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Almshouse Active...and So Much More!


Chief of the Damned
Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
A paper would be placed among the various notice boards in Regalia, to be seen by all. It would be written neatly in fine ink, and barred with the von Dietrich crest.

Noble House von Dietrich has created a humanitarian organization that will be one of the many possible groups that will maintain the almshouse in Regalia. Aside from doing so, there will be many fundraisers held to gather regals towards different causes.

von Dietrich Charities is a humanitarian and non profit organization primarily funded by Noble House von Dietrich with the focus of giving to the disabled, homeless, needy, and others who are hurt mentally or physically. The organization was created out of kindness and for the family to better to the Great Way. The Charity organization also funds altruistic events and starting organizations to create a more friendly environment within Regalia. von Dietrich Charities is overseen and was put in place by patriarch Wilhelm of Noble House von Dietrich and led by Agnesia von Dietrich.

The following will be enacted by the organization:​

Almshouse Maintenance - von Dietrich Charity members maintain the current almshouse in Regalia. Although no one can actually own the almshouse, von Dietrich Charities is one of the many possible organizations that took it upon themselves to give shelter to those needy or crippled.
Adoption Services --> Due to maintaining the almshouse, those who stay in the almshouse can be adopted under legal circumstances. Members will search for a home for those eligible.

Charity Fundraisers - The organization holds fundraisers to gather enough regals to donate upon many causes in Regalia, specifically humanitarian groups like hospital groups.

Philanthropic Miscellaneous - von Dietrich charities also handles other types of philanthropic essences. The listed are only primary.

All those interested in helping and furthering themself to the Great Way through this, please send letter to Agnesia von Dietrich!

OOC: Please apply here if joining the organization.
IC Replies are allowed, if commenting on the organization or emoting what your player thought or said when seeing this paper.​
Wilhelm von Dietrich saw the paper and nodded, satisfied with his daughters message.
Alys von Dietrich grinned and went to hunt down her cousin to discuss the organization with her.
Valtin moved past the notice with both hands behind his back, once he spotted his family crest he immediately whispered to himself, "Good for us." though kept his strict and cold emotion.