Preserved Sheet Alice Malum

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A Crippled Musician with pointy ears.
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Alice Nullus Malum
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To learn all she can about any and all things.
Skill Information
  • Proficiency and Cultural Points: 25
    • Proficiency Distribution
      • +15 Alchemy (+10 from School of Alchemy, +5 from Points)
      • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 from School of Alchemy)
      • +10 Leutz-Vixe Fencing (+10 from Points)
    • Cultural Distribution
      • +20 Horticulture (+10 from School of Alchemy, +10 from Points)
      • +10 Tailoring (+10 from being Leutz-Vixe Ailor)
      • +15 Instrumental Music (+15 from Points)
    • Known Languages
      • Common
      • Modern Elvish
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue in the left eye, and greenish in the right eye
  • Hair Color: Kind of a faded brown
  • Hair Style: Long and unruly
  • Skin Color: White and Not tan, but not pale
  • Clothing: Alchemia Order uniform with a long cloak (just above her feet.)
  • Height: 5ft 4in
  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Weapon of Choice: Alchemical formulas, foil
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: To strangers, Alice is an oddity. Due to her mutism, it is common for her to be treated with disdain or avoided. Alice, in turn, only smiles. Despite her mutism restriction, her personality is quiet and personal, the only thing she wants to do is learn and as such, she isn't bothered by others to accomplish this, willing to ignore them or even push past them to get what she wants to know.
  • Second Paragraph: Internally, Alice is very patient and happy with herself. She grew up easy and is always learning more and more, exactly as she wants. The only thing she truly wishes is that she could speak so that she could communicate easier with the scholars around her. Acting as a restriction, her mutism stops halts her communication skills at a rather inconvenient point as its difficult for her to describe what she means to do or how she means to do anything.
  • Third Paragraph: Friends and family are the most important thing in Alice's life. They are the only thing that keeps her from being lost in her own thoughts or losing herself to her studying. They've kept her in reality and she's ever thankful for it, always putting them before herself. Whether her friends or her family, as long as she's with them she's happy. They put her at ease and comfort her.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Morally, Alice follows a balance. Normally, she is a happy, quiet person who loves trying new things and when someone bad mouths her or insults her, she mature enough to take it without any backlash, but when someone hits her, whether in anger or rage, she believes she then has right to defend herself and will with all the force of her knowledge and power.

  • Studious: Throughout her numerous years of school, Alice has learned the best way to study for her. Normally studying alone, Alice reads over her material quickly, taking note of the most notable terms before going back through slowly and more carefully. This way Alice's mind will make note of these key terms she marked earlier, thus helping her remember them.
  • Alchemical Knowledge: Due to Alice's work with her mother and at the school, she has acquired a large amount of alchemical knowledge. Knowing how to gather, produce, and store many different concoctions, Alice is highly efficient in the laboratory. She may be mute, but she knows what she's doing.
  • Expressive: Being mute, Alice is unable to show her sarcasm through normal means. In order to reprimand that, Alice has learned to make her body and facial features represent her emotions. Sarcasm, annoyance, humor, all of these emotions have their normal tells, though Alice accents these to make her feelings known.

  • Mute: Alice became mute after having to go through the psychological trauma that was losing her mother. No matter how much she tries, she can never make any sound emerge from her lips. Because of this, she is seriously restricted when it comes to communication and working with other people.
Life Story

Early Life:
  • Born on December 14, 280 AC, Alice was the first-born child of Gerard and Margaret Malum, a guard and a scholar respectfully. While her father made more than enough money to support, it was her mother that Alice had the greatest connection with. Despite being their only child, that didn't stop her parents from showing their love. Giving everything to their new daughter, this caused Alice to grow up with an easy life, though she wasn't free from tragedy. Many times throughout her life with her parents, Alice would be home when a messenger can to detail an incident with his father and some petty criminal.
  • As she grew older, she began to show many traits of her mother. More than just her looks, Alice showed her willingness and wanting to learn. Often occupying her mother in her studies, particularly in alchemy. After reading of alchemy's great Noble Goals, Alice fell in love with the idea and begged to be sent to study the great art.
School Life:
  • Starting at the L'Académie Alchimique de Villeneuve in Ithania, Alice spent 10 years learning all she could. While she was there, she was bullied and laughed at due to her shyness. She quickly learned to deal with this, pushing away the insults of others and burying herself in her studies to avoid them. It wasn't long till she turned her back on the academy and headed home.
  • When she arrived at her home, her life slowly returned to normal. She forgot all the rude and insulting people and happily worked alongside her mother. At around this time, she was at the age that she was supposed to be married. Her father, because of this, had found a line up of suitors for her. Despite this, when they found out she was shy and a scholar, they all turned away or worse, hit her, struck her where she stood. When she lamented this to her father, he was furious at began to teach her the way of her people's fencing, so that his daughter could never again be injured this way.
Adult Life:
  • In the brief time that she had returned home, tragedy had struck fully in her life. As she was with her mother, collecting herbs and resources in a nearby thicket, bandits and brigands befelled the pair. Kidnapped and captured, they were stolen away and hidden. In an effort to extort her family, Alice's mother was used and tortured in front of the poor girl. Her screams had mixed with her mother's until it seemed to fade from her throat. Eventually rescued, she was returned to her home along with the body of her mother, who was quickly given a funeral, though Alice's voice had not come back.
  • Finally, while home with her family, she became a member of the Alchimia Order, having sent Nadina Haavan a letter asking for admittance in order to embolden her mother's memory.
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@IndigoIvy, if you're bored, you wanna do me a favor and do a peer review? You helped me out last time.
I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • The maximum height for Leutz-Vixe Ailor is 6ft 2". I would however recommend placing him a bit below this to avoid too many "special" traits when combined with his heterochromia. Please lower the height accordingly!
  • Why exactly does Alister choose to use a farmer's scythe as his primary weapon of choice? They are extremely unwieldy and very ineffective in combat for anyone other than a muscular Ailor to a strongman at least. It seems a bit odd and unbefitting of a scholar aspiring to be a noble.
  • For the third personality paragraph, how does Alister act around friends? Most people tend to view their family in a different light to friends and may act different around them. Who does he trust more, for example?
  • If one is a language scholar as you describe Alister to be, that would constitute as a specialization and mean he would very much struggle to be well-rounded. He certainly wouldn't be able to keep up weapons training and alchemical knowledge alongside learning 5 vastly different languages. Depending on whether you'd like Alister to be a jack-of-all-trades or specialist, please remove/replace well-rounded or lower his languages down to 3 at most.
  • Following on from the above, I'd like to see Alister's alchemical level somewhere if this is a notable passion of his. The absolute maximum level without attending a school is 6. Considering its relevance in the life story and obvious means of income, this should ideally be a talent.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
I will indeed work on this, but it will take me some time as I am going through the process of moving houses, as well as work and a number of other things, but, please know it will be done, I just can't say when.
Question! Is Magicamy still applicable? I'm only asking because of the upcoming magic rewrite/overhaul. If I were to have Alister attend school for Magicamy, would the base principles still apply or is that being removed/changed? Also, what is the minimum age to attend an Alchemical School?
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Hiya! The School of Magicamy will still be applicable with the coming rewrite, but magic will need to be applied for separately. Even without learning magic it is possible to study Magicamy, as the discipline mainly focuses on the possibilities of combining magical essence with alchemy--it doesn't necessarily require every learner to know a distinct form.

The minimum age to attend an alchemical school is around 15-16.
@Eccetra Alright, let's try this...
Sorry about that, I didn't realise you were asking for the re-review!
  • If you are applying for an expert intellect school, then adding the expanded Skills Section is necessary. Be sure to grab this from the template and fill it in!
  • Also, if you are applying for Expert School of Alchemy, then this really needs to be a talent. Either replace one of the existing talents, or add it on with an additional weakness for balance.
  • Finally, the School of Alchemy requires 6 years of study in the school, and 3 years of work in the field to become an Expert. At present, it states that Alister only spent 4 years in school. I'll allow this to be negated by 1 year since he worked under his father prior, but no less than that.
Please mark these edits in another color and tag me when you're done!
Bump! I'm afraid if I don't hear from you in a few days I will need to reject this application for inactivity.
Oooookay...sorry that took so long, but now it's ready...I hope.
Anyway, made the changes you asked for and I made some changes to the time and age for Alister.
That works just fine! Nice job.

☼ Approved! ☼
Remember to register your special permission here.
Due to the creation of a new character, I had to remove the special permission which was being an expert in Alchemy. Changes in Red.
All looks good to me! Though remember you are allowed 2 special permission characters before needing to remove one. Regardless!

☼ Approved! ☼
Here is my IMMENSE overhaul. I have changed everything.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Alice would not have been accepted into either of the academies with her mutism. If this is a trait you would like, you will need to have her acquire mutsim through either a physical or psychological injury after she has reached her desire level in the schools. Or alternatively, have her tutored privately-- but to make up for this disability I would recommend adding at least 2 years to each learning time.
  • Beauty is subjective! And very hard to convey over Minecraft. I'd recommend altering the first personality paragraph to focus more upon how she acts, rather than how she looks. Is she quiet and reserved? Loud in gesture?
  • The second and third paragraphs are a bit lacking! Please go into more detail with these. How does her mutism affect her? Does she have any other insecurities or thing she is proud of? For the third paragraph, which does she prefer? Friends or family? How does her personality change around them?
  • What is Alice's relationship with the law like if she believes she can punch whoever crosses her? Is there not a moral conflict in this?
  • Unable to speak, it would be virtually impossible for Alice to learn Modern Elven. Not to mention it takes an incredibly long time to learn even without mutism! I would in fact recommend removing the multi-lingual talent entirely and replace it with alchemical knowledge. Regardless, if she is to remain a scholar, alchemy needs to be a talent.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
Thank you for the rereview, I very much appreciate it. Due to me being...under the weather...I am afraid I won't be able to apply these edits for a few days, but I do intend to have them done before the weekend is over! Thank you again!
Okay, @Eccetra I think I got everything
@Stygial Oops, sorry for the delay in getting back to this!
  • Excellent job in making all of those edits! I can tell that you really took my criticism on board, the character feels a lot more believable now!
☼ Approved! ☼
I think this is the right way to do the new set up. Can I get a re-review?
Hi, I will be re-reviewing this application!


I'd like for you to unspoiler the skill information and tag me when finished.
Awesome! Thank you!