Preserved Sheet Dr. Alstandel Vossen

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Guerrilla healthcare
Jan 12, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Alstandel Vossen
Race: Half-Teledden (dominate)/ half Ailor
Age: 336
Gender: male
Eye Color: 1 light green, 1 hazel

Core Concept

A wanderer who isn't typical of the teledden, and after being through wars and various other events seems to have lost his mind a bit due to the centuries of trauma he's experienced, but tries to help others regardless. He seems to always carry a solemn expression, almost appearing ghostly in manner and presence. He shouldn't be underestimated, especially in regards to his intelligence. His belief in any religion or god is largely spiteful now, believing gods should not be worshiped due to the atrocities they have allowed to take place. He doesn't follow any religion or culture anymore and generally doesn't seem to belong anywhere. He wanders around the land with his medical knowledge trying to help people. He will cure or exorcise if needed, even of an ordial shade. He does not believe anyone should be controlled against their will and is trying to figure out how to remove an invaded spirit and his own ordial magic.


Strength: 0

Constitution: 1
Training point buy
  • Debuff endurance pack
Wisdom: 5
Arcana Point Buy:3
  • Arcana Bolts pack
  • Arcana Protect pack
  • Exorcism pack
Tech Point Buy: Arctech:2
  • Tech Stimulation pack
  • Tech Gravity Pack
Dexterity: 1

  • Close Save pack

Magic: 7, Ordial (teledden buff +2 spell)
Radiant Point Buy:5
  • Radiant Revive
  • Radiant Push
  • Radiant Feather
  • Radiant Bolster
  • Radiant Relocate
  • Radiant Shield (buff)
  • Radiant Barrier (buff)
Chem point buy: 2
  • Chem bang pack
  • Chem feeding pack

Abilities:Teledden racial abilities
Mage breaker (abilities)

Sign language (severe hearing loss)
Deathspeech (Geist brood)

Appearance information

Tall, about 7 feet, with brown hair, he keeps a plain appearance beside the upper right portion of his face, including his right eye which is now white. It's heavily scarred due to a wartime injury but is covered by his hair almost constantly. Every part of his body is covered except his face due to the widespread scarring, including his hands. He wears white gloves to hide the scars on his wrists and hands, and a large dark coat. He has long ears and wears some jewelry, but mostly to make small tools when needed. His outfit has purple accents to throw people off his magic type.

His body is covered in scarred runes infused with ordial essence. In addition to this he's suffered many other experiments that caused other various types of scarring he makes sure to keep covered at all times. He has a brace on his right leg, but it stays hidden under his robes. Since he's always been unable to heal himself, he suffers the chronic effects of many old injuries as well.

Life story

  • Born to a Teledden mother and an Ailor father (Ordial mage/Geist) within the ancient Allorn cult known as the 'children of Kruphos'
  • Went through magical experimentation at the hands of the cult in the temple now known as the Black Sepulcher to summon the diety, which failed but made him one of the very few Ordial Teledden to
  • Escaped from the cult during the chaos of the cataclysm, and began fighting in a war as a medic to keep the cult from finding him
  • After the wars subsided and he was able to leave, he traveled around the world and had some run ins with other cults, doing what he had to in order to survive, he kept learning more about medicine and becoming an artificer to help heal unusual conditions and issues
  • Ended up in regalia as a result of the traveling, though doesn't have much interest in the people who live there, at least upon his arrival
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@Plumcrazycat Welcome to the server! I will be reviewing your application:

Full Name: Alastor Krayn
You are a new player, so I will not press you too hard about this, but your character's name does not fit into the Teledden naming customs, which I assume, given Teledden dominance, your character would follow. Technically, male-coded Teledden names always end in one of the following suffixes: -el, -en, -on, -il, -el, -an, -ir. You can read more about Teledden naming here:

Eye Color: 1 white, 1 purple
With Teledden dominance, your character could not have purple eyes! The Bene Vixit Isldar have purple eyes due to connections with the Dragons, something a half-teledden would not have innately.

His belief in any religion or god is largely non-existent now, believing that if gods do exist, they should not be worshiped due to the atrocities they have allowed to take place.
There is one hitch in this belief - in Aloria, near to all gods / religions are considered 'true', in the sense that all major religions have evidence of their gods existing, largely in the fact that they manifest as physical avatars in the world (Example: All the gods of Estellon pantheon once existed, even if slain or banished in the cataclysm, with the exception of Sapphora, who still exists in the Allorn empire. Or, Unionism, whose past god-emperors do sometimes appear to followers, such as God-Empress Ness appearing in the Great Beacon temple, or Heroine Taal regularly appearing in Wirtem territory. Additionally, the Dragons are real beings and are considered gods in their own right, as they are considered hands-off creators and shapers of the world). Or, some gods offer many boons to their followers (such as the Void Gods or the Ordial Gods, who can't manifest fully in Aloria but do sometimes bless notable followers with magic). It would be unrealistic to think the gods don't exist, seeing as there is undeniable proof of many of their existence. It would be reasonable, perhaps, to refuse to follow any gods on account of their perceived cruelty, but that may make your character very unpopular in Teledden society, seeing as many are fanatics about the Estellon pantheon.

Ordial (+1 spell pack racial bonus)
I will touch on this later, but, if your character's father is part of the Bene Vixit, why does he use ordial magic? Ordial magic draws from the realm of death, which the Bene Vixit are very opposed to. It would make more sense to be partially Bene Rexit.

Isldar war experience
Your character is Teledden, so you would need to put your teledden racial abilities here.

Born to a Teledden mother and an Isldar father under Bene Vixit
This is a touch of a nitpick, but 300 years ago the Isldar were one unified people, there was no such thing as Bene Vixit and Bene Rexit, both are factions that are relatively recent (within the past 1-2 years) that formed due to revelation that the being the Isldar worshiped, Frisit, was not a dragon as once thought, but was an Ordial Entity, the Glacial, deceiving the Isldar people into doing evil deeds that they were not entirely aware of. Bene Vixit deny The Glacial's call and have returned to serving the dragons outright, while the Bene Rexit embrace the Glacial and the Ordial Beings of death and believe in serving their ways willingly. You can read more about the twin Isldar cultures, which are in a civil war with each other, here:

You can choose which side your character supports still, as I imagine it would be relevant to even a half isldar, but they likely would not have been raised into these ideals.

Was taken to Allor to get an education and learn to properly use his Ordial powers
The Allorn empire technically did not exist 300 years ago, as it had just been destroyed by the Cataclysm. But, it's not a huge nitpick. My point here is that the Teledden don't often mess with Oridal magic, it'd be much more typical to be trained to use Exist or Void magic, but I won't make you change this if you do not want to, since your character is described as being different from most Teledden.

After the wars subsided and he was able to leave, he began to wander around repairing the soul rivers of the world
Oridal mages would not want this, however. The Soul-Rivers are a very clearly 'primal' thing, which deals in the realm of life magic, unlike Ordial mages, which deal in death magic. Think Oridal mages similar to necromancers, really.

I've just swapped one of the racial specials around as detailed below, since they're just aesthetic and I on,y gave him 1 physical Isldar feature I thought it might be cool to switch a special instead
You can't switch specials aroiund, unfortunately. You have to choose one or the other racial kit!
I read so much before creating the application, but I still made so many mistakes. Thank you for helping me out with this
1/31/23 changed the backstory to better reflect canon lore and switched a few packs around @Lizmun
Hello, sorry for the delay! Here's my review:

-Please specify which spell pack was taken for Aseia's Will.
-For your theurgy packs, please specify which demon dimension was chosen for your packs.
I would like to note that since you've taken the vested summoning pack, you'll only be able to choose void demons or exist apparitions which contradicts with the dimension that you've chosen for your magic. There is the Ordial shades but they cannot be vested but bidden, hosted, invaded, and anchored instead. Seeing how ingrained Ordial is within Alstandel's char concept, I would suggest sticking with an ordial shade but switching the spirit weapon pack out for something else that doesn't require a vested spirit.​

Please make these changes, and tag me when your done or if you have any questions!
Made those changes and a few others in relation to the recent update and removed the dex point and put it in artificer because I have never used it. Everything should be good to go now, if I did it right. @RaggedyGrace
Almost forgot, changed one of the wisdom packs to try out the new ordial soulrend avatars
You forgot to fix your number for your wisdom. But everything else looks and checks out, approved! Have fun!
Hello, apologies but I missed something last time.

Since you added a Soulrend pack, please a description of the form underneath visual information.

Once you do, please tag me and you'll be approved!