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Played Character Allania

This character is actively played.


liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region

Character Information

  • Full Name: Allania
  • Heritage / Culture: Vaulter Maraya
  • Age: 28
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/Her
  • Occult: N/A

Core Concept
Allania is a reclusive engineer and technician, preferring to squirrel themselves away in their workshop, only interfacing with others through their remotely-controlled automata. As a recently released Vault-born, she finds the new world to be both primitive and overstimulating, and as a hypochondriac, takes no unnecessary risks about contracting any potential diseases. When interacted with through her various mechs, she's brash, mouthy, and generally overconfident -- bravery afforded to her by hiding behind crystal and metal. If ever confronted face-to-face, Allania is much more reclusive, prone to bouts of stuttering, her social ineptitude on full display.


Appearance Information
Allania stands around average height, with braided pink hair and eyes of a similar tone. She often looks disheveled and unkempt, clean despite this, but with little regard for personal grooming. Her Common is mechanically perfect, but with a clear Meraic accent. She tends towards clothing she can lounge about in.


  • Strength | 0
  • Constitution | 0
  • Intelligence | 7 [ Nalontech, Crystaltech ]
    • Tech Exchange
    • Tech Resist
    • Tech Livewire
    • Tech Exhaust
    • Tech Charge
    • Hook Shot
    • Mimicry Pack [ Mundane ]
    • Chem Hyperfocus [ Maraya Racials ]
  • Wisdom | 7
    • Degrading Command
    • Mobile Command
    • Chase Command
    • Attack Command
    • Defend Command
    • Champion Command
    • Resist Command
  • Dexterity | 0
    • Soft Landing [ Maraya Racials ]
  • Faith | 0
  • Magic | 0
Common, Shalota


Life Story / Plot Hooks

  • Born at the height of Meraic civilization, Allania was an engineer and researcher responsible for designing many of the automata designed to safekeep the Maraya during their slumber in the vaults.
  • A hypochondriac and hopelessly socially inept, the woman kept to herself as much as she could, depending upon various drones and mechs to do her menial work. When it came time to undergo stasis, the woman was one of the last to go under, ensuring that her work would function flawlessly no matter what complication might arise.
  • She awoke, centuries late, to a hellish scene. The last in her vault to escape, every unit she'd designed to assist the others had been taken in their flight from the failing apparatus.
  • Cannibalizing what components were leftover, Allania created a small suite of automatons for her own safety. Her path would eventually take her to Regalia, where she'd reconnect with what Maraya were there.