Almost Like…a Giant Massive Tree.


The Unrelenting
Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
…The title doesn't work as well as my last art thread, but oh well.

After a fairly long hiatus from Massivecraft, and the internet in general, I've finally been able to sit down and ARTZ for something more complex than a doodle.


Piper Duchamp Pim, @Ryciera

Click here for a close-up of the face, which is my favorite part. The hair I was really lazy on and rushed and it's really messy (more than it's suppose to be, guuh), but I spent a good amount of time on the facial features. Noses and eyebrows are still really hard for me, but I'm pretty sure this is the best I've ever painted a face before.


Also drew a quick lineart and color of my character, Faewyn, with just a few minor design changes. She was created when the lore of Massivecraft was very different from what it is now, so I've been mulling over some ideas for changes to both her physical design and her history and such. I thought a stripe of bark across the face, almost like a scar, would look kind of cool, though.
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Welcome back and what a return! Lovely work as before, just lovely!​
Wow! Magnificent artwork, Fae! It looks so good. ;w; (As always, of course.)
Your art is gorgeous as usual, Faewyn.

More than happy to have you back again ^-^

Can I use it as my avatar? Can I put it on her app? Plz plz plz plz.

And the Faewyn art I saw earlier, and also loved. I really like how expressive your art is.

Finally, dat title. :B
-deletes all the pictures from interwebz-


Oh wait, I'm way too lazy to actually do that. Feel free to use the picture however you want!

Also, thanks to @various people for the warm welcome back and compliments! Feels great to be drawing again~
Beautiful...Just -removes little tear drop of joy from his eye- ;u;
More art!


Flynn Sinnclair, @Green_Hood

Close up of the face again. Another portrait. Not as good as the Piper one, in my opinion, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Still struggling with the hair, and ears - and the eyes this time. But this is the best nose I've ever painted, funnily enough.
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Yes! BloodBaron! (H)


A quick and very messy doodle of my interpretation of a female Dakkar. I kind of imagine that Dakkar females have smaller and shorter…crests?…overall in comparison with a male one, but they are more elaborate, like women trying to outdo each other with new fashions and hairstyles, heh.


Random drawing of a guy I did earlier today, with a rather inane hairstyle because I wanted practice. It, didn't come out at all like I wanted, but at least the rest of the picture is alright. Thought I had eyes figured out back with Piper's picture, but still struggling, guh.

Credit to @Gabriel for providing me with hair and eye colors, because I was honestly at a loss when it came to providing pigmentation for this random drawing, heh.
I still have the original Seransic drawing you did about a billion years back, and to say I still love it would be true.
You have a very wonderful talent here @Faewyn . Keep up the drawings, they look amazing. Are you going into graphic design or is this just a hobby?
Woah! Beautiful art!
... And a lovely title. ;)
Welcome back, its good to have another flower-lover around here. :)
-looks at all of the art and then compares it to a stick figure-
Yep, I'm gonna need a bit more practice before I post any of my art on here
-goes back to furiously doodling a person holding a sword for the rest of her life-