Preserved Sheet Alric Of Gaekraan

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Deithwen Addan yn Carn aep Morvudd
May 27, 2017
Reaction score



Basic Information
  • Full Name: Alric Averic Aechter
  • Age: 268 AC, April 26 (35)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Anglian)
  • Main Ambition: Significant rise in Imperial military ranking through means of Charles Montagaard (His Liege), amassing wealth and recognition through military campaigns against enemies of the State.
  • Special Permission: Expert of Leadership (Discipline of Battle Command) and Siegwald.

Visual Information

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Hair Color: Coal Black

Hair Style: Militaristically short.

Skin Color: Tanned

Clothing: Professionally dressed, properly wearing the correct attire for the situations he finds himself in. His tailored clothing appear pragmatic in style, excluding any sort of extravagant flair. Jewelry and whatnot are not found at all on his person.

Height: 6'1

Body Build: Athletic

Weapon of Choice: An arming sword of Anglian origins for more open combat, while in tight spaced situations, a short-sword, both blades anchored by his left side. And during times of military campaign, he has his banner sporting the colours of House Montagaard.


Skill Information
  • School: of Leadership, Discipline of Battle Command. School of Siegwald

  • Level: Expert in Battle Command | Expert in Siegwald Combat

Personality and Abilities

First impressions: To those that know Alric, they may find him unsociable, as the man usually disregards others unless they are of use to him. He is pragmatic and meticulous in his own work, and ruthless when it comes to handling his opponents. To strangers, Alric appears rather frustrated, a natural scowl on his visage near all times, as if angry with the world around him at times, but once engaged in conversation, he'd seem to mellow out, contradicting many people's first opinions of him. Upon first contact with a stranger that he has to hold talk with, Alric speaks conservatively, saying only what is needed. He is however, rather diligent and temperate, a model soldier.

Mindset: Alric couldn't care less about his inner feelings and usually stops his emotions from altering his judgement on the things at hand. He is confident in his abilities as a soldier, never once publicly faltering in his decisions. Alric does have social anxiety when he is surrounded by crowds of strangers, usually hastily excusing himself when such situations arise. While not overly cocky, he does ensure that he appears confident, firm and strict to his peers and others in his workforce. Although he attempts to be as pragmatic as possible at all times, Alric can and has broken down under heavy stress, his pent up anger and frustration bursting out at times.

Relatives, Superiors, Co-Workers: Alric attempts to surround himself with competent peers, and leal comrades. He values group unity at its highest, and disregards foreigners, treating them lowly for they are not of his own group. With the few friends he has, he appears kind-hearted in his own odd way; unable to properly show emotions of happiness due to all he has been affected by throughout his life, he is nonetheless capable of being caring to a fellow soldier, this being exclusive to only those he considers friends and are a part of his social group. His ideal form of hierarchy is that based on meritocracy, believing that those who expect benefits without having to work for them are a plight that must be purged, and that those who work above and beyond should be appropriately rewarded.

Alignment: Alric is best described as Lawfully Neutral, he believes that the integrity of the status quo must be secure through law and order. He is however ruthless in his dealing of enemy forces, ensuring that defiant enemies are given no quarters so they serve to be examples to his other opponents.


School of Leadership: Alric is a devout follower of the teachings of the Discipline of Battle Command. Starting at the youngest age possible, and graduating with flying colours, Alric is a model student of the Academy, a quick witted, well learned Commander of front line soldiers. His immense pool of knowledge of all regarding the Leadership Academy benefits him well whilst on campaigns for the Empire, the veterancy of Alric proves to be beneficial in earning his soldier's trust, thus usually leading to an effective, cohesive unit of soldiers under his command.

School of Siegwald: Like all Disciples of the Battle Command division of the Academy of Leadership, Alric has also graduated from the School of Siegwald. Displaying an understanding of all things Siegwaldian, Alric is considered to be an Expert in this combat doctrine, more than capable in handling himself in combat. He carries his banner and longsword effectively and is proven to be a boon to all soldiers under his command.


Life Story

Strict upbringing | Childhood:

  • Born in the Montagaard ruled County of Gaekran (located in south Anglia), Alric was the only child sired off of middle classed commoners that had strong ties to House Montagaard for past generations as servants. Thus resulting in a safe and secure environment for Alric to grow in. (268 AC)
  • Due to his father's attitude, Alric undergoes strict education regimes at a young age, private tutors are hired and countless hours of learning are drilled into the young child. These topics of learning are centered mostly around the basics of military; for at this young age Alric was already expected to become part of the Montagaard retinue just like his father, and his father before him and so on. He is already expected to enroll into the School of Leadership already.
  • Although able to leave his family's estate and explore his surroundings at his own will, Alric was continuously given difficult curriculums that had demanded much of his time and if he failed these courses, he would earn his father's displeasure; a driving force behind Alric motivation as he grew, the fear of being held in low regards by his peers.
Life in the County of Gaekraan and more | Adolescence:

  • Due to such extensive upbringing, Alric was inducted as a military cadet into House Montagaard, where he was taught the more complex subjects and intricacies of warfare and other various lessons that would aid the boy in his enlistment into the School of Leadership. Alric was moved from his home and sent to live with the Montagaard, serving as a sort of page to the nobles of the Court.
  • His position within House Montagaard also entitled him to be taught the physical aspects of combat by one of the Senior Knights of the Montagaard family. Alric was found to have had a natural affinity to weaponry, due to being born with adept reflexes and quick wits.
  • Most of Alrics early teenage years are occupied by learning and self-improvement; a sense of duty to House Montagaard is hammered into his developing mind as he grew. His social skills however were rather lacking, usually unable to hold a conversation for long or partaking in social events; instead secluding himself in his study, bent on improving himself.
  • In the midst of his adolescence, with the support of his family and his patron Count Charles of House Montagaard, Alric is sent to enroll into the Academy of Leadership, he is to bring renown to his family and House Montagaard. A heavy amount of pressure is put onto Alric, he is expected to succeed or else be disowned.
  • With an unhealthy amount of preparation backing Alric, he passes the entrance exam into the School of Leadership, he is enrolled into the Discipline of Battle Command as instructed by his peers back in Gaekraan. The many years he must spend to finish all his courses begin. (Age 15)
  • While in his courses begun, so did his learning of the School of Siegwald initiate. As expected of all Disciples of the Battle Command division, Alric is also enrolled in the Siegwaldian School. His courses for both schools work in unison, barely hindering Alric for his sole purpose is to successfully graduate.
The Regalian Isle and the Academy | Early Adulthood
  • In his pursuit of success, Alric has finished the eight years required to finish all his courses, excelling in almost all of them. Now a young man and graduate of the Leadership's junior courses, Alric is able to head to the battlefield. (Age 24)
  • Representing House Montagaard, Alric serves as a petty officer, tasked with incessant duties, from mundane logistics, to organizing latrines.
Nonetheless, his field experience grows by the years, and his continuous dedication to his Schools pay off, now achieving his ranks successfully, Alric at the age of 25 is a Warrior Class Siegwaldian. His ten years of combat experience to achieve Expert begins.
  • Alric spends many years being attached to various divisions, serving to deal with minor conflicts within the Regalian Empire, never once being part of impactful campaigns.
  • All would change once the Calemberg Crisis of 302 AC occurs. At the age of 30, Alric is a fledgling Officer in charge of disgruntled soldiers being sent to retake Calemberg from the Lo Consortium that usurped it through force while the Arch-Duke Typhonus was out campaigning the Northern Elven Nations.
With the Host of Typhonus returning to retake his land, Alric and his division are tossed directly into combat, at first successful in their task of dealing with House Lo troops, but tragically failing when a trap by the opposition is sprung.
In a turn of luck for Alric, the young officer manages to pull through the disastrous battle, successfully retreating with the majority of his division intact. This act would garner him the approval of his soldiers and a small boost to his renown for he pulled off an improbable task. (Age 32)

Academic Expert and Undercrown Charles | Adulthood
  • Alric spends time in the Northern Elven Nations, quenching the last bit of resistance from the Elves and stomping any more insurrections. This military campaign would be the last of the combat experience he needed to achieve the Expert status within the Academy of Leadership. (Age 35)
  • Alric is recalled back to the Academy to finalize his training, he is duly promoted to the level of Expert under the Discipline of Battle Command. Consequently, his promotion to Expert of the School of Siegwald also occurs. Alric graduates with flying colors from both schools.
  • For his successful endeavours Alric is recalled back to the County of Gaekraan, welcomed amiably by the Gaekraanis for his success. The attention he receives attracts his Liege, Count Charles, who through an arduous ceremony lays upon him the title of Knight, like his forefathers before him.
Through a private meeting with Charles, Alric is informed of the task ahead for Montagaard. Charles appointment to the position of Undercrown needed much securing for it caused instability with the Nobles of the Empire. Upon swearing his undying loyalty, Alric is given the leadership of the Montagaard Army, an independent force standing by at the command for Charles Montagaard. (Age 36)
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The life story is great, it's so long yet as I read, it just grabbed my attention. I said "Please let go of my attention" and the application said "No".
This is also the only application I've ever read where the character had no weaknesses yet still seemed perfectly balanced to me.
Great job! Hope it gets accepted!
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The life story is great, it's so long yet as I read, it just grabbed my attention. I said "Please let go of my attention" and the application said "No".
This is also the only application I've ever read where the character had no weaknesses yet still seemed perfectly balanced to me.
Great job! Hope it gets accepted!

Many thanks for your compliments, it's nice to see someone enjoy reading this. : )

For everyone else, I'm open to criticism, no matter how minuscule it may be.

Thanks for reading.
Let's get started, shall we?
  • First of all, I'd like to start with expressing how impressive I find this app to be. My only qualm is the size of the image at the beginning- is there no way to make it smaller and less obtrusive to the app? This isn't a required edit, but it might seem a little less 'in-your-face'.
  • Secondly, I'd like you to expand on the Main Ambitions section of his Basic Information. How does he intend to amass said wealth and influence? Is there a specific goal or position he has in mind?
  • Moving into Alric's Personality & Abilities, I'd like you to go through and bold the most important character traits in the paragraphs. I'd also like you to expand a little more on his first paragraph. Seeming frustrated to strangers, does he speak in a certain way to them? How would he treat someone intruding on a conversation of his?
  • After reading through your Life Story, I have a few requests:
    • Firstly, I'd like you to notate a few of the points in his life with the ages at which things occurred. These include the battle that allowed him some recognition and his ascending to Expert-level in the School of Bloodcast.
    • I'd also like you to be a little more specific regarding Alric's battle. How old was he at the time? When and where did it happen?
    • I'd like you to change the rank of the Regalian Colonel to something more fitting to the setting, since'Colonel' doesn't appear on the wiki at all. Calling him an officer should suffice for this.
Besides this, however, the app looks great! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done!
Let's get started, shall we?
  • First of all, I'd like to start with expressing how impressive I find this app to be. My only qualm is the size of the image at the beginning- is there no way to make it smaller and less obtrusive to the app? This isn't a required edit, but it might seem a little less 'in-your-face'.
  • Secondly, I'd like you to expand on the Main Ambitions section of his Basic Information. How does he intend to amass said wealth and influence? Is there a specific goal or position he has in mind?

  • I'd like you to change 'Empire' to 'City,' simply for accuracy's sake.
  • Moving into Alric's Personality & Abilities, I'd like you to go through and bold the most important character traits in the paragraphs. I'd also like you to expand a little more on his first paragraph. Seeming frustrated to strangers, does he speak in a certain way to them? How would he treat someone intruding on a conversation of his?
  • After reading through your Life Story, I have a few requests:
    • Firstly, I'd like you to notate a few of the points in his life with the ages at which things occurred. These include the battle that allowed him some recognition and his ascending to Expert-level in the School of Bloodcast.
    • I'd also like you to be a little more specific regarding Alric's battle. How old was he at the time? When and where did it happen?
    • I'd like you to change the rank of the Regalian Colonel to something more fitting to the setting, since'Colonel' doesn't appear on the wiki at all. Calling him an officer should suffice for this.
Besides this, however, the app looks great! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done!

Edited the post in accordance of your reviewing.

The years in which events occurred in lore and having it correlate with Alric's age is tricky, please do let me know if anything seems off.

Thanks for your constructive feedback. @Scribbe
Changing Schools from Bloodcast to Leadership/Siegwald and reworked backstory in order to fit in with said change, everything else remains the same.

Let me know if anything appears incorrect and I shall make the changes as soon as possible.
