Allar Caste Community


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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With the Allar rewrite being completed, and my intrigue of the race during the process, I have found them to be a well suited race for a unique niche family. Hence this thread.

Rather than create a singular family that would focus on one of the subspecies, I see it best to form a community for the ability for multiple Allar to intermingle and as a way of having players test out their Allar concepts before fully committing to the race.

That leads us to this community.

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The main factor to tie this community together will focus on the business known as
Alchzech: General Store & Ingredients. The store is based on the Allar notion of gathering alchemical materials and such, but expanding that to focus on other aspects of society. As such, the business acts as a hub for Allar to mingle and gather supplies to fulfill their alchemical needs as well as distributing the supplies to others as needed.

To fulfill the other niche of the Allar, there will be a focus on military pursuits as well. Working to gain a standing as a military unit composed of only Allar, led presently by a Mu-Allar. However, all niches will be working together for the same goal: To allow Allar to live comfortably and provide a community focusing on the caste system.

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Below is the list of each Allar subspecies and the characters belonging to them along with player names.

Sstros Al-Zzat @TheDongler

Zasill @Wumpatron
Ssor'zzir @Eternal_Wrath
Haj de Lecouba @Belgrade
Zzakeula @Jouster
Szamul'zal'sizu @NoRezForYou

Ossaza Llenal @The Unknown

Zzallar @ScaledSupremacy

Sselliaz @TheLimpet
Gull'o Sslandzar @Posidem


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If you are interested in having your Allar join this community, use the below format.

Allar Name:
Allar Subspecies:
Character Sheet (If Applicable):

Skype (If you want to be in the chat): Yes/No

Even if you simply want to give it a try to see how it works, go ahead and do it, the more the merrier.


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IGN: norrstrom
Allar Name: Gull'o Sslandzar
Allar Subspecies: Es-Allar
Character Sheet (If Applicable): pls
IGN: _The_Unknown
Allar Name: Ossaza Llenal
Allar Subspecies: Zu-Allar
Character Sheet (If Applicable): None.
IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Allar Name: Ssor'zzir
Allar Subspecies: Mu-Allar
Character Sheet (If Applicable): WIP
Skype (If you want to be in the chat): Yes
IGN: TheDongler
Allar Name: Sstros Al-Zzat
Allar Subspecies: Al-Allar
Character Sheet (If Applicable): Nop
Skype (If you want to be in the chat): Yes/No Sure, I think I have ur skype
IGN: Belgrade
Allar Name: Haj de Lecouba
Allar Subspecies: Mu-Allar
Character Sheet (If Applicable): Not yet
Skype (If you want to be in the chat): Yes
IGN: Jouster.
Allar Name: Zzakeula
Allar Subspecies: Mu-Allar.
Character Sheet (If Applicable): N/A.
Skype (If you want to be in the chat): Yes.
IGN: NoRezForYou
Allar Name: Szamul'zal'sizu
Allar Subspecies: Mu-Allar
Character Sheet (If Applicable): N/a
Skype (If you want to be in the chat): Yes