Preserved Sheet Allison Senft

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Paper Star Queen
Sep 10, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Given Name: Allison Senft
  • Age: 60
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar
  • Main Ambition: To befriend all she can, or until she has more than she can count. Which, is just above thirty.
Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points: 60( 50 after school)
    • +10 Arcol Bow( +10 from School of Rangers)
    • +10 Short Sword( +10 from School of Rangers)
    • +15 Tracking( +10 from School of Rangers +5 from Proficiency Points)
    • +20 Dagger( +20 from Proficiency Points)
    • +10 Sneaking( +10 from Proficiency Points)
    • +10 Surgery( +10 from Proficiency Points)
    • +5 Medicine( +5 from Proficiency Points)
  • Total Cultural Points: 60
    • +20 Husbandry( +20 from Race)
    • +20 Pastry Cooking( +20 from Cultural Points)
    • +20 Drawing( +20 from Cultural Points)
    • +10 Horticulture( +10 from Cultural Points)
    • +10 Dancing( +10 from Cultural Points)
  • Languages:
    • Modern Elvish
    • Daendroque
    • Alt Regalisch
    • Imperial Standard Common
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Hair Color: Auburn.
  • Hair Style: Short and choppy bits of long hair.
  • Ears: Clipped and surgically rounded.
  • Skin Color: Fair skin with rosy cheeks.
  • Clothing: Whatever she can get.
  • Height: 5 foot, 3 inches.
  • Body Build: Sinewy.
  • Weapon of Choice: Dagger.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph:
When it comes to the public's perception of Allison she is often seen as bubbly, and borderline overbearing. Allison is always one to make friends with anyone she meets, even if they aren't up for a friend, she will try. The girl is giggly, and rather hyperactive. Always jumping from one thing to another without faltering positivity. She is simply the most cheerful girl one may meet. While some may welcome her chippy and everywhere personality, many are deterred by it as she can very easily be too much for some people. You must be a rather tolerant person to speak with Allison daily.
  • Second Paragraph:
Internally, Allison is honestly an absolute mess, and she is well aware of this fact. She has a tendency to see others as better than herself. Allison does not necessarily see herself as bad, or a failure, she simply thinks of other people's accomplishments as better than hers. Another things Allison is very anxious about is her appearance. Being a Cielothar raised around Varran, she never really found herself fitting the social norm. Always feeling her appearance was grotesque, so she constantly tried to change it. One of these changes being her hair which she constantly cut and chopped at to try and make herself feel better. Though, this never really worked, causing her to continue and continue to the point where her hair is horribly choppy, some strands past her shoulders while some may be just below the ear.
  • Third Paragraph:
As mentioned previously in the first points Allison is always up for making friends and being kind. This, does not change with friends, family, or lovers. Though, with these types of people that she properly considers close to her she more often than not becomes obsessive with getting their attention. Thoroughly enjoying the feeling of their praise, and attention. Being known to constantly follow and pester those close to her for their attention. Even if the attention is negative, she still loves it, as then she knows she is noticed. Some many consider Allison overbearing, some may say she's clingy and annoying. But, there is no doubt about it that all she wants to do is love, and to be loved.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
Morality? Well, if you could not tell yet throughout this sheet Allison wants the best for Aloria, and to see the best. Like most of the family that raised her she follows all laws the Regalian government has presented her. Allison believes laws are there for a reason, and that they should be followed. Laws keep a safe barrier between martial law, and utter chaos. When she sees those breaking the law, she is a little bird. Going to tell her family, or the local law enforcement. She feels if she lets one or two people break the law, it will prompt others to.

Life Story
  • Allison was born in 246AC to a Cielothar couple in north eastern Daendroc by the presumed name of Ale Boa'tei.
  • Allison had a rather interesting childhood. Her parents having died off from an incident in which some of the livestock went mad, attacking those that were currently tending to them, leaving Allison without a mother or father. Due to the shock of things she ran. She ran away as far as she could before it hurt to run. Due to these events Allison found herself a Varran camp, the Varran being rather friendly towards her, as they even took her in kinda as their own. Protecting her from the dangerous of the jungles, feeding her, and bathing her(the best they could in a jungle). Though, she never exactly felt like she fit in, despite feeling safe.
  • (256-265AC) Having never really felt like she fit in correctly, Allison decided to leave in her later teen years, exploring more with the help of her tracking and other skills acquired from living with the Varran.
  • Not even a month later Allison would find her way to a small village. Well, what she thought was a village. In reality, it was a Regalian military camp. The dirty girl caught the eye of one of the medical personnel on sight, one Micah Senft. After a short discussion, a feeding, watering, and providing more proper clothes, Allison would decide to travel with Micah and the others of the camp.
  • (266AC) Around twenty, Allison would have been working a bit in what Micah does, being medicine and surgery. Though, she didn't exactly enjoy this path either, asking Micah if she could attend a combat school. Though he was not super thrilled about this, he allowed it, and allowed her to choose. Allison now heading off for the School of Rangers.
  • (276AC) Allison loved her time in the school, meeting a few other rangers, and an Avanthar Huntverk that struck a certain cord in her heart, though, not much came from it. Allison graduated around this time, heading back for her surrogate father. Off to Regalia!
  • (277-306AC) During these years Allison was properly educated in Imperial Culture, Imperial Standard Common, and Alt Regalisch. She learned how to be a proper child, one suitable for nobility. Though, you would never tell by her personality and appearance. During her time in Regalia Micah also insisted then followed through with rounding her ear with his surgical ability, telling her not to announce her Elven blood. Let Ailors assume what they want. Neither confirm, nor deny their theories. Now, she continues her Ranger training like a sport, doing it in her freetime while she isn't going through studies with Micah. And here we are now.
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Hello! Here's my review @MugKing
  • Add 2-3 sentences to each personality paragraph.
  • It's quite nitpicky, but you continuously spell Cielothar wrong throughout your app.
  • I'd like you to expand on your main ambition. Does she have any preferences as to who she would like to befriend? Why does she want this? At what point will she have enough friends?
  • "Allison Senft" isn't a very Cielothar name. Is this her imperialized name? Or perhaps a name she chose for herself in order to fit in better in Regalia? Having such a name given to her at birth just doesn't really make sense for a Cielothar born in Daendroc without any specified Regalian influence.
  • What military camp? A Regalian military camp?
  • Apply the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!
@valuevillain .
  • All paragraphs other than the fourth have an additional 1-2 sentences(Can't think of anything further for the fourth).
  • Corrected the two mispelled Cielothers. Please tell me if there are further.
  • Corrected the ambition, I believe.
  • I believe the first point of the life story should explain this. Her 'assumed' name meaning her birth name. Senft came from the doctor she met at the camp. As did Allison.
  • Corrected to Regalian military camp.
  • All edits have been made in this color
Just noticed the mistakes with Cielothar. My phone is being a pest. The spelling will be corrected tonight.
@MugKing @GhostAlexis111 I am taking this character application, please tag me when whatever edits you wish to apply have been done to this application.