own place in the world. The remaining members of his family never appealed to him much, even after he converted them.

Most Proud Of:

✵ The ability to produce high quality drinks is what plenty of Shilôt would pride themselves for, and Aluread is no different. He sees it as one of his greatest accomplishments, as it is what has kept him going for so long now.

✵ Aluread's lust for power is a goal he will never stop striving for. Besides that, he knows there are still many things to be discovered, and he wishes to be alive to witness them.

Biggest Insecurity:

✵ Insecurity is something Aluread has little of. Although there are a few things gnawing at him, such as his physicality. He isn't strong, and he is aware. He worries that this is a matter that will make people think less of him.

Biggest Fear:
✵ Truly, loss of his power is what he fears most. It is most of what keeps him in the business, and he is afraid of losing it somehow. Alongside this, he still worries about another competitor in the business becoming more skillful than him.

Character Alignment
✵ Lawful Evil

Personality Type
✵ The Architect

✵ Unionism [7/10 Before Infection. 0/10 After Infection]
A remnant of his former self, Aluread once firmly believed in the concepts of Unionism. A devout follower before infection, but those pious acts faltered before his Sanguine curse. His respect for the religion has completely vanished.




['Your moonlit shadows rise to meet you.']

Born in 208 AD, August 11 in a comfortable homestead, Aluread was a part of a large family consisting of brewers who took their jobs to an extreme level. Devout to making the best wines (with sometimes outrageously high prices), the Anglian was to take part in this business at a young age. Regular schooling was not in the Slegers' interests, and instead they vowed to teach Aluread themselves. This resulted in him lacking general knowledge, but being very knowledgeable about matters revolving around foods.

Aluread, whilst appreciative of his family, did not enjoy a life of solitude however; at the age of 29, he set out with his skills of brewing, to reach a wider audience and to make a decent living for himself. Whilst his endeavors were generally successful, he felt as if he could become so much more if he tried harder. Most of his time was spent developing new drinks and methods of concocting, as well as learning how to handle the economic and legal proceedings of business. His skill grew, and so did his reputation; more and more people bought his liquor, which allowed for him to live a life of great pleasure. That was until a rival showed up. Someone who was quickly running Aluread out of business for unknown reasons.

He tried to move to new grounds, but the competition followed, and soon Aluread found himself scrounging for customers, unsure as why he was losing so many. Desperate and without finances, he turnt to the underbelly of the cities he travelled to, hoping to find a way to become the best once more. One thing led to another, and Aluread had found himself interacting with a small coven of Shilôt vampires, who were keen on allowing him to carry the gift, too. Seeing it as his only option to one-up the competition, he complied to the group and found his way into the world of the Sanguine.

With his newfound strength, brewing became that much easier for him, and he found that his competitors were unable to keep up with him. He slowly started to sell more and more, building up decent fundings once again, which allowed him to travel to many different cities in Aloria.

He used his mutations for less benevolent purposes, however; eager to earn as much as he could, he started to 'bless' his drinks as to make them more addictive to the consumers. Desperation would set in for those who were unfortunate enough to drink them, which lead to plenty of regular customers, who would pay the Anglian high amounts of coin to continue their habits. Some were unable to live without it, and would follow the man once he inevitably moved to his next destination.

His inability to age was noticed as he reached an old enough age. Temporary boredom set in as, at that point, he had very few plans for his future. He settled down in a settlement in Daendrocc for a few years, indulging himself with his newfound companions as he took to a life of luxury and party-going.

Eventually, he grew tired of his stagnant life however, and starting to think of a way to set forth a new life with intricate, thought out plans. Leaving Daendrocc with newfound purpose, he started to learn how to properly sail and command a ship. His companions travelled with him as his sailors, as they set out to exploration, travelling across many different continents as Aluread spread his wares further and further. Duing their expeditions out on sea, Aluread hired a high ranking captain to teach him the fine tricks and theory needed to be a proper captain and leader of a ship, keeping said captain under his command through the same way he often influenced others; through addiction-inducing wine.

For a short while, Aluread travelled back to the Anglian Regions to meet up with his remaining family after being apart for as long as they were. His visit was one of nefarious meaning, as he had planned to convert his unsuspecting family into Shilôt, just like himself, and gain access to more funds this way. During one of the family's feasts, Aluread laced the red wine with his own blood in order to addict them to the substance. Over time, as the members of the family soon became reliant on the wine, he would slowly add more blood into the mixture until he was certain that they'd turn in time. The Slegers family soon became a family of Sanguine, as Aluread departed once more to new locations to conduct business in.

He returned to Daendrocc for the next decade or two, testing the waters to see what he could achieve. He had mastered his abilities at this point. With extraordinaire cuisine, a seaworthy vessel with a crew alongside it and a hefty amount of knowledge to go with it.

Eventually, Aluread decided that he was tired of moving around as much as he did, and he prepared for his final target; Regalia. He would move there, planning to hook as many individuals on his drinks as possible.
Last edited:
@Yigit Sorry to tag you again so soon, but with the small Shîlot reworks, I had to update my app. Changes were made in this color:
- Removed the Vinteaar Drawling mutation; replaced it with Vinteaar Partying.
- Removed +5 Throwing Combat Skill; replaced it with +5 Unarmed Combat Skill.
- Removed the Shîlot +10 Food and Drink Proficiency boost, for it was removed in favor of another ability.
- Removed +5 Rogue Training Skill; added those points to Food and Drink Science.
- Changed body stat from 5 to 10; body shape remains the same.
@BrammekeH Sorry for the delay, this was lost in the several pages of updated apps. Your edits are all marked down correctly, so I will call this approved.
You may tag me and change the header of this sheet to needs re-review in the future, should it be required.