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Played Character Alkhazarr Karhziirn

This character is actively played.


Mar 12, 2022
Reaction score
Alkhazarr Karhziirn
The Hand of Gahan
  • Basic Information
    • Name - Alkhazarr Karhziirn
      • 'Ser' Karhziirn
    • Age - 190
      • April 10th, 190 AC
      • Aries
    • Race - Kathar
      • Divine Cult
    • Gender - Male
      • He/Him
      • Heterosexual
    • Occultism - Mage
      • Void Alignment
      • Corruption Arkenborn
      • Former Torghlas Vampire
    • Organization Affiliation - Argentum Order
      • Silverwatch Chapter
    • Weapon of Choice - Magic, 'n Lots of It.
  • Core Concept
    • Alkhazarr is an Argentum Knight, Arkenborn, and an 'Immortal' Kathar who's only goal in life is to spread the will of Onu and the Corruption Arken through his work.
    • Alkahazarr is a devout void worshipper, with a special emphasis on Gahan who he respects because of his relation to magic and demons.
    • Alkhazarr is very good at combat, he takes a special joy in the art of fighting and sees the spilling of blood as something deeply sacred, so he chooses to indulge in it often.
  • Appearance Information
    • Height - 6'5
    • Tattoos - Alkhazarr has tattoos covering his entire body, but in his armor, the only tattoos visible are the red streaks that go along either side of his head from his lips.
    • Skin Color - Grey
    • Eye Color - Void Arkenborn
    • Body Type - Very muscular, a clear warrior.
    • Clothing - Alkhazarr exclusively wears his Argentum Order outfit, a crimson red steel that gets its color from magically infused blood.
  • Proficiency Information
    • STRENGTH - I
      • Steady Body
      • Iron Will
      • Shield Slam
      • Shield Brace
      • Shield Deflect
      • Shield Snare
      • Shield Block (Free)
    • MAGIC -VII - Void
      • Magic Isolate (Kathar Buff I)
      • Magic Cleanse (Kathar Buff II)
      • Magic Warp
      • Magic Snare
      • Magic Bolster
      • Magic Resist
      • Magic Bolts
      • Magic Reduce
      • Deathless Invocation
        • Eronidas Mechanic 1
      • Escape Artist
      • Pannarokh
      • Altalar
      • Common
      • Athletic Hobby
      • Magical Talent
      • Cleric Talent
  • Life Story
    • Alkhazaar was born in Rokhaval to two military generals who gave him to a paid nanny to essentially raise him. The reason he was afforded this mercy instead of being sent to an orphanage was largely due to his Arkenborn status.
    • This nanny, who Alkhazaar really considers to be his mother, was a devout Gahan worshipper, teaching these principles to him at a young age.
    • Alkhazaar was sent to the Argentum Order training grounds as soon as he was of age, shortly thereafter being infected with Vampirism to increase his originally lackluster strength.
    • He was a very good magical combatant, he ultimately offered his soul up to Gahan for his power, and was soon sent out against the Suvial armies.
    • Alkhazaar would stay on the frontlines for nearly a century, 'killing' swathes of Suvial while only ever maintaining minor injuries.
    • Alkhazaar participated in the Dread War, and upon the Dread Empire pretty much loosing, he decided to take the fight to the Regalians.
    • After some time with fighting the Regalians, he began to notice his weakness in Vampirism, and returned to Rokhaval for a number of months to ritualistically cleanse himself.
    • In return, he learned a new type of magic, binding his soul to nine different trinkets to represent each of the Evolist gods (Expanded on below).
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Alkhazarr's Nine Lives
  • To Catheron - The artifact with Alkhazarr's soul dedicated to Catheron is an ancient Katharine spell book, made before the Cataclysm and kept inside his home (TBD). This book is very obviously magic, sinistral essence radiates from it and has led to light corruption of the bookshelf and the surrounding books. All one has to do is stab it with any non-void enchanted dagger or sword.
  • To Morrlond - This artifact is nearly always kept on Alkhazarr, and is therefore at the most risk of being compromised. This is his fishing rod, which is magically enchanted to never tangle or snap through mundane means. However, should the line ever be snapped by a more magical mean (enchanted weapon or pure essence that isn't voidal), the entire rod will shatter and this part of his soul will be broken.
  • To Apotheon - The artifact dedicated to Apotheon is a a simple void-corrupted lyre kept somewhere deep in the sewers. To destroy this artifact, one must play a certain Allorn tune that was popularized before the Cataclysm in the Empire. Should this happen, the lyre will burn up in a multicolor fire, and Alkhazarr will experience deafness until he enchants another instrument.
  • To Armas - Armas' artifact is very simple, as he is Alkhazarr's least favorite god and spent very little time with it. Armas' artifact is a mirror where if any given Yanar looked into it, it would shatter, emit a derisive laugh, and that would consume part of Alkhazarr's soul.
  • To Ravaal - Rafael's artifact is a chain connected to two points, a metal ball painted in a very detailed epic of Alkhazarr's life, and a severed draconic hand, likely one of a slain marken that Alkhazarr had killed. This artifact is hidden in Alkhazarr's home in Rokhaval, however, at every winter solistice, he brings it to Regalia to ritualistically renew it. (This is meant to be the hardest to get, if I ever decide to kill Alkhazarr, the winter solstice will change to the group trying to kill him's next convenience.)
  • To Gahan - Gahan is Alkhazarr's 'Patron' god, and thus, he ensured to make this one of his most costly soul binds to remove. This is a simple Allorn spear, however, to activate it, one must either shoot it with a puretek, or charge it with non-voidal essence. Once this happens, the spear will fly off and stab Alkhazarr in a limb, taking it away from him against his will.
  • To Ventra - Ventra's items can all be found with an enchanted compass that Alkhazarr keeps in his house. These lead to nine arrows (or bullets, depending on the user's preference) that are all flavored around the Evilest gods. All of these must be shot into Alkhazarr in one combat scene to shatter (this can be done while he is downed, it won't kill him unless it is the last artifact to be used considering it's largely a flavor thing).
  • To Ifrit - This artifact is an obsidian dagger, cracked with purple and red void essence that must be stabbed into Alkhazarr's forehead to kill that part of his soul. This will not kill Alkhazarr (unless it is the last artifact) and instead render him mute until he can do a replacement ritual.
  • To Triton - Triton's artifacts are nine different masks that must be worn be nine different people, should this happen, the masks' eyes will glow, and Alkhazarr will be blinded until he can figure out some way to replace them.
I don't want to kill of Alkhazarr, but if I ever do, this is a fun lil quest line for whoever wants to kill him when I decide for that. Thanks for reading!
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