Preserved Sheet Altior Laviette - Character Application

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I'll be reviewing this sheet.
  1. Firstly, you list Shadow Magic as one of his strengths, saying that he has studied it for thirty years, you did not list this as a special permission, fix this or remove and replace the strength.
  2. Remove and replace the "Family" and "Anger" weaknesses.
Make the above edits in BLUE and tag me when you're done.
I'll be reviewing this sheet.
  1. Firstly, you list Shadow Magic as one of his strengths, saying that he has studied it for thirty years, you did not list this as a special permission, fix this or remove and replace the strength.
  2. Remove and replace the "Family" and "Anger" weaknesses.
Make the above edits in BLUE and tag me when you're done.
is shadow magic a special permission? He's only Mage level. I'm asking because I already requested a special permission for another character
is shadow magic a special permission? He's only Mage level. I'm asking because I already requested a special permission for another character
My bad, thought Shadow Magic was a hidden magic, still learning the ropes here. Just expand more on it in the bio section.
My bad, thought Shadow Magic was a hidden magic, still learning the ropes here. Just expand more on it in the bio section.
expand more on his training? I figured the bio was very detailed on the fact that he learned it at all, so I'm just gonna add more training, but I really do not want to write 30 years of just Mage lessons. He literally did nothing but sit in the sort of prison and learn and practice
expand more on his training? I figured the bio was very detailed on the fact that he learned it at all, so I'm just gonna add more training, but I really do not want to write 30 years of just Mage lessons. He literally did nothing but sit in the sort of prison and learn and practice
Just vague expansion, not the day-to-day.
@EdgyWalrusaur i added weaknesses so I have four, and detailed the training in the bio somewhat. If you don't approve of one of the weaknesses, can I just remove it since I'm only required to have 3?
Remove Weak to Range, its a copout weakness as you will practically never encounter ranged combat. Make Weak against Medium weapons more severe, make it so that if he messes up, he's likely out of the fight.

Tag me once you've made those edits.
Remove Weak to Range, its a copout weakness as you will practically never encounter ranged combat. Make Weak against Medium weapons more severe, make it so that if he messes up, he's likely out of the fight.

Tag me once you've made those edits.
@EdgyWalrusaur I made the edits, and I BIU-Ed them to make them easy to find.
Remove and replace Weak to Medium Weapons and Weak to Ranged, these are copout weaknesses. Make those changes and tag me when done.
Merge "Head" with "Injuries" as they are coinciding weaknesses. Fill the gap with a different weakness and tag me when you are done.
Bad with people is a copout weakness, especially considering he is a mage/fighter. Remove/replace and then tag me.
Big change list here:
  1. Make him a worse fighter to compensate for his magic skill
  2. Specify his skill level in Shadow Magic
  3. Remove and replace vulnerable mind weakness.
Make those changes in BLUE and tag me when you are done.
Big change list here:
  1. Make him a worse fighter to compensate for his magic skill
  2. Specify his skill level in Shadow Magic
  3. Remove and replace vulnerable mind weakness.
Make those changes in BLUE and tag me when you are done.
okay I added two, if you don't like both of them I might give up. If you like both, I'm gonna remove one because I only want 3.
Multitasking is a copout weakness, bad hearing however is salvageable. I would advise adding onto bad hearing a way that this screws him over in combat, such as being unable to react to attacks in time due to being unable to hear the attacker coming. Make this change and I think you should be set.
Multitasking is a copout weakness, bad hearing however is salvageable. I would advise adding onto bad hearing a way that this screws him over in combat, such as being unable to react to attacks in time due to being unable to hear the attacker coming. Make this change and I think you should be set.
made this change and I think I should be set @EdgyWalrusaur
Remove the bit about how he counters it and that'll be solid.
As this character is being shelved indefinitely, I see no reason to update it due to the only thing that needs changing is magic and he's an Ombratore now anyway, meaning he can't cast it. Please dont delete it, if I ever return to the character I will rewrite them then and use this as a reference.