Preserved Sheet Aliksander Lukas Viduggla

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Mamba Mentality
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score


| Non-Stop - Hamilton | Pinterest |Art | Right Hand Man - Hamilton |



  • Full Name: Aliksander Lukas Viduggla
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Full Ailor - Velheimer
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Religion: Old Gods
  • Primary: Reconnect with his father Ardige.
  • Secondary: To make a legacy within his family.
  • Third: To seize the alpha position of the family.



  • 20 Total points from Aliksander being 20 years of age.
    • Racial Bonuses - 1 - Velheim Ailor
      • +10 Axes Combative Training - 10 From Velheim Culture.
    • Combat Proficiency:
      • +10 Unarmed Combative Training - 10 From Points
    • Physical Training Proficiency:
      • +10 Athletic Training - 10 From Points
  • Skodje - Native Tongue
  • Common - Secondary Tongue
Body Shape:
  • Body Build: Muscular - 10x2 = 20+10 = 30 Physical Stats
  • Body Fat: Extreme Low Body Fat



  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Hair Color: Naturally Brown - Dyed Black
  • Hair Style: Short Militaristic
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Guarding Uniform - Light Wear.
  • Height: 6 feet 4 inches
  • Body Build: Strongman.



  • First Paragraph: At first perception, Aliksander can come off as uncaring and non-charismatic individual. His initial perception sees Aliksander as a work-oriented Velheim man. He comes off uninterested in most company in which he meets. Making him seem, stubborn, rude, and a puzzling individual who doesn't care for most social interaction scenes. This can be attributed to his introverted scene growing up. However in certain scenes Aliksander is a leader, he takes hold of the reigns and he rallies his guys for a goal. Inspiring them to follow him to the end with his speech.
  • Second Paragraph: Aliksander holds a wavering opinion of himself. He grew up as a very introverted child. And mainly kept his thoughts to himself at that and through his whole life. He holds an unwavering lack of confidence internally. More specifically his introverted personality is the result of a social awkwardness and slight anxiety. He desires to keep close-knit and to himself for fear of bothering or inconveniencing others.
  • Third Paragraph: Aliksander holds very different opinions of different family members. His father he somewhat envies, as he spent little of his childhood with his father. His cousins Aliksander is very open with and shows more of a light-hearted tone towards them. With his brothers Frejnir and Erobersson, he shows to be a bit more playful and hardheaded. He commonly is completely open to about everything around these two. Around lovers and friends, Aliksander is a less business and work oriented individual. He's more open and joking around his friends, and is much more lighthearted.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Aliksanders morality is something tricky. One could define him as a lawful man, he despises those who break the law intentionally for their selfish deeds. However, sometimes Aliksander is rather reckless and deems it best to break the law in situation-specific events where the outcome benefits more. It also goes saying sometimes immoral acts shake up the scene more, which Aliksander desires to do. Shake the scene and stand out.


  • Born June 17th 285 A.C. To father Ardige Viduggla and his bond wife, in Norrlan within the Viduggla household.
  • At the age of 5, Aliksander would seldom actually chat with his father. He leaned towards his uncle Grevven to show him the ropes as more of a father figure while his father was busy as a military man at work.
  • At age 7, Aliksander took particularly interested in Feer-Drakken school within Anglia. He learned that he could replicate what most Viduggla men were, militaristic.
  • Age 10, Aliksander would see his ambition and shot at fame among his family, and move to Anglia for the study of Command, and to see how Anglian army operated.. He left in order to better himself as a person. And prepare to become a military man later in his life. Beginning to learn the Anglian dialect from his Anglian classmates. However remaining as an isolated introverted party from most outside his friend group.
  • Age 13, Aliksander starts his first lessons in using a greatsword, shining among his class of students in the use of the large blade. Continuing his lessons with the Anglian language. Aliksander also grew to around five feet nine inches at this time. Sprouting up.
  • Age 16, Aliksander commands his first battle simulation within Anglia. As expected it runs smoothly to the Viduggla's advantage. And he takes up the spot as a battle commander in training, furthering his leadership role. Forcing him to become less introverted and more of a voice that sparks inspiration. However, during his first sim, there was a live blade which resulted in a scar by his eye. Luckily no fatal wound from the incident.
  • Age 19, Aliksander begins to pick up unarmed fighting and wrestling as a hobby in free time with his friend clique. He'd grow to prefer fighting with his fist over a sword. During this time he'd fully chisel out to his strongman build. While Aliksander was introverted a group he commonly hung around was the orcs and half-orcs of the academy. Them he thanked for his bodybuilding.
  • At age 20, Finishing up his lessons with the Anglian dialect as well. He'd move to Regalia in pursuit of reconnecting with his family. Brothers and Father, cousins and the like of it. Moving in during the vampire crisis. Aliksander would take a spot within his cousin Garth Viduggla's guard charter. Which he would be kidnapped while alone on patrol and forced into vampirism. About a week later. The Vidugglas seized Aliksander from the neutral zone. And forced him back to the way he was, curing him of the sanguine infection.
Last edited:
Added a bit to the life story. Split Anglian language with Vash. Due to time about with orcs of the academy.
Requesting re-review. Slid proficiencies to fit the school of command.
@Caelamus Updated for proficiencies bro. Removed Command school due to it being now incompliant.