Preserved Sheet Alucard Alfonse

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Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
[FLOAT_RIGHT][/FLOAT_RIGHT]Basic Information
  • Age: 50
  • Visual Age: 25
  • Gender: male
  • Race: Ailor (Carnvaal)
  • Sexuality: Nishi
  • Preferred Weapon: Violin
  • Vamparism: Alais (Active)
Core Concept
Where once Alucard was a carefree, impressionable unionist his decision to follow Arryn into the dark. Caused the whispers of the Alais mind to cast aside most care or memory for faith. Yet he recognizes the use of false religion so he pretends to remain a Worshipper of Vess. Since the ideology could be used to justify much of his actions while keeping himself separate from the schisms themselves. [False Faith: Vess - Vultragon (Silver Shroud)]

Alucard is a afflicted bard who seeks the promotion of music and fun above all while conducting tricks and schemes to entertain himself.

Proficiency points: (50 age) (10 hobby)
Vocal 10 (core)
Cooking 10 (core)
Instrument Arts 15 (10 core + 5 racial)
Composition arts 11 (core)
Dancing 10 (5 hobby + 5 Alais passive)
Theater arts 10 (5 hobby+ 5 Alais passive)
Rougery 3 (age)

Linquistics (6)
Dressolini (honed skill)
Physical State: 10

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Alais ability kit (9 abilities [base not included])
Sleight of hand

Honed Skill 1
Honed Skill 2

Common (Free)
Monta (Cultural)
Dressolini (honed)
D'Ithanie (Ling)
chiari (Ling)
Daendroque (unlocked)

  • N/A
  • A 6'1ft., green eyed, well dressed, and average weight skinny Montanian with the clothes of a minstrel.
  • Alucard's skin turns blood washed red. His clothes becoming dark red as they seem to drip drops of blood which fade as they hit the ground. His right arm/hand elongate into a fleshy violin bow and his legs stretch unnaturally. His right arm elongates into a clawed hand covered with a glove. The skin on his face becomes a like red porcelain just like a masquerade mask while his eyes and mouth become red voids.
Nishi (10/10) - "My Demon, My Eternity, My Nishi"
Alucard's wife who he loves extensively and hopes to spend the rest of his eternal life with.

Wan-Xia (9/10) - "Wan my Colleague, and one of the greatest Mundane Musicians I know"

Wan-Xia one of the Greatest Musician's Alucard knows and a closer friend. The closest friend Alucard has garnered as of yet and one he hopes to grow closer to.

Mae (8/10)- "My Favorite Banjo Cieolthar, her boyfriend scares me"

he is good friend's with Mae but knowing the distaste some around her have for him. He doesn't entirely see hanging out with her as safe.

Life Story

  • Alucard grew up in a city within Montania. His parents were originally a former Ithinian Opera Singer (Mother) and a Montanian Violinist (Father).
  • He spent his years in music and learning taught by two masters of their fields. Along with the fantastic musical and intellectual minds of Dressolini schools.
  • After meeting a brood named Arryn he ran away with her and would become an Alais to be with her. He would become obsessive about the arts and playing music.
  • Over the years Alucard would mentor students a turn some of them. Instilling a few Alais within the art communities from the Houvires to the Montanian mountains. He would change identities several times.
  • He came to regalia to in-bed himself closest to the seat of power but after meeting his wife. Now desires to remain here to forge a better, safer home for them.

Diplomacy 2 (lv)

Rougery 1 (lv)
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@Mollymock Changing lineage and shifting points slightly due to new racial boosts. Also added the doc I created for the religion take a look if it interests you.
@Mollymock With all the new developments in crime com. Uh I just wanna say its alright if this has to be like handed to someone else to do/isn't done for a bit
I can't find anywhere on the alais page where a physical cap is listed. I would ticket it but given I've six ongoing ones from questions resulting from the Updates. I dunno if it'll work.

I re-did the calculations though and with 5 + 5 (5 theater and 5 dance) it would be 10 I think. Unless the alais passive doesn't count as part of the calculations @Mollymock